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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
sləns ˈsaɪləns
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense silences, present participle silencing, past tense , past participle silenced
1 N-VAR [oft in/of N] 沉默;缄默;不作声 If there is silence, nobody is speaking. 沉默;缄默;不作声
  • They stood in silence.


  • He never lets those long silences develop during dinner.


  • Then he bellowed 'Silence!'


2 N-UNCOUNT 寂静;无声 The silence of a place is the extreme quietness there. 寂静;无声
  • ...the silence of that rainless, all-concealing fog.


  • She breathed deeply, savouring the silence.


3 N-UNCOUNT [oft poss NOUN] 缄默;绝口不提;闭口不谈 Someone's silence about something is their failure or refusal to speak to other people about it. 缄默;绝口不提;闭口不谈
  • The district court ruled that Popper's silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.


If someone breaks their silence about something, they talk about something that they have not talked about before or for a long time.打破沉默;不再三缄其口;开口说话
  • Gary decided to break his silence about his son's suffering in the hope of helping other families.


4 VERB 使安静;使无声;使不说话 To silence someone or something means to stop them speaking or making a noise. 使安静;使无声;使不说话
  • A ringing phone silenced her. [VERB noun]


  • The shock silenced him completely. [VERB noun]


SYN quieten, still, quiet, cut off
5 VERB 制止,使不再发表(反对意见) If someone silences you, they stop you expressing opinions that they do not agree with. 制止,使不再发表(反对意见)
  • Like other tyrants, he tried to silence anyone who spoke out against him. [VERB noun]


  • ...an unsuccessful attempt by the government to silence the debate. [VERB noun]


6 VERB 灭口 To silence someone means to kill them in order to stop them revealing something secret. 灭口
  • A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair. [VERB noun]


SYN kill, do in [informal] , eliminate [slang] , take out [slang]
Silence is the virtue of fools Francis Bacon Advancement of Learning
Silence is more eloquent than words Thomas Carlyle Heroes and Hero-Worship
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse silence with:

awkward silence, complete silence, long silence, sudden silence, total silence 1


silence falls, listen in silence, observe a silence, sit in silence, watch something in silence 1

