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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 542 COCA: 233
stɔːri ˈstɔri
Word forms: plural stories
1 N-COUNT (虚构的)故事,小说 A story is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain. (虚构的)故事,小说
  • The second story in the book is titled 'The Scholar'.


  • I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits.

    我要给你讲一个 4 只小兔子的故事。

  • ...a popular love story with a happy ending.


2 N-COUNT (尤指口头的)叙述,描述 A story is a description of an event or something that happened to someone, especially a spoken description of it. (尤指口头的)叙述,描述
  • The parents all shared interesting stories about their children.


  • Isak's story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.


3 N-COUNT 传记;史话;纪事 The story of something is a description of all the important things that have happened to it since it began. 传记;史话;纪事
  • ...the story of the women's movement in Ireland. [+ of]


4 N-COUNT 谎言;假话;虚构之事 If someone invents a story, they give a false explanation or account of something. 谎言;假话;虚构之事
  • He invented some story about a cousin.


5 N-COUNT 新闻报道 A news story is a piece of news in a newspaper or in a news broadcast. 新闻报道
  • Those are some of the top stories in the news.


  • They'll do anything for a story.


  • ...front-page news stories.


6 →see: storey  →see: -storey 
8 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 但那是另一回事了;那就不相干了 You say 'but that's another story' when you have mentioned a subject that you are not going to talk about or explain in detail. 但那是另一回事了;那就不相干了 [spoken]
  • I'd met him at a dance I'd gone to on my own. But that's another story.


9 PHRASE 长话短说;简而言之 In British English, you use to cut a long story short to indicate that you are going to state the final result of an event and not give any more details. In American English, you say to make a long story short . 长话短说;简而言之
  • To cut a long story short, I ended up as managing director.


10 PHRASE 另一回事,不同情况(通常指不好的一面) You use a different story to refer to a situation, usually a bad one, which exists in one set of circumstances when you have mentioned that it does not exist in another set of circumstances. 另一回事,不同情况(通常指不好的一面)
  • Where Marcella lives, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story.


11 PHRASE 又来了,又是老一套(表示不好的事情似乎总是重复发生) If you say it's the same old story or it's the old story, you mean that something unpleasant or undesirable seems to happen again and again. 又来了,又是老一套(表示不好的事情似乎总是重复发生)
  • It's the same old story. They want one person to do three people's jobs.

    又是老一套。他们想让 1 个人做 3 个人的工作。

12 PHRASE 不是事情的全部;只是部分情况 If you say that something is only part of the story or is not the whole story, you mean that the explanation or information given is not enough for a situation to be fully understood. 不是事情的全部;只是部分情况
  • This may be true but it is only part of the story.


  • Jane goes to great lengths to explain that this is not the whole story.


13 PHRASE 对事情的说法;辩解 If someone tells you their side of the story, they tell you why they behaved in a particular way and why they think they were right, when other people think that person behaved wrongly. 对事情的说法;辩解
  • He had already made up his mind before even hearing her side of the story.


ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusstory Also look up:

epic, fable, fairy tale, romance, saga, tale 1

account, report 2

fabrication, lie, untruth 4

article, feature 5

Word PartnershipUse story with:

character in a story, story hour, story line, narrator of a story, title of a story, story writer 1

beginning of a story, end of a story, horror story, version of a story 1 2 3 4 5

life story 2

front page story, news story 5


hear a story, tell a story 1 2 3 4

publish a story, read a story, write a story 1 5


classic story, compelling story, funny story, good story, interesting story 1 2 3 4 5

