2ADJ 对立的;对抗的;相对的;相反的 You say that two ideas or systems are opposed when they are opposite to each other or very different from each other. 对立的;对抗的;相对的;相反的
...people with policies almost diametrically opposed to his own. [+ to]
This was a straight conflict of directly opposed aims.
1opposed todisagreeing strongly with sth強烈反對VERBS | ADVERBVERBS➤be強烈反對▸➤remain仍然反對ADVERB➤adamantly, bitterly, deeply, fiercely, firmly, fundamentally, implacably, resolutely, strongly, vehemently, very, very much, vigorously, violently堅決反對;強烈反對;竭力反對▸➤absolutely, completely, directly, totally, utterly, wholly (especially BrE) 絕對反對;完全不同意;斷然反對;徹底反對▸➤largely在很大程度上反對▸➤actively, openly, publicly積極反對;公開反對◇the party most openly opposed to military rule最公開地反對軍事統治的政黨➤personally (especially NAmE) 個人反對opposed
2very different from sth相反VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITIONVERBS➤be, seem, stand相反;好像對立;保持相反▸➤remain仍然相反ADVERB➤completely, diametrically, directly, entirely, fundamentally, utterly (especially BrE) 完全相反;截然不同;根本上相反;大相逕庭◇Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.在這個問題上,我們的觀點截然不同。➤mutually彼此相左◇The two sets of values seemed mutually opposed.這兩套價值觀好像彼此相左。PREPOSITION➤to與⋯相反◇His actions seemed directly opposed to the values of the company.他的所作所為似乎完全背離了公司的行為準則。