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strk straɪk
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense strikes, present participle striking, past tense , past participle struck, past participle stricken
The form struck is the past tense and past participle. The form stricken can also be used as the past participle for meanings 6 and 17. struck 为过去式和过去分词,义项 6 17 的过去分词亦可用 stricken
1 N-COUNT [oft on NOUN] 罢工 When there is a strike, workers stop doing their work for a period of time, usually in order to try to get better pay or conditions for themselves. 罢工 [business]
  • French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay.

    法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷已开始了为期 3 天的罢工。

  • Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.


  • ...a call for strike action.


SYN walkout, industrial action, mutiny, revolt
2 VERB 罢工 When workers strike, they go on strike. 罢工 [business]
  • ...their recognition of the workers' right to strike. [VERB]


  • They shouldn't be striking for more money. [VERB + for]


  • The government agreed not to sack any of the striking workers. [VERB-ing]


SYN walk out, take industrial action, down tools, revolt
  • The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can't afford.


3 VERB ; If you strike someone or something, you deliberately hit them. ; [formal]
  • She took two quick steps forward and struck him across the mouth. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tents. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • I struck it away and got a bite on my forearm. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow. [VERB noun]


4 VERB ;;撞击;碰撞 If something that is falling or moving strikes something, it hits it. ;;撞击;碰撞 [formal]
  • His head struck the bottom when he dived into the 6ft end of the pool. [VERB noun]

    他一头扎进 6 英尺深的游泳池时头撞到池底了。

  • One 16-inch shell struck the control tower. [VERB noun]

    一枚 16 英寸的炮弹击中了指挥塔台。

  • He was killed when he was struck by a car as he walked to his hotel. [VERB noun]


  • ...the fire which began when the installation was struck by lightning. [VERB noun]


SYN collide with, hit, run into, bump into
5 V-ERG (使)撞击;(使)碰撞 If you strike one thing against another, or if one thing strikes against another, the first thing hits the second thing. (使)撞击;(使)碰撞 [formal]
  • Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor. [V n + on/against]


  • My right toe struck against a submerged rock. [VERB + against]


6 VERB (疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发 If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens. (疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发
  • Bank of England officials continued to insist that the pound would soon return to stability but disaster struck. [VERB]


  • Both of them were afflicted with a rare genetic disease, which struck in their thirties. [VERB]

    他们两个都得了一种罕见的遗传病,这种病在他们30 多岁时发作。

  • A powerful earthquake struck the Italian island of Sicily early this morning. [VERB noun]


  • He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief, of loss, that his eyes filled with tears. [VERB noun]


  • ...a young woman who had been stricken with polio. [VERB noun]


7 VERB 突击;猛烈攻击 To strike means to attack someone or something quickly and violently. 突击;猛烈攻击
  • The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra. [VERB]


  • The killer says he will strike again. [VERB]


  • Then the scorpion struck. [VERB]


SYN attack, assault someone, fall upon someone, set upon someone
8 N-COUNT (军事)打击,攻击;(尤指)空袭 A military strike is a military attack, especially an air attack. (军事)打击,攻击;(尤指)空袭 [Also + against]
  • ...a punitive air strike.


  • ...a nuclear strike.


  • ...strategic strikes against Italian air bases.


SYN attack, bombing, assault, air strike
9 VERB 直击(要害);(原则性)冲突 If something strikes at the heart or root of something, it attacks or conflicts with the basic elements or principles of that thing. 直击(要害);(原则性)冲突 [literary]
  • ...a rejection of her core beliefs and values, which strikes at the very heart of her being. [VERB + at]


  • The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community. [VERB at noun]


10 VERB [no cont] 突然想到,猛地意识到,一下子想起(想法或念头) If an idea or thought strikes you, it suddenly comes into your mind. 突然想到,猛地意识到,一下子想起(想法或念头)
  • A thought struck her. Was she jealous of her mother, then?. [VERB noun]


  • At this point, it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time. [VERB noun that]


SYN occur to, hit, come to, register [informal]
11 VERB 印象;觉得 If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing. 印象;觉得
  • He struck me as a very serious but friendly person. [VERB noun + as]


