I looked forward to the exploration of their theories.
3VERB 勘探 If people explore an area for a substance such as oil or minerals, they study the area and do tests on the land to see whether they can find it. 勘探 [Also V n for n]
Central to the operation is a mile-deep well, dug originally to explore for oil. [VERB + for]
The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas. [beV-ed for n]
Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gas exploration and production concern.
4VERB (用手等)摸索,觸碰 If you explore something with your hands or fingers, you touch it to find out what it feels like. (用手等)摸索,觸碰
He explored the wound with his finger, trying to establish its extent. [VERB noun]