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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 3865 COCA: 4432


ADJECTIVE | VERB + RAY | RAY + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEpowerful強烈的光線blinding, bright, brilliant炫目的/明亮的/強烈的光線a blinding ray of light一束炫目的光線golden金色的光線They basked in sun's warm golden rays.他們沐浴在溫暖的金色陽光下。soft, warm柔和的/溫暖的光線burning, damaging, harmful灼人的/造成損害的/有害的射線dying, last快消失的/最後的光線the dying rays of a winter sun冬日即將消失的幾縷陽光cathode, cosmic, gamma, heat, infrared, light, ultraviolet (abbreviated to UV) , etc.陰極射線、宇宙線、伽馬射線、熱射線、紅外線、光線、紫外線等the invention of the cathode ray tube陰極射線管的發明the moon's, the sun's月光;日光VERB + RAYemit, give off, send out發出光線;發射光線gamma rays given off by plutonium鈈發出的伽馬射線cast, shine投射光線The moon cast pale rays of light on the ground.月亮將淡淡的月光灑在地上。expose sb/sth to使⋯受到射線照射block, filter out, protect sb/sth from, shield sb/sth from阻擋射線;濾除射線;保護⋯免受射線照射sunscreens which filter out harmful ultraviolet rays可以濾除有害紫外線的防曬霜absorb吸收光線A car window absorbs almost all UVB rays.汽車車窗能吸收幾乎所有的 B 段紫外線。bend, catch, deflect, reflect使光線彎曲;光線照射;使光線偏斜;反射光線Her ring caught the rays of the setting sun.落日的餘暉照射在她的戒指上。RAY + VERBfilter through sth, pass through sth, penetrate sth, travel光線透過⋯;光線穿過⋯;光線穿透⋯;光線傳播the moon's rays filtering through the trees穿透樹林的月光shine, shine down, shine on sth把⋯的光投向;光線照在⋯上The last of the sun's rays shone on the grass.最後一縷陽光照在草地上。hit sth, strike sth光線照射到⋯When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of heat is reflected back into space.太陽光照射到地球上時,大量的熱量反射回太空。damage sth光線傷害⋯Ultraviolet rays damage the skin.紫外線傷害皮膚。PREPOSITIONin the rays of在⋯的光線中a stream sparkling in the rays of the June sun在 6 月的陽光下閃閃發光的小溪PHRASESa ray of light (sometimes figurative) , a ray of sunlight, a ray of sunshine (sometimes figurative) 一線光亮;一縷陽光
The one ray of light in this whole affair is that justice has been done.這整件事中唯一讓人感到高興的是正義得到了伸張。A ray of sunlight fell on the table.一縷陽光照在桌子上。My nephew is a little ray of sunshine.我的外甥是個開心果。the rays of the sun太陽的光線

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