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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1144 COCA: 1048


1in a marriage/relationship婚姻;關係ADJECTIVE | VERB + PARTNER ADJECTIVEformer, one-time以前的伴侶dominant佔主導地位的伴侶She was the dominant partner in the relationship.她在兩人的關係中處於支配地位。female, male女友;男友gay, homosexual, lesbian, same-gender, same-sex同性戀伴侶;女同性戀伴侶;同性伴侶heterosexual異性伴侶marital, marriage配偶the choice of marriage partner配偶的選擇romantic情侶intimate, sex, sexual性伴侶committed, steady忠實的/穩定的伴侶Most of those questioned said they wanted a steady partner for emotional support.大多數受訪者表示,他們想要一個穩定的伴侶以得到情感支撑。domestic國內合作夥伴The organization offers health benefits to the domestic partners of employees.該組織向員工在國內的配偶提供健康福利。unmarried未婚伴侶Local government workers have been refused pensions for their unmarried partners.當地政府工作人員的未婚伴侶不能享受養老金。life, long-time終生/長期伴侶casual, multiple partners臨時性伴侶;多個性伴侶People who have had multiple partners are more at risk from sexually transmitted diseases.有多個性伴侶的人得性傳播疾病的風險更大。abusive性施虐伴侶reasons for divorce such as having an abusive partner諸如有一個性虐待伴侶之類的離婚原因mating (biology生物) 配對體VERB + PARTNERhave有伴侶seek尋求伴侶find找到伴侶marry與伴侶結婚


2in an activity活動ADJECTIVE | VERB + PARTNER ADJECTIVEbridge, doubles, tennis, etc.橋牌、雙打、網球等搭檔I need a doubles partner for the table tennis tournament.我需要有個人做我乒乓球錦標賽的雙打搭檔。climbing, dancing, playing, training, travelling/traveling, writing, etc.攀岩搭檔、舞伴、玩伴、陪練、旅行搭檔、寫作搭檔等conversational對話夥伴sparring (figurative) 經常鬥嘴的對手The old political sparring partners are now firm friends.這對昔日政治上的老對頭現在是摯友。drinking酒友lab (informal, especially NAmE) 實驗室夥伴long-time長期的合作夥伴He penned the script with his long-time writing partner.他與他的長期搭檔合寫了該劇本。former, one-time以前的/曾經的搭檔equal平等的合作夥伴They wanted to be seen as equal partners in the creative relationship.他們希望在他們創造性的關係中被視為平等的合作夥伴。VERB + PARTNERchoose, find選擇/找到搭檔The teacher asked the students to choose a partner for the next activity.老師要學生為下一個活動選擇搭檔。change, switch改變/交換搭檔All change partners for the next dance!下一個舞蹈所有人都要交換舞伴 !


3in business生意ADJECTIVE | VERB + PARTNER | PARTNER + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfull正式的合夥人He was made a full partner in his father's firm.他被定為他父親公司的正式合夥人。equal平等的合夥人active, managing參與經營的合夥人;執行合夥人general (especially NAmE) , limited普通/有限責任合夥人He is a general partner in a consulting firm.他是一家咨詢公司的普通合夥人。She and her husband became limited partners in the team's ownership.在球隊的所有權上,她和丈夫是有限責任合夥人。junior, senior次要/主要合夥人business, corporate生意夥伴retail零售合作夥伴AOL remains the company's only online retail partner.AOL (美國在線服務公司)仍然是該公司唯一的網上零售合作夥伴。founding創始合夥人silent, sleeping (BrE) (不參與具體經營的)隱名合夥人The government is technically a silent partner with almost no control over contractor spending.從技術層面上說,政府是一種隱名合夥人,對承包人的財務支出幾乎沒有控制。VERB + PARTNERmake sb使某人成為合夥人find, seek發現/尋找合夥人PARTNER + NOUNcompany, institution, organization公司/機構/組織的合作夥伴We are working with partner companies on wireless technologies.我們正與合夥公司就無線技術進行合作。PREPOSITIONpartner in⋯中的合夥人He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.他最近成了家族生意中的次要合夥人。


4in international relations國際關係ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbiggest, main, principal最重要的夥伴;主要的夥伴foreign外國夥伴alliance, coalition盟友strategic, trading戰略/貿易夥伴France's principal trading partners法國的主要貿易夥伴PREPOSITIONpartner in在⋯方面的夥伴Britain's partner in the aeronautic project英國在航空工程上的合作夥伴

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