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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
bæŋ bæŋ
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense bangs, present participle banging, past tense , past participle banged
1 N-COUNT; SOUND 突然的巨响 A bang is a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion. 突然的巨响
  • I heard four or five loud bangs.


  • She slammed the door with a bang.


  • The television went bang.


2 VERB 发出巨响;砰然作响 If something bangs, it makes a sudden loud noise, once or several times. 发出巨响;砰然作响
  • The engine spat and banged. [VERB]


3 V-ERG (使)砰的一声关上 If you bang a door or if it bangs, it closes suddenly with a loud noise. (使)砰的一声关上
  • ...the sound of doors banging. [VERB]


  • All up and down the street the windows bang shut. [VERB adj.ive]


  • The wind banged a door somewhere. [VERB noun]


4 VERB 猛击;砰然重击 If you bang on something or if you bang it, you hit it hard, making a loud noise. 猛击;砰然重击
  • We could bang on the desks and shout till they let us out. [VERB + on]


  • There is no point in shouting or banging the table. [VERB noun]


5 VERB (因生气而)砰地放下,猛然放下 If you bang something on something or if you bang it down, you quickly and violently put it on a surface, because you are angry. (因生气而)砰地放下,猛然放下
  • She banged his dinner on the table. [VERB noun prep.]


  • He banged down the telephone. [VERB noun with adv.]


6 VERB 撞伤(身体某一部位) If you bang a part of your body, you accidentally knock it against something and hurt yourself. 撞伤(身体某一部位)
  • She'd fainted and banged her head. [VERB noun]


  • He hurried into the hall, banging his shin against a chair in the darkness. [V n + against/on]


Bang is also a noun.
  • ...a nasty bang on the head.


7 VERB (通常指由于未能注意到眼前的人或物)撞上 If you bang into something or someone, you bump or knock them hard, usually because you are not looking where you are going. (通常指由于未能注意到眼前的人或物)撞上
  • I didn't mean to bang into you. [VERB into noun]


  • Various men kept banging into me in the narrow corridor. [VERB + into]


8 N-PLURAL 刘海;额前短垂发 Bangs are hair which is cut so that it hangs over your forehead. 刘海;额前短垂发 [US]
  • My bangs were cut short, but the rest of my hair was long.


in BRIT, use 英国英语用 fringe
9 ADV 恰好;正巧;准确地 You can use bang to emphasize expressions that indicate an exact position or an exact time. 恰好;正巧;准确地 [emphasis]
  • ...bang in the middle of the track.


  • For once you leave bang on time for work.


10 See also: big bang theory 
11 PHRASE 告吹了;完蛋了;没戏了 If you say bang goes something, you mean that it is now obvious that it cannot succeed or be achieved. 告吹了;完蛋了;没戏了
  • There will be more work to do, not less. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 35.


12 PHRASE 精力充沛地;热情高涨地;非常成功地 If something begins or ends with a bang, it begins or ends with a lot of energy, enthusiasm, or success. 精力充沛地;热情高涨地;非常成功地
  • Her career began with a bang in 1986.


13 to bang your head against a brick wall→see: brick  to bang two people's heads together→see: head 
Phrasal verbs:
bang on about bang out bang up
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse bang with:

hear a bang 1


loud bang 1


with a bang 1

bang on something 4

bang into 7


bang down 5


bang your head 6

Trends of bang
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years


1sudden loud noise突然巨響ADJECTIVE | VERB + BANG | BANG + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEalmighty, big, enormous, huge, loud, massive, resounding轟鳴的巨響;驚天動地的巨響;震耳欲聾的巨響VERB + BANGhear聽到巨響We suddenly heard an almighty bang from the kitchen.我們突然聽到廚房裏發出一聲巨響。BANG + VERBecho巨響迴盪PREPOSITIONwith a bang砰的一聲She slammed the door with a loud bang.她砰的一聲關上了門。


2sudden hard hit猛然重擊ADJECTIVE | VERB + BANG ADJECTIVEnasty猛擊He got a nasty bang on the head.他頭上被猛擊了一下。VERB + BANGget, have受到重擊


