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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 4221 COCA: 3947


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHIN | CHIN + VERB | CHIN + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEsquare方下巴chiselled/chiseled, pointed, pointy輪廓清晰的下巴;尖下巴firm, jutting, strong結實的/突出的/強有力的下巴non-existent, receding, weak(太胖)看不見的/凹進的/無力的下巴dimpled有小窩的下巴determined, resolute, stubborn堅毅的/果敢的/倔強的下巴smooth光滑的下巴bearded, stubbly, unshaven蓄鬚的/鬍子拉碴的/沒刮鬍子的下巴double雙下巴cleft有凹痕的下巴VERB + CHINjut, jut out, lift, raise, stick out, tilt, tip, tip up伸出下巴;抬起下巴;翹起下巴;傾斜下巴Maria jutted her chin defiantly.瑪麗亞挑釁性地揚起下巴。She tilted her chin at him defiantly.她挑釁性地衝他揚起下巴。tuck in收緊下巴finger, rub, scratch, stroke, tap, touch用手指撫弄/揉搓/抓撓/撫摩/輕拍/觸碰下巴He stroked his chin thoughtfully.他若有所思地撫摩着下巴。lean, prop, prop up, rest把下巴支(在⋯上)She sat resting her chin on her hands.她雙手托着下巴頦坐在那裏。cup手窩成杯狀托住下巴He cupped her chin with his hand.他窩起手掌托住她的下巴。CHIN + VERBrise下巴揚起His chin rose in a proud gesture.他驕傲地揚起下巴。rest下巴支(在⋯上)Her chin was resting on his shoulder.她的下巴靠在他的肩頭。quiver, tremble下巴顫抖His chin quivered and a tear ran down his cheek.他下巴顫抖着,一顆淚珠從面頰上滑落下來。CHIN + NOUNstrap頦帶Fasten the chin strap or the helmet will fall off.把頦帶繫牢,不然頭盔會掉下來。level與下巴齊平的高度Slowly lower the bar to around chin level.將槓慢慢降到大致與下巴齊平的高度。PREPOSITIONbeneath sb's chin, under sb's chin在某人的下巴下He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to his.他用手抬起她的下巴,讓她的臉對着自己的臉。down sb's chin順着某人的下巴The juice dribbled down his chin.汁水順着他的下巴滴下來。on sb's/the chin在某人的下巴上He had bits of food on his chin.他的下巴上有食物碎屑。She caught him with a hard blow on the chin.她重重地打中了他的下巴。

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