1N-COUNT (雷達等儀器屏幕上的伴有短促尖聲的)光點,信號 A blip is a small spot of light, sometimes occurring with a short, high-pitched sound, which flashes on and off regularly on a piece of equipment such as a radar screen. (雷達等儀器屏幕上的伴有短促尖聲的)光點,信號
2N-COUNT (直線上的)轉折點,跳點 A blip in a straight line, such as the line on a graph, is a point at which the line suddenly makes a sharp change of direction before returning to its original direction. (直線上的)轉折點,跳點
3N-COUNT 暫時的突變;突然的中斷 A blip in a situation is a sudden but temporary change or interruption in it. 暫時的突變;突然的中斷
Interest rates generally have been declining since last spring, despite a few upward blips in recent weeks.