3bangs (NAmE) hair頭髮 see also fringe ADJECTIVE | VERB + BANG ADJECTIVEblond, brown, etc.金黃色、棕色等劉海兒long, short長劉海兒;短劉海兒messy, overgrown, shaggy, wispy凌亂的/過長的/蓬鬆的/稀疏的劉海兒VERB + BANGblow, brush, pull back, push, sweep吹劉海兒;梳劉海兒;向後攏劉海兒;撥開劉海兒;拂開劉海兒She blew her bangs out of her face.她把劉海兒從臉上吹開。


1hit noisily砰地撞擊ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBhard, loudly使勁兒/大聲撞擊repeatedly再三地猛撞PREPOSITIONagainst撞在⋯上He kept banging his chair against the wall.他不停地用椅子撞牆。on在⋯上敲擊She banged loudly on the table.她把桌子敲得砰砰響。PHRASESbang (sth) down, bang (sth) open, bang (sth) shut砰地撞掉(⋯)/撞開(⋯)/關上(⋯)The bedroom door banged shut.卧室的門砰的一聲關上了。She banged the door shut.她砰的一聲關上了門。


2part of the body/person身體;人ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBbadly, hard重重地撞擊I banged my head badly.我的頭重重地撞了一下。PREPOSITIONinto撞上⋯He banged into me in the corridor.他在走廊裏跟我撞了個滿懷。on撞在⋯上I banged my leg on the table.我的腿撞在了桌子上。
bang verb
bang1 (The door banged shut.) bang2 (bang your head) hit1 (bang on the door)


bang ♦︎ thud ♦︎ crash ♦︎ thump ♦︎ snap ♦︎ clang ♦︎ crackThese are all words for a sudden loud sound. 这些词均表示突然的巨响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配with a bang / thud / crash / thump / snap / clang / cracka loud bang / thud / crash / thump / snap / clang / cracka muffled bang / thud / thumpa dull thud / thumpa sharp snap / crackto hear a bang / thud / crash / thump / snap / clang / crackThere was a bang / thud / crash / thump / snap / clang / cracka crash / crack of thunder bang [countable] a sudden very loud noise 突然的巨响The door swung shut with a bang.门砰的一声关上了。Suddenly there was a loud bang and a puff of smoke.突然一声巨响,冒出了一缕烟。 thud [countable] a dull sound like the one that is made when a heavy object hits sth else 砰的一声;扑通一声His head hit the floor with a dull thud.他的头砰的一声撞在了地板上。She could hear the thud of her own heartbeat sounding heavily in her ears.她能听见自己怦怦的心跳声重重地在耳际回响。 crash [countable, usually singular] a sudden loud noise made, for example, by sth falling or breaking (倒下、破碎等突然的)碰撞声,破裂声,碎裂声The tree fell with a great crash.那棵树哗啦一声倒了。She heard the crash of shattering glass as the vehicles collided.她听到车辆碰撞时玻璃的碎裂声。The first distant crash of thunder shook the air.远处的第一声霹雳震撼天空。 thump [countable] a thud 砰的一声;扑通一声There was a thump as the truck hit the bank.卡车撞在马路边坡上,发出砰的一声巨响。As I got closer, I heard the thump of dance music coming from the second floor.我走近时,听到三楼传来“嘭嚓嚓”的舞曲声。NOTE 辨析 Thud or thump?There is no real difference in meaning or use between these words in this sense. A thump can also be an act of hitting sb/sth. 表达此义时,这两个词在含义和用法上没有实质差别。thump还有“重击、捶击”之意。 see also thump hit 2 snap [countable] a sudden sharp sound, especially one made by sth closing or breaking (尤指关闭或断裂时发出的)啪嗒声,喀嚓声She closed her purse with a snap.她啪嗒一声合上了钱包。He heard the snap of a twig behind him.他听到身后的小树枝喀嚓一声折断了。 clang [countable] a loud ringing noise like the noise of metal being hit (金属碰撞的)叮当声,哐啷声There was a clang as the heavy metal door was slammed shut.沉重的金属门咣的一声关上了。 see also clang ring verb crack [countable] a sudden loud sharp sound (突然的)爆裂声,劈啪声She heard the sharp crack of a rifle shot.她听到尖厉的步枪射击声。bang1