familiar story 2 3 4 5

the full story, untold story 2 3 5

the whole story 2 3 5 12

big story, related story, top story 5

Trends of story
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years

See also: storey

IELTS BNC: 542 COCA: 233


1account of events/people, true or invented故事;敍述ADJECTIVE | ... OF STORIES | VERB + STORY | STORY + VERB | STORY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEtrue真實的故事plausible貌似合理的故事false, made-up虛假的/編造的故事She told the police a false story about being attacked.她向警方謊稱自己遭到襲擊。fictional, real-life虛構的/真實的故事untold未曾透露的故事published出版的故事his first published short story他出版的第一篇短篇小說apocryphal杜撰的故事cock and bull, tall (especially BrE) 荒唐的解釋;荒誕的故事No one would believe such a tall story.如此荒誕不經的故事沒有人會相信。official官方說法The official story was that the singer had broken his arm falling in the shower.官方說法是該歌手在洗澡時摔斷了胳膊。personal個人經歷wild匪夷所思的故事convincing令人信服的故事compelling, dramatic, exciting, fantastic, fascinating, good, great, interesting, intriguing, nice, touching, wonderful引人入勝的故事;激動人心的故事;有趣的故事;感人的故事amazing, bizarre, colourful/colorful, crazy, extraordinary, incredible, outrageous, remarkable, strange令人驚訝的/怪誕的/豐富多彩的/離奇的/異乎尋常的/令人難以置信的/駭人聽聞的/引人矚目的/奇怪的故事inspirational, inspiring啟發靈感的/鼓舞人心的故事amusing, entertaining, feel-good, funny好笑的/妙趣橫生的/令人愉快的/滑稽的故事epic史詩般的故事the epic story of a family's escape from war一家人從戰爭中逃亡的漫長而艱辛的歷程complex, elaborate複雜的/詳盡的故事straightforward直截了當的說法awful, horrific, horrifying, nasty, shocking, terrible, tragic可怕的故事;令人不快的故事;令人震驚的故事;悲慘的故事sorry (especially BrE) 悲慘的故事His life was a sorry story of betrayal and rejection.他一生遭遇的都是背叛和拋棄。depressing, heart-rending, moving, poignant, sad沉悶的/令人心碎的/感人的/心酸的/傷感的故事well-known盡人皆知的故事familiar常見的故事the familiar story of a star who turns to drink and drugs明星酗酒吸毒的常見故事popular廣為流傳的故事There is one popular story in the town of a man-eating cat that lives in the forest.鎮裏流傳着一個故事:森林裏住着一隻食人貓。life, success生平事跡;成功歷程She told them her life story.她給他們講述了自己的人生故事。coming-of-age, coming-out, rags-to-riches關於長大成人的/初入社交界的/從赤貧到巨富的故事The movie is the rags-to-riches story of a country girl who becomes a famous singer.這部影片講述的是一個從赤貧到巨富的故事:一名鄉村女孩成了著名歌星。hard-luck, sob (both disapproving) 倒霉的/煽情的故事He was boring people with more of his hard-luck stories.他又在用他那些不幸遭遇來煩人了。She gave me some sob story about losing her credit cards.她向我訴說了自己丟失信用卡的不幸經歷。coherent連貫的故事The movie lacks a coherent story.這部影片缺乏連貫的故事情節。entire, full, whole整個故事;完整的故事;全部真相I suspected he hadn't told us the whole story.我懷疑他沒把全部真相告訴我們。short短篇小說a collection of short stories短篇小說集original原著The screenplay sticks to the original story.該電影劇本完全忠實於原著。back (usually backstory) 背景故事The writers have to create backstories for their characters.作家必須為他們筆下的人物編寫背景故事。children's兒童故事classic經典故事bedtime(給兒童講的)睡前故事adventure, Bible, biblical, crime, detective, fairy, ghost, horror, love, spy, etc.歷險故事、《聖經》故事、罪案故事、偵探小說、童話故事、鬼故事、恐怖故事、愛情故事、間諜小說等... OF STORIEScollection故事集a collection of stories by modern writers現代作家小說集VERB + STORYhear聽故事read (sb)給(某人)唸故事My dad sometimes read me a story at bedtime.爸爸有時臨睡前給我唸故事。