  • What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear. [V n as n/adj]


  • You've always struck me as being an angry man. [VERB noun + as]


SYN seem to, appear to, look to, give the impression to
12 VERB 打动;迷住 If you are struck by something, you think it is very impressive, noticeable, or interesting. 打动;迷住
  • She was struck by his simple, spellbinding eloquence. [be V-ed + by/with]


  • Theresa was struck by her own lack of forethought. [be V-ed by/with n]


  • What struck me about the firm is how genuinely friendly and informal it is. [VERB noun]


13 V-RECIP 达成(交易或协议) If you strike a deal or a bargain with someone, you come to an agreement with them. 达成(交易或协议)
  • They struck a deal with their paper supplier, getting two years of newsprint on credit. [VERB noun + with]


  • The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would. [VERB noun]


  • He insists he has struck no bargains for their release. [VERB noun]


SYN agree on, settle on, come to an agreement on, sign
14 VERB 达到(两全其美);找到(折中的办法) If you strike a balance, you do something that is halfway between two extremes. 达到(两全其美);找到(折中的办法)
  • At times like that you have to strike a balance between sleep and homework. [VERB noun]


SYN achieve, arrive at, attain, reach
15 VERB 摆出(姿态);表现出(态度) If you strike a pose or attitude, you put yourself in a particular position, for example when someone is taking your photograph. 摆出(姿态);表现出(态度)
  • She struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other waving an imaginary cigarette. [VERB noun]


SYN assume, adopt, affect, take on
16 VERB 使感到(恐惧或惊慌) If something strikes fear into people, it makes them very frightened or anxious. 使感到(恐惧或惊慌) [literary]
  • If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs. [V n + in/into]


17 VERB [usually passive] 使顿时(看不见或说不出) If you are struck dumb or blind, you suddenly become unable to speak or to see. 使顿时(看不见或说不出) [written]
  • I was struck dumb by this and had to think it over for a moment. [be VERB-ed]


  • For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera. [be VERB-ed adj.ive]


SYN make, render, cause to become, leave
18 VERB (钟表)敲,鸣,报时 When a clock strikes, its bells make a sound to indicate what the time is. (钟表)敲,鸣,报时
  • The clock struck nine. [VERB noun]

    钟敲了 9 下。

  • Finally, the clock strikes. [VERB]


SYN ring, sound, toll, dong
19 VERB 删去;划掉 If you strike words from a document or an official record, you remove them. 删去;划掉 [formal] [Also VERB n] [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • Strike that from the minutes. [VERB noun + from]


  • Her achievements were struck from the record book. [VERB noun from noun]


Strike out means the same as strike .strike out strike
  • The censor struck out the next two lines.


20 VERB 擦,划(火柴) When you strike a match, you make it produce a flame by moving it quickly against something rough. 擦,划(火柴)
  • Robina struck a match and held it to the crumpled newspaper in the grate. [VERB noun]


SYN ignite, light, set alight, touch off
21 VERB 开采出;钻探到 If someone strikes oil or gold, they discover it in the ground as a result of mining or drilling. 开采出;钻探到
  • Hamilton Oil announced that it had struck oil in the Liverpool Bay area of the Irish Sea. [VERB noun]


22 VERB [usually passive] 铸造(硬币、奖牌) When a coin or medal is struck, it is made. 铸造(硬币、奖牌)
  • Another medal was specially struck for him. [be VERB-ed]


23 N-COUNT [N against n] 不利条件;挫折 If someone has two strikes against them, things cause them to be in a bad situation or at a disadvantage. 不利条件;挫折 [mainly US, informal]
  • The Hotel has two strikes against it. One, it's an immense ugly concrete building. Second, it lies in a rather awkward position.


  • When I got out I couldn't find any work, and for being an ex-con, that was a strike against me.


24 See also: stricken  striking  hunger strike 
25 PHRASE [oft PHR of n] 近在咫尺 If you are within striking distance of something, or if something is within striking distance, it is quite near, so it could be reached or achieved quite easily. 近在咫尺
  • I believe we are within striking distance of an agreement.


