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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 2489 COCA: 2362
æŋgəʳ ˈæŋgər
Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense angers, present participle angering, past tense , past participle angered
1 N-UNCOUNT 怒;愤怒 Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way. 怒;愤怒
  • He cried with anger and frustration.


  • Ellen felt both despair and anger at her mother. [+ at]


2 VERB 使发怒;使生气;激怒 If something angers you, it makes you feel angry. 使发怒;使生气;激怒
  • The decision to allow more offshore oil drilling angered some Californians. [VERB noun]


Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change Malcolm X Malcolm X Speaks
Anger is a short madness Horace Epistles
Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love George Eliot The Mill on the Floss
Trends of anger
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years
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Image of anger
IELTS BNC: 2489 COCA: 2362


ADJECTIVE | ... OF ANGER | VERB + ANGER | ANGER + VERB | ANGER + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbitter, deep, fierce, great, intense, seething憤恨;狂怒;暴怒;大怒;盛怒;火冒三丈genuine, real真的生氣;確實惱怒growing, mounting, rising越來越盛的怒氣;不斷升級的怒火mounting anger among teachers and parents老師和家長不斷升級的怒火sudden突然發怒righteous義憤Catherine appeared in the doorway, shaking with righteous anger.凱瑟琳出現在門口,由於義憤而渾身發抖。controlled, pent-up, suppressed強按的怒氣;抑制的憤怒;壓制的怒火popular, public眾怒;公憤widespread (especially BrE) 普遍的憤怒... OF ANGERburst, fit, flash, outburst突然發怒;大發脾氣;一陣怒火;勃然大怒He slammed the door in a fit of anger.他一氣之下摔上門。She felt a brief flash of anger.有一小會兒她感到自己很生氣。VERB + ANGERbe filled with, feel, seethe with, shake with, tremble with滿腔怒火;感到生氣;氣得火冒三丈;氣得發抖His eyes were filled with anger.他的眼裏充滿憤怒。She was trembling with anger.她氣得發抖。express, release, show, vent, voice表現出憤怒;發泄怒氣Children express their anger in various ways.小孩子發泄怒氣的方式各不相同。channel, direct轉移怒火;將怒火指向He tried to channel his anger into political activism.他竭力將自己的憤怒轉移到政治行動主義中。Much of the public's anger was directed at the government.公眾將很多不滿指向了政府。control, hide, suppress控制怒氣;掩藏憤怒;抑制怒火It is not healthy to suppress your anger.壓抑自己的怒氣不利於健康。arouse, cause, fuel, provoke, stir up點燃怒火;引起憤怒;激起怒火;惹起怒火His words only served to fuel her anger.他的話只是激怒了她。change to, give way to, turn into, turn to變為憤怒;禁不住發怒;轉為憤怒His joy soon turned to anger when he heard the full story.聽完整件事後,他很快由喜轉怒。ANGER + VERBboil over, boil up, bubble up, build up, flare, flare up, grow, mount, rise, well up怒火中燒;怒不可遏;勃然大怒;火冒三丈;越來越生氣;怒火上升;怒氣沖沖Hank stood up, his anger rising.漢克站了起來,怒火直往上冒。abate, drain, evaporate, fade, subside怒火消散;怒氣漸消;怒氣平息The anger drained from his face.他臉上的怒氣消散了。Her anger subsided as quickly as it had flared up.她的脾氣來得快,去得也快。ANGER + NOUNmanagement生氣情緒管理You could probably benefit from anger management classes.上一下生氣情緒管理課很可能對你有好處。PREPOSITIONin anger氣沖沖地He raised his voice in anger.他氣得提高了嗓門。with anger帶着怒氣His face was flushed with anger.他氣得臉通紅。anger against對⋯的憤怒her feelings of anger against the murderer她對殺人兇手的憤慨anger at因⋯生氣I felt a sudden anger at his suggestion.我對他的建議突然感到很生氣。anger over因⋯不快There is much anger over plans to close the hospital.人們對於關閉醫院的計劃有很多不滿。anger towards/toward對⋯的不滿her anger towards / toward her parents她對父母的不滿PHRASESa feeling of anger憤怒的情緒in a moment of anger在氣頭上He had walked out in a moment of anger.他一氣之下走了出去。


ADVERBdeeply, greatly使極其惱怒;使大為生氣I was deeply angered by their lack of concern.他們的漠不關心令我異常憤怒。easily容易激怒He is not easily angered.他不容易生氣。
IELTS BNC: 2489 COCA: 2362


