1large number of people in one place聚集的人群ADJECTIVE | VERB + CROWD | CROWD + VERB | CROWD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASESADJECTIVE➤big, bumper, capacity, enormous, good, great, huge, large, massive, packed, record, sell-out, vast一大群人;座無虛席;人數空前的一大群人◇The show played to capacity crowds.那場表演座無虛席。➤small一小群人▸➤gathering, growing不斷聚集的/不斷增多的人群▸➤assembled聚集在一起的人◇The president read a declaration to a vast assembled crowd.總統向大批聚在一起的人宣讀了聲明。➤entire, whole整個人群▸➤jostling, milling, surging推推搡搡的人潮;湧動的人潮◇We pushed our way through the milling crowds of guests.我們從湧動的賓客人群中擠了出來。➤noisy嘈雜的人群▸➤admiring, adoring, appreciative, cheering, enthusiastic, excited, expectant仰慕的/敬慕的/讚賞的/喝彩的/充滿熱情的/興奮的/期待的人群▸➤angry, hostile, partisan憤怒的/充滿敵意的/成幫結夥的人群▸➤rush-hour (especially BrE) 交通高峰時間的人群▸➤diverse, motley (especially BrE) 魚龍混雜的人群◇the usual motley crowd of tourists, hawkers and pigeons像往常一樣混雜着遊客、小販和易上當者的人群➤football, theatre/theater足球賽/劇院觀眾▸➤home, hometown (= at a sports game) (NAmE) (體育比賽)主場觀眾VERB + CROWD➤attract, bring, bring in, draw, gather, get, pull, pull in吸引觀眾◇Boxing is a sport that always attracts large crowds.拳擊這項運動總能吸引大批觀眾。➤break up, disperse驅散/疏散人群◇Police were called to disperse the crowd.警察奉召到場驅散人群。➤control控制人群▸➤address, entertain, play to, work對聽眾講話;娛樂觀眾;為觀眾表演;帶動觀眾▸➤join, mingle with加入/混入人群▸➤avoid避開人群◇If you want to avoid the crowds, get there early.如果你不想挨擠,就早點兒到那裏。➤face面對人群▸➤scan, search, watch盤查/搜查/監視人群➤get lost in在人群中迷路◇She was afraid she might get lost in the crowd.她擔心自己在人群中迷失方向。CROWD + VERB➤assemble, collect, gather人群聚集◇An expectant crowd gathered outside his house.滿懷期待的人群聚集在他房子外面。➤grow, swell人群擴大◇The crowd grew to over 15 000.人群擴大到超過了 15,000 人。➤rush人群奔湧◇The crowd rushed forward.人群湧向前去。➤flock, mill, throng sth, throng around sb/sth人群蜂擁;人群湧動;人群擁塞⋯◇Crowds have been flocking to the beaches in this hot weather.在如此炎熱的天氣裏人們都湧到了海灘。◇crowds thronging the streets of Rio裏約街頭湧動的人潮◇A crowd thronged around the wounded man.一群人聚集在那個受傷的人周圍。➤disperse, melt away, thin out人群散開;人群逐漸散去◇After the ambulance drove off, the crowd dispersed.救護車開走後,人群就散開了。➤part人群分離▸➤chant, cheer, erupt, roar, scream人群反複呼喊/歡呼/突然爆發出/大喊/尖叫▸➤boo, hiss, jeer人群發出一陣噓聲;人群發出嘲笑聲▸➤line the street人群聚集在街道兩旁◇Crowds lined the streets of the city as the president's car approached.總統的車駛近時,人們聚集在市區街道兩旁。CROWD + NOUN➤control人群控制▸➤favourite/favorite觀眾的最愛◇She didn't win but she was clearly the crowd favourite / favorite.她雖然沒有獲勝,但顯然是最受觀眾喜愛的一位。➤noise人群的喧譁▸➤scene人群場景PREPOSITION➤among a/the crowd在人群中◇A bewildered child was wandering among the crowd.一個不知所措的孩子徘徊在人群中。➤in a/the crowd在人群裏◇I saw some familiar faces in the crowd.我在人群裏看到了一些熟悉的面孔。➤through a/the crowd穿過人群◇She fought her way through the crowd.她從人群中擠了出來。➤crowd of一群⋯◇a big crowd of football supporters一大群足球迷PHRASES➤the back of a crowd, the front of a crowd, the middle of a crowd人群的後部/前部/中間crowd
2the crowdordinary people民眾VERB + THE CROWD | PHRASESVERB + THE CROWD➤be one of, follow是普通人;從眾◇She's happy to follow the crowd.她願意隨大溜。➤stand out from與眾不同◇We all like to think we stand out from the crowd (= are different from other people).我們都希望自己與眾不同。PHRASES➤a face in the crowd芸芸眾生之一◇To her I'm just another face in the crowd.對她而言,我不過是人群中的另一張普通的面孔。
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