write寫小說narrate, recount, relate, retell, tell (sb)講述故事;敍述故事;複述故事;(給某人)講故事embellish, embroider給故事添加細節;潤色故事believe相信說法The police didn't believe her story.警察不相信她的說法。stick to堅持說法We must stick to our story about the accident.我們必須堅持關於這個事故的說法。change改變說法At first he denied everything, but then he changed his story and said it was an accident.起初他否認一切,但後來又改變說法,說這是一場意外事故。share (with sb), swap(與某人)交流故事We swapped stories about our worst teachers.我們交流了關於最差老師的故事。spread傳播故事publish發表小說STORY + VERBcirculate, go around, go round, spread故事流傳;故事傳播開來A story was going around that the factory was in line for closure.關於這家工廠要關門的說法在到處流傳。abound故事很多Stories abound of vandalism and looting.破壞和搶劫財物的故事多得很。emerge故事發生begin, open, start故事開始The story opens with a man hiding from the police.故事一開始,一個男子正躲避警察的追捕。progress, unfold故事發展/展開The motives of the hero become clearer as the story unfolds.隨着故事的展開,男主人公的動機變得越來越清晰。end故事結束be called sth, be entitled sth, be titled sth (especially NAmE) 故事叫做⋯;故事題為⋯be set in...故事以⋯為背景The story is set in India in the 1930s.故事發生在 20 世紀 30 年代的印度。be based on sth小說根據⋯寫成concern sth, involve sth, revolve around sth故事講述⋯/涉及⋯/圍繞⋯contain sth故事包含⋯illustrate sth故事說明⋯This story illustrates the dangers of living on credit.這個故事說明賒賬度日的危險。STORY + NOUNteller (usually storyteller) 講故事者telling (usually storytelling) 講故事line (usually storyline) 故事情節His novels always have the same basic storyline.他的小說總是有着相同的基本情節。PREPOSITIONaccording to a/the story根據故事情節story about關於⋯的故事a story about time travel關於時光旅行的故事story of⋯的故事the story of the Beatles甲殼蟲樂隊的故事a story of moral redemption道德救贖的故事PHRASESa fragment of a/the story, a part of a/the story故事片段We had difficulty in piecing together the fragments of her story.我們難以把她的故事片段串聯起來。the rest of the story故事的尾聲but that's another story但那是後話Many years later I returned to Africa-but that's another story (= I am not going to talk about it now).許多年後我重返非洲,不過那是後話了。(that's) a likely story (ironic) 說得跟真的似的He said he'd met Madonna. A likely story.他說他見過麥當娜,說得跟真的似的。it's a long story一言難盡;說來話長'How come you only have one shoe on?' 'It's a long story.'“你怎麼只穿了一隻鞋?”“說起來話可就長了。”sb's half of the story, sb's side of the story某人的說法The teacher punished me without listening to my side of the story.老師沒聽我辯解就懲罰了我。tell a different story根本不是這麼回事Antidepressants are widely believed to be effective medications. The data, however, tell a different story.抗抑鬱藥被廣泛認為很有效果,可數據顯示根本不是這麼回事。the moral of the story故事的寓意The moral of this story is that you should never take things for granted.這個故事的寓意是永遠不要想當然。the story goes (that...) (used to describe what people are saying although it may not be correct) 據說(⋯)She never saw him again-or so the story goes.她再沒見過他 - 據說是這樣。the story of my life我的命運Out of work with no money-that's the story of my life.失業在家而且身無分文 - 我就是這個命。to cut a long story short, to make a long story short長話短說Anyway, to cut a long story short (= not to give all the details), we had this argument and I haven't seen him since.不管怎樣,長話短說吧,我們發生了爭執,那以後我就再也沒有見過他。a version of a story某件事的一種說法According to Rachel's version of the story, they threw the key in the river.按照雷切爾的說法,他們把鑰匙扔到河裏了。