break a/ your silence 2 3

Trends of silence
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years


1quietness寂靜ADJECTIVE | ... OF SILENCE | VERB + SILENCE | SILENCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElengthy, long, prolonged長時間的寂靜brief, momentary, a moment's, short短暫的寂靜;片刻的安靜There was a moment's silence before she replied.片刻沉寂後她才作答。deep, hushed肅靜awed敬畏的沉寂We sat and watched in awed silence as she performed.她表演的時候,我們充滿敬畏地靜坐觀看。absolute, complete, dead, deadly, deathly, total, utter萬籟俱寂;寂靜無聲;死寂We sat in complete silence, save for the ticking of the clock.我們靜靜地坐着,只聽見時鐘的滴答聲。A deathly silence hung over the town.死一樣的沉寂籠罩着全城。relative相對沉寂The rest of the trip passed in relative silence.剩下的旅程相對安靜地度過了。shocked, stunned震驚的/驚愕的沉寂Her comments were met with a stunned silence.她的話驚得四座啞然。awkward, embarrassed, embarrassing, strained, uncomfortable, uneasy令人尷尬的沉默;不自然的沉默;令人不安的寂靜An awkward silence followed.接下來是令人難堪的沉默。heavy, ominous, oppressive, tense氣氛沉重的/不祥的/氣氛壓抑的/氣氛緊張的沉默brooding, thoughtful憂思She fell into long, brooding silences.她默不作聲,陷入長久的沉思。stony, sullen冷漠無語;慍怒不語eerie, unnerving怪異的/令人不安的寂靜companionable友好和諧的寂靜They walked in companionable silence.他們融洽地默默走着。expectant, pregnant期待的/意味深長的沉默sudden突然的沉寂radio無線電靜默The soldier had broken radio silence to contact his aircraft.士兵打破了無線電靜默,發信號給他的飛機。... OF SILENCEmoment一陣沉默VERB + SILENCEmaintain保持沉默She maintained a stony silence.她冷冷地一言不發。break, interrupt, penetrate, pierce, punctuate, shatter打破沉默;不時打破寂靜Lewis finally broke the long silence between them.最後劉易斯打破了他們之間長時間的沉默。Celeste's voice penetrated the silence.塞萊斯特的聲音打破了沉寂。a silence punctuated only by the occasional sniff from the children只是偶爾被孩子們吸鼻子的聲音打破的寂靜lapse into, relapse into, retreat into, subside into, trail off into (all used only about people皆僅用於人) 陷入沉默;再度陷入沉默;沉默下來He lapsed into a sullen silence.他氣鼓鼓的,一言不發。stun sb into驚得某人說不出話來The boys were stunned into silence by this news.男孩子們聽到這消息驚得說不出話來。be met with遇到一片寂靜Her question was met with an uneasy silence.她的提問遭遇了一陣令人局促不安的冷場。observe (= as a sign of respect for the dead, etc.) 默哀A minute's silence for the victims will be observed.將為遇難者默哀一分鐘。fill填充沉默的間歇She filled the silence with music.沒人說話的時候她就放音樂。SILENCE + VERBcome over sth, descend, fall, fall over sth, settle, settle over sth沉寂降臨到⋯;安靜下來A sudden silence fell over the room.整個房間突然靜了下來。hang, prevail, reign寂靜籠罩Silence reigned.一片寂靜。linger沉寂持續A heavy silence lingered in the air.令人壓抑的沉寂瀰漫在空氣中。envelop sth, fill sth沉寂籠罩着⋯/充溢着⋯Silence filled the room.房間一片沉寂。ensue, follow寂靜隨之而來deepen, grow, lengthen, spread, stretch靜謐彌深;寂靜持續;寂靜蔓延He thought for a moment, the silence lengthening.他想了一會兒,又是一陣沉默。greet sth⋯遭遇沉默A stunned silence greeted her announcement.她宣佈的事情驚得大家啞口無言。PREPOSITIONin (the) silence寂靜地They ate their breakfast in silence.他們默不作聲地吃了早飯。PHRASEStwo minutes' silence, three minutes' silence (especially BrE) 兩分鐘的/三分鐘的默哀They observed two minutes' silence to remember the war dead.他們向戰爭死難者默哀兩分鐘。Countries throughout Europe held a three minutes' silence.歐洲各國都舉行了三分鐘默哀儀式。


2not saying anything about sth緘默ADJECTIVE | VERB + SILENCE | SILENCE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeafening置之不理The government's only response has been a deafening silence.政府唯一的反應是裝聾作啞。dignified (especially BrE) 保持尊嚴的沉默deliberate故意的沉默VERB + SILENCEkeep, maintain保持沉默He has so far kept a dignified silence on the subject.到目前為止他對這個話題一直保持有尊嚴的沉默。take as把沉默當作I took her silence as a no.我把她的默不作聲當作不同意。SILENCE + VERBsurround沉默籠罩a debate to break the silence surrounding domestic violence打破對家庭暴力緘默的一場辯論PREPOSITIONsilence from來自⋯的沉默There seems to have been a deliberate silence from the newspapers.報界似乎故意對此事保持沉默。PHRASESa conspiracy of silence, a wall of silence保持緘默的密約;無人回應There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening (= nobody is willing to talk about it).對於發生的事情大家都一致保持緘默。a vow of silence保持沉默的誓言She has broken her vow of silence on the issue.她沒有遵守對這件事保持沉默的誓言。


ADVERB | VERB + SILENCE | PREPOSITION ADVERBcompletely完全壓制住effectively事實上壓制住Criticism has now been effectively silenced.批評的聲音實際上已被壓了下去。immediately, quickly立即/迅速平息abruptly, instantly突然使沉默;很快使⋯安靜下來Her scream was abruptly silenced.她的尖叫聲戛然而止。momentarily, temporarily臨時/暫時平息forever永遠平息A shot to the head silenced him forever.一顆子彈射中他的腦袋,他再不會亂說話了。VERB + SILENCEtry to試圖使⋯緘默manage to設法壓制fail to未能平息Even these improvements to the service failed to silence a grumbling chorus of complaints.即使對服務作了這些改進也不能平息一片抱怨聲。PREPOSITIONwith以⋯使緘默She silenced him with a glare.她瞪了他一眼,他就不作聲了。


