Who's organizing the conference? 谁在筹办这次会议?
The rally was organized by a pro-government group. 这个群众集会是由一个亲政府的团体组织的。
Traders began to prepare for the annual surge of Christmas shoppers. 商人们开始在为每年圣诞节的购物高峰进行筹备了。
We're preparing a special reception for him when he returns. 我们正筹划着在他回来时举办一个特殊的欢迎会。
Medical teams are preparing to leave for Mombasa to treat survivors. 医疗队伍正打算动身去蒙巴萨救治幸存者。
a wedding planned for July 安排在7月份举行的婚礼
The meeting is planned for next week. 会议安排在下周召开。
Who is arranging the wedding? 谁在筹备婚礼?
A helicopter food drop is being arranged by the Red Cross. 直升机空投食品正在由红十字会筹办。
I'll set up a meeting for Thursday. 我将在周四安排一次会议。
The programme will set up a regional library system. 这个项目将建立一个地区图书馆系统。
You cannot stage a Verdi opera without a chorus. 没有合唱队你无法上演威尔第的歌剧。
the city that so successfully staged the 2000 Olympics 非常成功地举办了2000年奥林匹克运动会的城市
Their main line of work is orchestrating corporate mergers. 他们主要的工作是组织策划公司合并。
They were congratulated on a well-orchestrated PR campaign. 他们因其精心组织的公关活动而受到祝贺。
The company's move to the new building was carefully choreographed. 公司搬到新大楼是经过精心计划的。
The government agreed to hold a referendum. 政府同意进行一次全民公决。
The presidential election was held on April 26. 总统选举在4月26日举行。
The building work has been programmed to start next week. 建筑工作计划下周开始。
Just block in the main points for now and we'll sort the details out later. 现在先拟出要点,过后我们再整理细节。
Her job is to book bands for the festival. 她的任务是为节庆活动预约乐队演奏。
Several leading businessmen were booked to speak at the conference. 几位主要的实业家被安排在会议上发言。
He should dissolve parliament and call an election. 他应该解散议会并组织选举。
Local people got up a petition against the factory closure. 当地人组织请愿来反对工厂关闭。
We have a series of activities lined up to keep you entertained. 我们组织了一系列的活动来招待你。
The museum has been marked down for closure. 这家博物馆已经计划关闭。
We're putting on a concert to raise money for cancer charities. 我们要组织一场音乐会来为癌症患者筹集善款。
Have they set a date for the wedding? 他们确定婚礼的日期了吗?
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net