2N-COUNT 要素;基本部分 A particular element of a situation, activity, or process is an important quality or feature that it has or needs. 要素;基本部分
Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.
3N-COUNT [usually plural](社會或組織内部具有相同目標、信仰或習慣的)一群人,一組人,分子 When you talk about elements within a society or organization, you are referring to groups of people who have similar aims, beliefs, or habits. (社會或組織内部具有相同目標、信仰或習慣的)一群人,一組人,分子
4N-COUNT [usually singular]些許;一些 If something has an element of a particular quality or emotion, it has a certain amount of this quality or emotion. 些許;一些
These reports clearly contain elements of propaganda. [+ of]
5N-COUNT (化學中的)元素 An element is a substance such as gold, oxygen, or carbon that consists of only one type of atom. (化學中的)元素
6N-COUNT [usually singular](電爐、熱水器等的)電熱元件,電熱絲 The element in an electric fire or water heater is the metal part which changes the electric current into heat. (電爐、熱水器等的)電熱元件,電熱絲
With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee.
7N-PLURAL 天氣;(尤指)風雨 You can refer to the weather, especially wind and rain, as the elements . 天氣;(尤指)風雨
The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.
8PHRASE 自在;適得其所;如魚得水 If you say that someone is in their element, you mean that they are in a situation they enjoy. 自在;適得其所;如魚得水
My stepmother was in her element, organizing everything.
Maybe it's because they're so out of their element that they feel the need to talk.