silence ♦︎ peace ♦︎ quiet ♦︎ tranquillity ♦︎ hush ♦︎ calmThese are all words for a lack of noise. 这些词均表示安静、寂静。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in silence / peace / tranquillityabsolute / total silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calmrelative silence / peace / quiet / tranquillity / calma sudden silence / quiet / hush / calmto break the silence / peace / quiet / calmsilence / quiet / a hush falls on sth silence [uncountable] a complete lack of noise or sound 寂静;无声Their footsteps echoed in the silence.他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡。A scream broke the silence of the night.一声尖叫划破了寂静的夜晚。 see also silent quiet 1 peace [uncountable] a lack of interruption from noise, problems, worry or unwanted actions 平静;安静;宁静She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.她悠闲地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。He never felt really at peace with himself.他从未真正感到心里平静过。He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed).他只希望别受到打扰。I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry).我必须看到她安然无恙心里才踏实。 see also peaceful quiet 1 quiet [uncountable] the state of being without much noise 宁静;寂静;安静He seemed to prefer the quiet of his own room.他似乎更喜欢自己房间的宁静。I go to the library for a little peace and quiet.我到图书馆去清静一下。 tranquillity (especially BrE) (NAmE usually tranquility) træŋˈkwɪləti [uncountable] (rather formal, written) the state of being without noise, violence or anxiety 安静;平静;安宁It is the perfect place to relax in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.这里的气氛恬静安宁,是休息放松的最佳场所。 see also tranquil quiet 1 hush [singular] a period of silence, especially following a lot of noise, or when people are expecting sth to happen (尤指一阵嘈杂之后或等着某事发生时的)寂静,鸦雀无声There was a deathly hush in the theatre.剧院里一片死寂。A hush fell over the landscape.这一片景物静了下来。 calm [uncountable, countable] a quiet and peaceful time or situation 平静的时期;宁静的状态We sat together for a while in the calm of the evening.在宁静的夜晚,我们一起坐了一会。 see also calm quiet adj. 1 silence


silence ♦︎ quiet ♦︎ quieten ♦︎ shush ♦︎ muffleThese words all mean to become quieter or stop sb/sth from making so much noise. 这些词均表示变得安静、使安静。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to quiet / quieten (sb) downto quiet / quieten a crowd silence [transitive] (written) to make sb/sth stop speaking or making a noise 使安静;使不说话;使不作声She quickly silenced him with a glare.她瞪了他一眼,他马上就不作声了。Our bombs silenced the enemy's guns (= they destroyed them).我们的炸弹把敌人的炮火打哑了。 see also silent quiet adj. 2 quiet [intransitive, transitive] (especially NAmE) to become calmer or less noisy; to make sb/sth calmer or less noisy 平静下来;安静下来;使平静;使安静The demonstrators quieted down when the police arrived.警察一到,示威者便平静了下来。He's very good at quieting the kids.他很懂得如何让孩子们安静下来。 see also quiet quiet adj. 2 quieten [intransitive, transitive] (BrE) to become calmer or less noisy; to make sb/sth calmer or less noisy 平静下来;安静下来;使平静;使安静Things seem to have quietened down a bit this afternoon (= we are not as busy as we were).今天下午,事情似乎平静些了。The police appealed for calm, but it failed to quieten the protesters.警方呼吁抗议者保持冷静,但没有奏效。 see also quiet quiet adj. 2 shush [transitive] (rather informal) to tell sb to be quiet, especially by saying 'shush', or by putting your finger against your lips (尤指发“嘘”声或把手指竖在嘴唇上)要某人安静He rudely shushed the whole room and demanded silence.他粗鲁地“嘘”了一声,要屋里的人安静下来。 muffle [transitive] to make the sound produced by sb/sth quieter or less clear, especially by covering it with sth (尤指用某物覆盖以)压低(声音),使(声音)模糊不清He tried to muffle the alarm clock by putting it under his pillow.他把闹钟塞在枕头底下,想减低声音。He saw shadowy figures slip by him, their footsteps muffled by the fog.他看到几个模糊的人影从身边溜过,他们的脚步声被大雾淹没。 see also muffled quiet adj. 2
Silent and silence: silent, silence, quiet...
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