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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
trɪk trɪk
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense tricks, present participle tricking, past tense , past participle tricked
1 N-COUNT 诡计;花招;骗局 A trick is an action that is intended to deceive someone. 诡计;花招;骗局
  • We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.


SYN joke, put-on [slang] , gag [informal] , stunt
2 VERB 欺骗;哄骗 If someone tricks you, they deceive you, often in order to make you do something. 欺骗;哄骗
  • Stephen is going to be pretty upset when he finds out how you tricked him. [VERB noun]


  • His family tricked him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport. [VERB noun + into]


  • His real purpose is to trick his way into your home to see what he can steal. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


SYN deceive, trap, have someone on, take someone in [informal]
3 N-COUNT 把戏;绝技 A trick is a clever or skilful action that someone does in order to entertain people. 把戏;绝技
  • He shows me card tricks.


4 N-COUNT 窍门;诀窍;技巧 A trick is a clever way of doing something. 窍门;诀窍;技巧
  • Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks.


  • It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour.


6 PHRASE 奏效;达到目的 If something does the trick, it achieves what you wanted. 奏效;达到目的 [informal]
  • Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick.


SYN work, fit the bill, have effect, achieve the desired result
7 PHRASE 千方百计;浑身解数;所有的办法 If someone tries every trick in the book, they try every possible thing that they can think of in order to achieve something. 千方百计;浑身解数;所有的办法 [informal]
  • Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors.


8 PHRASE 灯光造成的幻觉 If you say that something is a trick of the light, you mean that what you are seeing is an effect caused by the way that the light falls on things, and does not really exist in the way that it appears. 灯光造成的幻觉
  • Her head appears to be on fire but that is only a trick of the light.


9 PHRASE 无所();无事();把握住任何机会 If you say that someone does not miss a trick, you mean that they always know what is happening and take advantage of every situation. 无所();无事();把握住任何机会 [informal]
  • When it comes to integrating their transport systems, the French don't miss a trick.


10 PHRASE (行业)诀窍,门道,绝活 The tricks of the trade are the quick and clever ways of doing something that are known by people who regularly do a particular activity. (行业)诀窍,门道,绝活
  • To get you started, we have asked five successful writers to reveal some of the tricks of the trade.

    为了让你开始写作,我们邀请了 5 位成功作家向你透露一些写作秘诀。

11 PHRASE 故伎重演;耍老花招 If you say that someone is up to their tricks or up to their old tricks, you disapprove of them because they are behaving in the dishonest or deceitful way in which they typically behave. 故伎重演;耍老花招 [informal, disapproval]
  • I have no respect for my father who, having remarried, is still up to his old tricks.


12 you can't teach an old dog new tricks→see: dog 
I know a trick worth two of that William Shakespeare Henry IV, part I
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse trick with:

cheap trick 1

old trick 1 3

clever trick, neat trick 1 3 4


play a trick, pull a trick 1

try to trick someone 2

do the trick 6


card trick 3

every trick in the book 7

Trends of trick
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years


1deception欺騙ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRICK | TRICK + VERB | TRICK + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcheap, cruel, dirty, mean, nasty低級的/殘忍的/下流的/卑鄙的/齷齪的伎倆The press accused the president of dirty tricks in his election campaign.媒體指責總統在競選中使用了卑鄙手段。stupid愚蠢的花招funny有趣的戲法little小惡作劇con (informal) , confidence (both BrE) 騙局
VERB + TRICKplay, pull, try, use戲弄;耍手段We decided to play a little trick on the teacher.我們決定跟老師開個小玩笑。fall for被⋯所騙She won't fall for such a stupid trick.她不會被這麼愚蠢的把戲騙倒。know, learn學會做手腳He's learned a trick or two in his time working in the tax office.在稅務所工作期間,他學會了幾手做手腳的本事。TRICK + VERBwork詭計起作用TRICK + NOUNquestion容易使人上當的問題PHRASESa trick of the light光線造成的錯覺A trick of the light made it look like she was pregnant.光線造成的錯覺使她看起來好像懷孕了。a trick or two一兩個絕招I could teach him a trick or two (= show him a better way to do things).我可以教他一兩招。every trick in the book (= all methods, honest or not) 各種招數


2clever way of doing sth that works well做事妙法ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEspecial特別的竅門clever, good, neat訣竅Another neat trick is to add lemon peel to the water.另一種妙招是在水裏加點兒檸檬皮。handy, nifty (informal) , useful簡便的/有效的/實用的技巧old老把戲He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.他使用以攻為守的老把戲為自己辯護。real真正的訣竅The real trick is predicting the market two years down the line.真正的秘訣在於預測未來兩年內的市場。PREPOSITIONtrick for解決⋯的絕招a trick for getting out red wine stains去除紅酒漬的竅門trick to⋯的竅門There's no trick to it-you just need lots of practice.沒有竅門,只有多多練習。PHRASEShave a trick up your sleeve (= a plan to use if necessary) 自有妙招I have a few tricks up my sleeve.我自有錦囊妙計。the trick is to...訣竅是⋯The trick is to keep your body still and your arms relaxed.訣竅是身體保持不動,胳膊放鬆。the tricks of the trade行業的訣竅


