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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
TOEFL BNC: 842 COCA: 916


1last part/end of sth最後部份ADJECTIVE | VERB + FINISH | FINISH + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexciting, fantastic, good, great, thrilling, tremendous (especially BrE) 令人興奮的/極好的/不錯的/很棒的/激動人心的/精彩的結局His best finish was 11th in the Hungarian Grand Prix.他的最好比賽成績是在匈牙利國際汽車大獎賽中獲得第 11 名。perfect完美的結局It was the perfect finish to a wonderful day.這真是給美好的一天畫上了圓滿的句號。disappointing令人失望的結局sprint, storming, strong最後的衝刺The runners came around the bend for a sprint finish in the home straight.賽跑選手跑過彎道在終點直道上進行最後的衝刺。close, dramatic, nail-biting, photo, tight不相上下的/戲劇性的/令人提心吊膽的/只有些微之差(只能靠照片裁決)的/勢均力敵的結局It was a photo finish, with three horses neck and neck at the finishing line.3 匹賽馬幾乎同時到達終點,只有通過看錄像來定名次。second-place, etc.第二名等的結局last-place, runner-up最後一名的/亞軍的結局The team had another last-place finish.該隊又得了最後一名。podium上台領獎的結局The pair just missed out on a podium finish when they took fourth place.這對選手獲得第四名,恰好失去了登上領獎台的機會。uphill艱難的結局He won a hard uphill finish at the recent Tour de Suisse.在最近舉行的瑞士巡迴賽中,他最終艱難獲勝。VERB + FINISHbe in at (BrE) 最後階段時在場Her car suffered from gearbox trouble, but she was still in at the finish.她的汽車變速箱出了問題,但她仍然堅持到最後。FINISH + NOUNline (NAmE) 終點線PREPOSITIONat the finish在終點處Several runners needed medical attention at the finish.幾名賽跑選手到達終點時需要治療。to a/the finish到最後They fought bravely right to the finish.他們英勇戰鬥到最後。finish to⋯的結果a dramatic finish to the game激動人心的比賽結果PHRASESfrom start to finish從頭到尾He was in the lead from start to finish.他自始至終都處於領先地位。


2look/feel of sth外觀;感覺ADJECTIVE | VERB + FINISH | FINISH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood, neat, perfect很好的/乾淨利落的/完美的外表professional (especially BrE) 專業的拋光面decorative裝飾面fine, smooth精美的/平滑的表面textured有紋理的表面natural自然的表面faux (NAmE) 仿飾漆面The walls have a faux finish that mimics old plaster walls.這些牆上塗了一層仿飾漆,很像舊時的石膏牆面。paint, painted油漆過的表面polished打磨過的表面gloss, glossy, matt/matte, mirror, satin, shiny有光澤的/無光澤的/鏡面般的/緞子般光滑的/閃亮的表面chrome, metallic, nickel, stainless-steel, wood鉻質/金屬/鎳質/不銹鋼/木材表面a guitar with a natural wood finish有着自然木頭光澤的吉他surface表面拋光durable耐用的表面protective保護性表面floor, wall, etc.地板、牆壁等的表面The wall and floor finishes are all of the the highest standard.牆面和地板表面都達到了最高標準。exterior, interior外部/內部表面VERB + FINISHhave有光澤This paint has a gloss finish.這種漆的光澤度很好。achieve, get實現/獲得光潔度With our new tool you get a perfect finish every time.使用我們的新工具,每次都能獲得極佳的光潔度。create, give (sth), produce, provide做最後一道工序;(給⋯)做最後一道工序This trim really does give the garment a professional finish.這件衣服的最後一道工序鑲邊做得非常專業。match與外觀相配The wall has been painted to match the finish of the original.牆壁粉刷得和原先的外觀很相配。apply做最後一道工序Make sure the surface is clean and smooth before the finish is applied.在做最後一道工序前要確保表面光潔。FINISH + NOUNcoat (NAmE) 表面塗層PREPOSITIONto a finish拋光Sand the wood to a fine finish using steel wool.用鋼絲球打磨拋光木材。with a finish鍍過⋯的a door handle with a metallic finish鍍金屬的門把手finish on⋯的光潔度How did you achieve that finish on the wood?你是如何把木頭表面弄得如此光亮的?


ADVERB | VERB + FINISH | PREPOSITION ADVERBalmost, nearly幾乎/差不多完成barely, just正好/剛好完成Murdo had barely finished talking to Mikey when the bell rang.默多剛與米凱伊說完,鈴就響了。She had just finished dressing when the telephone rang.她剛穿好衣服,電話鈴就響了。recently最近完成soon馬上完成eventually, finally終於/最終完成quickly迅速完成I quickly finished my tea.我迅速把茶喝完。lamely, quietly, softly無力地/悄悄地/溫柔地結束'I had no idea...' I finished lamely.“我一無所知⋯”我最後無力地說。off完成He finished off by welcoming the new arrivals.他迎接完新來的人就沒事了。VERB + FINISHlet sb讓某人完成Let me just finish what I'm doing.讓我把手上的活兒幹完吧。PREPOSITIONby以⋯結束He finished by telling us about his trip to Spain.他最後給我們講述了他的西班牙之行。with以⋯結束;用完⋯The evening finished with a few songs.晚會在幾首歌曲中結束了。Have you finished with the vacuum cleaner yet?你用完吸塵器了嗎?

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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