  • The airport was within striking distance: no more than sixty miles to the west.

    机场近在咫尺,西行不到 60 英里即到。

26 PHRASE 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路 If you strike gold, you find, do, or produce something that brings you a lot of money or success. 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路 [journalism]
  • The company has struck gold with its new holiday development, Center Parcs.


27 PHRASE (尤指)暴富;发大财 If you strike it rich, you make a lot of money, especially in a short time. (尤指)暴富;发大财 [informal]
  • He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.


28 to strike a chord→see: chord  to strike home→see: home  to strike it lucky→see: lucky  to strike a happy medium→see: medium 
Trends of strike
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1industrial protest罷工ADJECTIVE | ... OF STRIKES | VERB + STRIKE | STRIKE + VERB | STRIKE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong長期罷工short短期罷工one-day, two-day, etc.一天、兩天等的罷工24-hour, 48-hour, etc. * 24 小時、48 小時等的罷工indefinite (especially BrE) 無限期罷工crippling, damaging, major損害嚴重的/破壞性的/後果嚴重的罷工bitter艱苦的罷工official (especially BrE) 正式罷工illegal, unofficial (especially BrE) 不合法的/未經批准的罷工token (BrE) 象徵性罷工lightning, wildcat閃電式/自發性罷工a series of wildcat strikes in parts of the coal industry煤炭業局部的一連串自發性罷工all-out, general, mass, national, nationwide全體大罷工;總罷工;大罷工;全國性罷工A general strike brought the country to a standstill.大罷工使國家陷入癱瘓。hunger絕食抗議sit-down靜坐示威political政治抗議sympathy聲援性罷工The shipyard voted to launch a sympathy strike in support of the machinists.造船廠投票決定舉行罷工,以聲援機械師。pay, rent要求加薪的罷工;集體抗租dock, miners', postal, train, transit, tube (BrE) , etc.碼頭工人、礦工、郵政工人、鐵路工人、運輸工人、地鐵工人等的罷工The New York transit strike is in its second day.紐約公交工人的罷工進入了第二天。... OF STRIKESseries, wave一系列罷工;一陣罷工浪潮VERB + STRIKEbe on正在罷工come out on, go on, go out on, join, take part in (especially BrE) 罷工;進行罷工;參加罷工call, organize, stage號召/組織/舉行罷工The union leaders called a strike.工會領導人號召舉行罷工。call sb out on號召某人罷工He called all the workers out on strike.他呼籲所有的工人都參加罷工。ballot for, vote for (both especially BrE) 投票贊成罷工Both unions have pledged to ballot for strike action unless hours are cut.兩個工會都表示,除非減少工作時間,否則就要投票表決是否罷工。avert, prevent避免/防止罷工threaten威脅要罷工More train strikes are threatened.鐵路工人威脅要舉行更多罷工。begin, start開始罷工call off, end取消/結束罷工break, crush終止/鎮壓罷工The army was used to help break the strike.當局動用了軍隊來終止罷工。settle解決罷工問題ban禁止罷工The new government banned strikes.新政府禁止罷工。STRIKE + VERBoccur, take place罷工發生start罷工開始end罷工結束last罷工持續spread罷工擴散The strike soon spread to other cities.罷工很快蔓延到其他城市。paralyse/paralyze sth罷工導致⋯癱瘓The strike paralysed / paralyzed the port.罷工使港口陷入癱瘓。STRIKE + NOUNaction罷工行動Prison officers are threatening to take strike action.獄警威脅要採取罷工行動。threat罷工威脅ballot (especially BrE) 罷工投票leader罷工領袖breaker (usually strike-breaker) 罷工破壞者committee, movement罷工委員會/運動PREPOSITIONduring a/the strike在罷工期間There was a continual police presence during the strike.罷工期間警察一直在場。strike against反對⋯的罷工a strike against poor conditions反對惡劣條件的罷工strike by⋯舉行的罷工a strike by air traffic controllers航空調度員的罷工strike for爭取⋯的罷工a strike for a ten-hour day要求每天工作不超過 10 小時的罷工strike in protest at (BrE) 抗議⋯的罷工a strike in protest at the government's economic policies抗議政府經濟政策的罷工strike in support of支持⋯的罷工Miners staged a one-day strike in support of the steel workers.礦工罷工一天以聲援鋼鐵工人。strike over關於⋯的罷工a strike over pay有關工資問題的罷工PHRASESa ballot for a strike, a ballot for strike action贊成罷工的投票the threat of strikes罷工的威脅