3skilled act靈巧的手法ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRICK | TRICK + VERB | TRICK + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclever, difficult巧妙的技藝;難學的技巧simple簡單的一招card, conjuring, disappearing, magic紙牌戲法;魔術;使東西消失的戲法parlour/parlor (old-fashioned, especially NAmE) , party室內玩的/聚會上玩的小戲法
camera攝影技法rhetorical修辭技巧These rhetorical tricks are common in political speeches.這些修辭技巧在政治演說中是常見的。accounting會計手法the kinds of accounting tricks that get CEOs into trouble使首席執行官們惹上麻煩的各類做假賬的花招VERB + TRICKdo, employ, perform使用竅門Very few camera tricks are employed.沒用多少攝影訣竅。learn學絕技teach sb教某人絕技TRICK + VERBwork戲法成功TRICK + NOUNphotography特技攝影PHRASES(you can't) teach an old dog new tricks (= it is difficult to make people change their ideas, etc.) (很難)使人改變觀念
trick verb


 See also the entry for tactic 另见tactic条trick ♦︎ trap ♦︎ hoax ♦︎ device ♦︎ bluff ♦︎ ruse ♦︎ set-upThese are all words for sth that you do to deceive sb. 这些词均表示诡计、计谋、骗局。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a clever trick / trap / device / rusea simple trick / device / ruseto try a trick / device / ruseto use / resort to a trick / devicea trick / trap / device / bluff / ruse works trick [countable] something that you do to deceive sb or to annoy sb as a joke 诡计;花招;计谋;恶作剧They had to think of a trick to get past the guards.他们只得想计谋骗过岗哨。The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.孩子们经常戏弄老师。She won't fall for such a stupid trick.她不会上这种愚蠢把戏的当。It was a trick question (= one to which the answer seems easy but actually is not).那是个容易使人上当的问题。 see also trick cheat verb , prank joke noun trap [countable] a clever plan designed to deceive sb, either by capturing them or by making them do or say sth that they did not mean to do or say (高明的)圈套;计策She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。 hoax həʊks; NAmE hoʊks [countable] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) an act intended to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sth unpleasant 骗局;恶作剧She described the deception as a cruel hoax.她形容这个骗局是一个残忍的恶作剧。He was accused of using a bomb hoax to empty a rival restaurant.他被控谎称有炸弹以吓跑一家对手餐厅的食客。Detectives are still investigating the hoax calls.侦探仍在调查那些恶作剧电话。 device [countable] (rather formal) a plan or trick that sb uses to get what they want, without being honest about it 花招;计谋;诡计The report was a device used to hide rather than reveal problems.这份报告不是揭露问题,而是为掩盖问题而耍的花招。A device is not always dishonest: it can be just a neat and useful way of doing sth. * device并非总是不诚实的,也可以只是便捷有效的行事方式。 see also device tactic bluff [countable, uncountable] an attempt to trick sb by making them believe that you will do sth when you really have no intention of doing it, or that you know sth when you do not, in fact, know it 虚张声势的做法;唬人He said he would resign if he didn't get more money, but it was only a bluff.他说如果不给他加薪他就辞职,但那不过是虚张声势而已。He threatened to resign but it was all bluff.他威胁说要辞职,但那都是唬人的。If you call sb's bluff, you tell them to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe that they will not be cruel or brave enough to do it. * call sb's bluff指激某人做扬言要做的事She was tempted to call his bluff, hardly able to believe he'd carry out his threat.她很想逼他亮出底牌,并不相信他会做他威胁要做的事。 see also bluff pretend verb ruse ruːz [countable] (rather formal, written, sometimes disapproving) a plan or trick that sb uses to get what they want, especially by cheating or deceiving sb 诡计;骗局She tried to think of a ruse to get him out of the house.她试图用计让他走出房子。NOTE 辨析 Device or ruse?A ruse is often more dishonest than a device: it is deliberately designed to make sb believe sth that is not true. A device is more often a way of hiding your real intentions or reasons without actually lying about them. * ruse常比device更不诚实,是刻意使某人相信并不真实的事。device更常指隐瞒自己的真实意图或原因,而实际并未说谎。 ˈset-up [countable, usually singular] (informal, usually disapproving) a situation in which sb tricks you or makes it seem as if you have done sth wrong 陷害;栽赃He didn't steal the goods. It was a set-up.那些商品不是他偷的,这是栽赃。
Types of performance: burlesque, impersonation, impression...
Skill, talent and ability: experience, ability, skill...
To cheat or trick someone: shanghai, rip off, deceive...
Physically weak: weak, frail, feeble...

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