2report in a newspaper, etc.新聞報道ADJECTIVE | VERB + STORY | STORY + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig, huge, top大新聞;頭條新聞The biggest story of the day was the signing of the peace agreement.當天最大的新聞是和平協議的簽訂。And now back to our top story tonight...現在回到我們今晚的頭條新聞⋯exclusive獨家新聞breaking (especially NAmE) 突發新聞報道We'll have more on this breaking story as developments come in to us.隨着對事態發展的瞭解,我們將會繼續報道這一突發新聞。feature (NAmE) 專題報道National Geographic ran a feature story on dinosaurs.《國家地理》雜誌刊登了一篇關於恐龍的專題報道。main主要新聞full全面報道Full story on page 3.詳盡報道見第 3 頁。scare聳人聽聞的報道scare stories about the harmful effects of the vaccination關於疫苗接種負面作用的聳人聽聞的報道inside內幕新聞The magazine gives the inside story of life in a rock band.該雜誌刊登了有關一支搖滾樂隊生活的內幕報道。sensational引起轟動的報道lurid, sordid聳人聽聞的/無恥的報道lurid stories of politicians' sexual adventures關於政客桃色事件的聳人聽聞的報道cover, front-page, lead封面故事;頭版新聞;頭條新聞The magazine chose the peace process as its cover story.這期雜誌將和平進程選作封面故事。news新聞報道political政治新聞media, newspaper, wire (especially NAmE) 媒體/報紙/有線報道VERB + STORYfile, write發送/撰寫新聞報道More than one correspondent filed a story about the incident.不止一名記者發稿報道這起事件。carry, cover, print, publish, report, run登載報道;報道新聞;刊印報道;刊發報道;刊登新聞Every newspaper carried the story.每家報紙都登載了這則報道。He's covering the story in Gaza for CNN.他正在加沙為美國有線電視新聞網作報道。follow跟踪報道新聞We will continue to follow this story and bring you the latest developments.我們將持續跟踪這一事件,為您帶來最新進展的報道。break (especially NAmE) 報道消息The New York Times broke the story and others picked it up.《紐約時報》首先報道了這一消息,後來其他報紙紛紛跟進。STORY + VERBbreak (especially NAmE) 消息傳出The story broke in January.這個消息是 1 月份傳出來的。PREPOSITIONstory about, story of關於/有關⋯的報道the story of his arrest他被捕的消息