2sudden military attack突然的軍事打擊ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRIKE | STRIKE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEair, missile, nuclear空襲;導彈襲擊;核襲擊military, terrorist軍事/恐怖襲擊lightning, quick閃電式襲擊;突襲pre-emptive先發制人的打擊retaliatory報復性襲擊precision, surgical精確打擊;外科手術式打擊massive大規模襲擊VERB + STRIKEcarry out, launch, make實施/發動/進行襲擊STRIKE + NOUNforce突擊部隊aircraft攻擊機PREPOSITIONin a/the strike在襲擊中The house was damaged in an air strike.房子在一次空襲中被炸毀。strike against, strike on針對⋯的襲擊The aircraft carried out a pre-emptive strike against bases in the north.飛機對北方基地實施了先發制人的襲擊。


1hit/attack sb/sth擊打;襲擊ADVERB | VERB + STRIKE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBfirmly, hard用力打He struck her hard across the face.他重重地打了她一耳光。deep縱深打擊The army struck deep into northern territory.軍隊深入北部地區實施打擊。directly直接打擊without warning沒有預警的情況下突然發生Earthquakes can strike without warning.地震可能沒有任何預兆就發生。repeatedly反複打擊home (often figurative) 擊中要害;一針見血The remark struck home.這一評論一針見血。VERB + STRIKEbe about to, be going to, be ready to, prepare to即將打擊;準備打擊A hurricane is about to strike Jamaica.颶風即將襲擊牙買加。PREPOSITIONagainst打在⋯上The oar struck against something hard.槳重重地砸在了一件硬東西上。at朝⋯打He struck at me repeatedly with a stick.他用棍子不停地打我。on打在⋯上The ball struck her on the head.球打在了她頭上。PHRASESbe struck by lightning, get struck by lightning被閃電擊中be struck down by sth, be struck down with sth因⋯病倒He was struck down with food poisoning.他因食物中毒卧牀不起。


2come into your mind suddenly/give an impression突然進入腦海;使人想起ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBimmediately使立即意識到suddenly使突然想到It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.我突然想出了改善這種局面的辦法。just使剛剛想到An awful thought has just struck me.一個可怕的念頭剛剛在我腦海中閃過。particularly, really使留下特別的印象/實在的印象I was particularly struck by the sound of the birds.鳥的叫聲尤其讓我印象深刻。One thing that really struck me was how calm he appeared.他看起來如此平靜,着實給我留下了深刻印象。forcibly使留下深刻印象Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence.那種靜默給瓊留下了深刻的印象。PREPOSITIONas使留下⋯的印象He always struck me as being rather stupid.他總是讓我感覺傻乎乎的。It struck me as strange that there was no one there.那裏空無一人,我感到有些奇怪。


3go on strike罷工VERB + STRIKE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + STRIKEthreaten to威脅要罷工vote to (especially BrE) 表決進行罷工be set to (especially BrE) 確定要罷工Over 100 000 civil servants are set to strike on Tuesday.10 萬多名公務員確定要在星期二舉行罷工。PREPOSITIONagainst, for罷工反對⋯/支持⋯The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%.工會已經投票決定罷工要求加薪 6%。in protest at, over罷工抗議;就⋯舉行罷工Drivers are threatening to strike over pay.司機們威脅要就工資問題舉行罷工。PHRASESthe right to strike罷工的權利
strike verb
attack1 (The killer may strike again.) attack2 (strike enemy positions) hit1 (struck by a car) hit2 (strike sb in the face) hit3 (tragedy strikes) occur to sb (be struck by the thought that…) ring (The clock struck three.) seem (sth strikes you as odd)
strike noun

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