He was still laughing when he heard the rasp of Rennie's voice.
2V-ERG (物体摩擦时)发出刺耳的声音 If something rasps or if you rasp it, it makes a harsh, unpleasant sound as it rubs against something hard or rough. (物体摩擦时)发出刺耳的声音
Sabres rasped from scabbards and the horsemen spurred forward. [VERB prep.]
Foden rasped a hand across his chin. [VERB noun prep.]
He pulled the cloth and it came away with a rasping sound. [VERB-ing]
Rasp is also a noun.
...the rasp of something being drawn across the sand.
3N-COUNT 锉子;锉刀 A rasp is a long metal tool with rough surfaces, used to rub solid objects and give them smooth surfaces. 锉子;锉刀