anger ♦︎ rage ♦︎ fury ♦︎ outrage ♦︎ indignationThese are all words for the strong feelings you have when you are angry or very angry about sth. 这些词均表示愤怒。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达的愤怒程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do sth in anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignationpublic / widespread anger / outrage / indignationto provoke anger / fury / outrage / indignationto arouse sb's anger / fury / indignationto be filled / shake / tremble / seethe with anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignationto express anger / rage / fury / outrage / indignationto vent your anger / rage / furyto fly into a rage / fury anger [uncountable] the strong feeling that you have when sth has happened that you think is bad and unfair 怒火;怒气Jan slammed the door in anger.简怒气冲冲,砰的一声把门关上了。I am acutely aware of the growing anger and frustration of young unemployed people.我十分清楚年轻失业者日益加剧的愤怒和沮丧。 rage [uncountable, singular] a feeling of violent anger that is difficult to control 暴怒;狂怒She was speechless with rage.她气愤得说不出话来。She stormed out of the room in a rage.她气呼呼地冲出了房间。 see also rage temper , enraged furious fury ˈfjʊri [uncountable, singular] (written) a feeling of violent anger 狂怒;暴怒Her face was white with fury.她气得脸色煞白。In a cold fury my uncle hurled his son from the room.我叔父怒气冲冲,一把将儿子推到屋外。 see also furious furious NOTE 辨析 Rage or fury?Both rage and fury may result in violent behaviour, but fury is usually a more controlled feeling than rage. Rage may be hot or cold, red or white. * rage和fury都可能导致暴力行为,但通常fury比rage容易控制。rage可以用hot、cold、red或white等词修饰His face was red / white with rage.他气得满脸通红/脸色煞白。 Fury is only cold and white. * fury只能用cold或white修饰。 outrage ˈaʊtreɪdʒ [uncountable] a strong feeling of anger and shock 愤怒;愤慨The judge's remarks caused public outrage.裁判的话引起了公愤。She was filled with an overwhelming sense of moral outrage.她的心里充满了莫大的义愤。 see also outraged furious , outrageous outrageous indignation ˌɪndɪgˈneɪʃən [uncountable] a feeling of anger and shock caused by sth that you think is unfair or unreasonable 愤慨;愤怒;义愤Some benefits apply only to men, much to the indignation of working women.让职业女性愤愤不平的是有些福利只给男性。She was full of righteous indignation (= the belief that you are right to be angry even though other people do not agree).她义愤填膺。NOTE 辨析 Outrage or indignation?Both words include a feeling of surprise as well as anger, but outrage is stronger. Indignation often suggests that you feel that you have been treated unfairly; outrage may be less personal and involves a more general sense of anger. 这两个词均表示又气又惊,但outrage感情更强烈。indignation常指受到不公正待遇引起的愤慨,outrage较少指个人感受,较多表示公愤。


 See also the entry for annoy 另见annoy条anger ♦︎ infuriate ♦︎ antagonize ♦︎ drive sb mad/crazy ♦︎ outrage ♦︎ enrage ♦︎ rankle ♦︎ rile ♦︎ incense ♦︎ (taboo) piss sb offThese verbs all mean to make sb angry or very angry. 这些动词均表示使人发怒。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达使人发怒的程度
rankleangerdrive sb madinfuriate
piss sb offincense
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配What really angers / infuriates / enrages / riles / incenses me is...What pisses us off / drives us mad / crazy is...It infuriated / enraged / riled / incensed him that... anger [transitive] to make sb angry 使发怒;激怒The question clearly angered him.这个问题显然激怒了他。They stayed silent but were angered by the decision.他们没有说话,但是这个决定让他们感到气愤。It is also common to say make sb angry, especially in more informal or spoken English. 在较非正式或口语中,也常用make sb angry (spoken) It really makes me angry the way they keep changing the rules.他们不断改变规则,真让我生气。 infuriate ɪnˈfjʊərieɪt; NAmE ɪnˈfjʊrieɪt [transitive] to make sb extremely angry 使⋯极为生气;激怒Her silence infuriated him even more.她的沉默使他更加愤怒了。 see also infuriating annoying antagonize ænˈtægənaɪz (BrE also antagonise) [transitive] to do sth to make sb angry with you 使对立;使生气Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more.他不愿惹她更生气,便不再说话。 see also antagonism tension drive sb mad drive sb crazy


(informal) to make sb very angry or crazy 把人逼得发疯(或发狂)That noise is driving me mad!那噪声快把我逼疯了!He drove me crazy with his constant questions.他问个没完,都把我逼疯了。
outrage ˈaʊtreɪdʒ [transitive] to make sb very shocked and angry 使震怒;激怒The killings have outraged the entire community.这些谋杀案使整个社区感到震怒。 see also outraged furious , outrageous outrageous enrage ɪnˈreɪdʒ [transitive] (rather formal, written) to make sb extremely angry 彻底激怒;彻底触怒The newspaper article enraged him.报上那篇文章使他异常愤怒。 see also enraged furious rankle [intransitive](of sth such as a remark or event) to make sb feel angry or upset for a long time (言论或事件等)让人耿耿于怀(或怨恨不已)Her comments still rankled.她的评价仍然让人耿耿于怀。His decision to sell the land rankled with her.他要卖地的决定让她痛心。 rile [transitive] to annoy sb or make them angry 惹恼;激怒Nothing ever seemed to rile him.好像从来没有什么事让他烦恼。She regretted at once that she had let herself become riled.她发过脾气后立刻就后悔了。 incense ɪnˈsens [transitive] to make sb extremely angry, especially for moral reasons (尤指因道德原因)使大怒,激怒The decision incensed the entire workforce.这个决定激怒了劳工大众。 see also incensed furious NOTE 辨析 Infuriate, enrage or incense? Infuriate usually emphasizes how you feel about sb else's behaviour that you think is unreasonable; enrage can suggest that it is the angry person whose behaviour is unreasonable; incense is often used when you think people are right to be angry. * infuriate通常强调被他人不合理的行为激怒,enrage可暗指被激怒的人行为不合理,incense常指激起义愤。 ˌpiss sb ˈoff

phrasal verb

(taboo, slang) to make sb angry or annoyed 使生气;使恼火Her attitude really pisses me off.她的态度真的让我很生气。
IELTS BNC: 2489 COCA: 2362
Anger and annoyance: asperity, anger, annoyance...
To make someone angry or annoyed: annoy, provoke, anger...

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