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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 2246 COCA: 949
kæmrə ˈkæmrə ˈkæmərə ˈkæmrə
Word forms: plural cameras
1 N-COUNT 照相机;摄影机;摄像机 A camera is a piece of equipment that is used for taking photographs, making films, or producing television pictures. 照相机;摄影机;摄像机
  • Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.


  • ...a video camera.


  • They were caught speeding by hidden cameras.


2 PHRASE 在拍摄中;在摄像机前 If someone or something is on camera, they are being filmed. 在拍摄中;在摄像机前
  • Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.


  • Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.


3 PHRASE 未在拍摄时;在镜头范围之外 If you do something or if something happens off camera, you do it or it happens when not being filmed. 未在拍摄时;在镜头范围之外
  • They were anything but friendly off-camera, refusing even to take the same lift.


  • ...off-camera interviews.


4 PHRASE (审讯)秘密地;不公开地;私下地 If a trial is held in camera, the public and the press are not allowed to attend. (审讯)秘密地;不公开地;私下地 [formal]
  • This morning's appeal was held in camera.


  • They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera.


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Image of camera
IELTS BNC: 2246 COCA: 949


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CAMERA | CAMERA + VERB | CAMERA + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEautomatic, disposable, electronic, high-resolution, high-speed, panoramic, Polaroid, SLR, underwater自動攝影機;一次性照相機;電子攝影機;高分辨率照相機;高速攝影機;全景照相機;寶麗來一次成像照相機;單反照相機;水下攝像機I bought a disposable camera from the gift shop.我在禮品店買了個一次性照相機。analogue/analog, digital模擬/數碼照相機six-megapixel, etc. * 600 萬像素等的照相機box, pinhole方鏡箱/針孔照相機cine, movie, television, TV, video電影攝影機;電視攝像機;攝像機infrared, night-vision, thermal紅外相機;夜視攝像機;熱感攝像機compact, miniature, tiny袖珍照相機;微型照相機hidden, secret, spy隱藏式攝像頭;秘密攝像機;間諜照相機built-in內置相機a mobile phone with a built-in camera (BrE) 帶內置相機的手機CCTV, closed-circuit, security, surveillance閉路電視攝像機;安保攝像機;監控攝像機hand-held, mobile手提/移動攝像機The documentary was shot using a hand-held digital camera.這部紀錄片是用一部手提數碼攝影機拍攝的。VERB + CAMERAaim, focus, point將照相機對準Simply point your camera at the subject and press the button.只需將照相機對準目標然後按下按鈕。operate, use操作/使用攝影機The camera can be operated remotely.這架攝影機可以遙控操作。pose for擺姿勢照相The outgoing and incoming presidents posed for the cameras.即將離任的總統和新上任的總統都在照相機前擺好了姿勢。face面對照相機He couldn't bring himself to face the waiting cameras.他無法使自己面對眾多等待拍攝的攝像機。attach, mount架設攝影機The camera was mounted on a hang-glider.攝影機裝在一架懸掛式滑翔機上。install, place, position安裝/安放/放置攝像機Closed-circuit cameras have been installed throughout the building.整座樓都安裝了閉路攝像機。set up調試攝影機The crews have been setting up their cameras.工作人員一直在調試攝影機。load把膠捲裝入照相機CAMERA + VERBfilm sth攝影機拍攝⋯capture sb/sth, catch sb/sth, record sb/sth照相機捕捉到⋯;照相機記錄⋯A security camera caught her shoplifting.一架監控攝像機拍下了她在商店行竊的過程。focus on sb/sth, pan across sth, pan around sth, pan to sth, zoom in (on sth)攝像機聚焦於⋯;攝像機搖攝⋯;攝像機鏡頭拉近(對着⋯)The camera zoomed in on a picture above the fireplace.攝像機鏡頭拉近對準壁爐上方的一張圖片。linger (on sth)攝像機停留(在⋯鏡頭上)The camera lingers on a close-up of her face.攝像機定格在她的臉部特寫鏡頭上。roll攝影機轉動The director gave the signal and the cameras rolled.導演發出信號,攝影機開始拍攝。click, flash照相機咔嚓咔嚓地響;照相機嘩嘩地閃She stepped onto the balcony and a thousand cameras clicked.她走上陽台,無數照相機便咔嚓咔嚓地拍了起來。CAMERA + NOUNcrew, team攝製組operator攝影師bag, equipment, lens, shutter攝影包;攝影設備;照相機鏡頭;照相機快門flash照相機閃光燈A camera flash went off from behind the bushes.照相機的閃光燈從灌木叢後閃了一下。angle, position攝影角度/位置work (usually camerawork) 攝影技巧footage攝影片段Police are checking security camera footage.警方正在查看安保錄像。trick攝影竅門phone照相手機the highest-resolution camera phone on the market市場上分辨率最高的可拍照手機PREPOSITIONin front of the cameras在攝影機前He played his first game in front of the TV cameras.他在電視攝像機前打了自己的首場比賽。off camera未上鏡頭The incident occurred off camera (= was not filmed).那起事件沒有拍攝下來。on camera用照相機拍攝The moment was caught on camera.照相機拍下了那一瞬間。
IELTS BNC: 2246 COCA: 949
IELTS BNC: 2246 COCA: 949

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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