3 (NAmE)  see storey
IELTS BNC: 542 COCA: 233
story noun
story1 (a bedtime story) story2 (the story of his life) floor2 (a six-story building) legend1 (The story goes that…) lie (spread malicious stories) report2 (The police didn't believe her story.)


a bedtime story 临睡前给小孩读的故事the story of his life 他的生活经历story ♦︎ tale ♦︎ plot ♦︎ narrative ♦︎ anecdote ♦︎ saga ♦︎ storylineThese are all words for a description of real or imagined events intended to entertain people. 这些词均表示娱乐性的真实或虚构的故事。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a story / a tale / a plot / a narrative / an anecdote / a saga / a storyline about sb / stha long story / tale / narrative / anecdote / sagaa / an good / amusing story / tale / plot / anecdote / storylinea simple story / tale / plot / narrativea dramatic / romantic / complicated story / tale / plot / sagaa popular / traditional / fictional story / tale / narrativea / an interesting / entertaining / humorous / charming / wonderful / apocryphal story / tale / anecdotea / an epic / extraordinary / sad / sorry / terrible story / tale / sagaa great story / plot / narrative / sagaa historical story / narrative / sagato tell (sb) a story / a tale / a plot / an anecdoteto recount / relate a story / a tale / an anecdoteto read (sb) / write a story / tale / narrative / sagaa story / tale / narrative / saga begins / unfolds / ends story [countable] a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to entertain people (虚构的)故事;小说a / an adventure / detective / ghost / love story冒险故事;侦探小说;鬼故事;爱情小说a book of short stories短篇小说集a story about time travel一部关于穿越时间旅行的小说It's the epic story of a family's escape from war.这是个史诗般的故事,讲述了一家人逃避战乱的事。Shall I tell you a story?我给你讲个故事好吗?I always read the children a bedtime story.孩子临睡前我总要给他们读个故事。 see also story report 2 tale [countable] (especially written) an imaginative story, especially one that is full of action and adventure; an exciting spoken description of an event, which may not be completely true (尤指充满惊险的)故事;历险记;(精彩但不一定完全真实的)讲述,叙述I love listening to his tales of life at sea.我喜欢听他讲述他的海上生活。I've heard tales of people seeing ghosts in that house.我听说有人在那栋房子里见到鬼。Her experiences provide a cautionary tale (= a warning) for us all.她的经历成了我们大家的前车之鉴。A moral or cautionary tale is one that makes people think about right and wrong. * moral tale或cautionary tale指让人们明辨是非的故事。 plot [countable, uncountable] the series of events which form the story of a novel, play, film, etc. (小说、戏剧、电影等的)故事情节,布局a conventional plot about love and marriage传统的婚恋故事情节The novel is well organized in terms of plot.这本小说的布局十分严谨。 narrative ˈnærətɪv [countable] (formal) a description of events, especially in a novel (尤指小说中的)描述,叙述She has written a gripping narrative of their journey up the Amazon.她对他们那次沿亚马孙河而上的旅行作了扣人心弦的描述。 see also narrate describe anecdote ˈænɪkdəʊt; NAmE ˈænɪkdoʊt [countable, uncountable] a short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event; a personal account of an event 逸事;趣闻;传闻He has lots of amusing anecdotes about his brief career as an actor.他有许多关于他短暂演员生涯的趣闻逸事。This research is based on anecdote, not fact.这项调查根据的是传闻而非事实。 saga ˈsɑːgə [countable] a long story about events over a period of many years (讲述许多年间发生的事情的)长篇故事,长篇小说She has written a compelling family saga.她写了一部引人入胜的家世小说。 storyline ˈstɔːrilaɪn [countable] the basic story in a novel, play, film, etc. (小说、戏剧、电影等的)故事情节,本事Her novels always have the same basic storyline.她的小说总是依据一个相同的本事。story2


a bedtime story 临睡前给小孩读的故事the story of his life 他的生活经历story ♦︎ history ♦︎ chronicleThese are all words for an account of past events. 这些词均表示对往事的叙述、记载。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to read / write the story / a history / a chronicle of sthto tell (sb) / recount / relate the story / history of sth story [countable, usually singular] (usually the story of sth 通常作the story of sth) a written or spoken account of past events or of how sth has developed (对往事的口头或书面)叙述He told us the story of his life.他对我们讲述了他的生活经历。Tune in to 'The Story of the Beatles' tonight on Radio 2.今晚把收音机调到第2台收听“披头士乐队的故事”。 history [countable, usually singular] (usually a history of sth 通常作a history of sth) a written or spoken account of past events 历史记载;历史传说She's writing a new history of Europe.她正在写一部新的欧洲史。She went on to catalogue a long history of disasters.接下来她列举了一长串灾难。NOTE 辨析 Story or history?If you tell the story of sth, you suggest that there is only one true version of events and this is what you are telling; if you write a history of sth you suggest that there are several possible versions of events, but this is the one that you believe. The story of sth is usually more popular and less academic than a history. * the story of sth意味着事件只有一个正确版本,而当下所讲的正是那个版本;a history of sth意味着事件可能有几个不同的版本,而当前所写的是作者深信的版本。the story of sth通常比history更受欢迎,学术性较弱。 chronicle ˈkrɒnɪkl; NAmE ˈkrɑːnɪkl [countable] a written record of events in the order in which they happened 编年史;历史the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle《盎格鲁-撒克逊人编年史》Her latest novel is a fictional chronicle of life in a Devon village.她的最近一部小说是德文郡一个小村庄虚构的生活记事。A chronicle is usually a record of events, rather than an account: it states what happened without trying to explain it. * chronicle通常是对事件的记录而非描述,即客观记录而不加以说明。 see also chronicle describe verb
IELTS BNC: 542 COCA: 233
Types of story or play: adaptation, allegory, anecdote...
Descriptions and stories: description, story, picture...
Reasons and excuses: reason, excuse, point...

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