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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 4900 COCA: 5078
Word forms: plural learners
N-COUNT 学习者;初学者 A learner is someone who is learning about a particular subject or how to do something. 学习者;初学者
  • ...a new aid for younger children or slow learners.


  • Learner drivers must be supervised by adults who are at least 21 years old.


Trends of learner
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years

See also: learn

BNC: 4900 COCA: 5078


ADJECTIVE | LEARNER + NOUN ADJECTIVEfast, quick, slow聰明的學習者;遲鈍的學習者She was a quick learner, and her German got better by the day.她學得很快,德語日見提高。lifelong (especially NAmE) 終身學習者adult, older成人/年長的學習者young年輕的學習者The book has been written with the interests of young learners in mind.作者寫這本書時考慮到了年齡較小的學習者的興趣。language語言學習者foreign (BrE) 外國學習者LEARNER + NOUNdriver (BrE) 見習司機
BNC: 4900 COCA: 5078


 See also the entry for student 另见student条learner ♦︎ studentThese are both words for sb who is interested in or is finding out about sth. 这两个词均表示学习者、研究者。 learner [countable] a person who is finding out about a subject or how to do sth 学习者On windsurfers, children are particularly quick learners.孩子学习帆板冲浪尤其快。I was a slow learner-I couldn't read until I was 14.我学东西慢,直到14岁才能阅读。 (BrE) The learner driver often grips the wheel too tightly.学车者经常把方向盘握得太紧。 student (formal) [countable] a person who is interested in a particular subject 研究者;探究者She's a keen student of human nature.她是个热衷于探究人性的人。He was a deeply observant man, a close student of the natural world.他是个观察力特别敏锐的人,热爱对自然界作细致的研究。 (NAmE) Student drivers often grip the wheel too tightly.学车者经常把方向盘握得太紧。

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