1ADJ-GRADED 含糊不清的;不明确的;模棱两可的 If you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way. 含糊不清的;不明确的;模棱两可的
This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.
The Foreign Secretary's remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.
Zaire's national conference on democracy ended ambiguously.
2ADJ-GRADED 暧昧不清的;不协调的;捉摸不定的 If you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it contains several different ideas or attitudes that do not fit well together. 暧昧不清的;不协调的;捉摸不定的
Students have ambiguous feelings about their role in the world.