1N-UNCOUNT (衣服的)镶边,贴边,里子Facing is fabric which is stitched inside the edges of a piece of clothing in order to make them look neat and strengthen them. (衣服的)镶边,贴边,里子
2N-PLURAL (夹克或大衣领口和袖口的)镶边,贴边 The facings of a garment such as a jacket or coat are the parts around the neck and wrists when they are made of a different fabric from the main part, or are a different colour. (夹克或大衣领口和袖口的)镶边,贴边
3N-VAR (墙的)贴面,饰面 A facing on a wall is a layer of stone, concrete, or other material that is spread over its surface in order to make it look attractive. (墙的)贴面,饰面