The door banged shut. 门砰的一声关上了。bang your head 撞到头bang ♦︎ crash ♦︎ pop ♦︎ crack ♦︎ explode ♦︎ clashThese words all mean to make a short, sudden sound. 这些词均表示发出短促、突然的响声。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a door bangs / crashesthunder crashes / cracks / explodescymbals crash / clashto bang / crash / pop / crack / explode loudly bang [transitive, intransitive] to make a sudden loud noise, especially the noise made by a door or window closing (尤指门或窗)砰的关上Don't bang the door when you go out!出去时别砰一声地关门!A window was banging somewhere (= opening and closing noisily).什么地方有扇窗在砰砰地又开又关。The door banged shut behind her.门在她身后砰的一声关上了。 see also bang hit 1 crash [intransitive] to make a sudden loud noise, especially the noise made by waves or thunder (尤指波涛或雷)发出巨响The waves crashed deafeningly.涛声震耳欲聋。Thunder crashed overhead.头顶上雷声隆隆。 pop (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to make a short explosive sound; to cause sth to make this sound (使)发砰砰声Flashbulbs were popping all around them.闪光灯在他们周围劈劈啪啪闪个不停。He popped the cork on the champagne bottle.他砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的塞子。 crack [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to make a sudden loud sharp sound; to cause sth to make this sound (使)发出爆裂声,劈啪作响A shot cracked across the ridge.一颗炮弹尖啸着飞过了山脊。He cracked his whip and galloped away.他抽响鞭子,策马飞奔而去。 explode [intransitive] to make a sudden very loud noise 突然发出巨响Thunder exploded overhead.雷在头顶上炸响。 clash [intransitive, transitive] to hit together and make a harsh ringing noise; to make two metal objects do this 撞击出刺耳的响声;使当啷作响The long blades clashed together.长刀相击,铿然作响。She clashed the cymbals.她当啷一声敲响铙钹。bang2


The door banged shut. 门砰的一声关上了。bang your head 撞到头bang ♦︎ knock ♦︎ hit ♦︎ crack ♦︎ bumpThese words all mean to accidentally hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth. 这些词均表示无意间碰撞、磕碰,尤指撞到身体部位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to bang / knock / hit / crack / bump your head / knee, etc. on / against sthto bang / knock / hit / crack / bump your head / foreheadto bang / knock / hit / bump your arm / knee / elbow bang [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body against sth, especially when this is painful 碰撞,磕(尤指引起痛楚)He banged his head as he tried to stand up.他想要站起来时撞到了头。She tripped and banged her knee on the desk.她绊了一跤,膝盖磕在桌子上。 see also bang hit 1 knock [transitive, intransitive] to accidentally hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth 撞;碰;撞到⋯上He fell and knocked his head on the path.他在小路上摔了一跤,头撞到了地上。Her hand knocked against the glass.她的手碰了玻璃杯。 see also knock hit 1 hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive] to accidentally knock a part of your body against sth 使(身体部位)碰到He fell, hitting his head on the hard stone floor.他摔倒了,头撞在坚硬的石头地面上。 see also hit hit 1 2 crack [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body, especially your head, against sth in a painful way 使(身体部位,尤指头)猛撞He stood up suddenly, cracking his head on the low ceiling.他猛地站起身,头撞上了低矮的天花板。 bump [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body against sth 使(身体部位)碰,撞Toddlers are always falling over and bumping their heads.学步的幼儿总是跌倒并撞到头。 see also bump hit 1 NOTE 辨析 Which word?These words are all used in very similar ways. Bang is the most frequent word used when talking about hitting a part of the body, especially when this is painful. Knock and hit are more general and can be used for a hard, painful hit, or a gentle one. Crack is used especially when you hit your head. Bump is used especially without a preposition; bang can also be used in this way but the other words cannot. 这些词用法很相近。表示撞到身体部位,尤其是撞得很疼时,bang是最常用的词。knock和hit比较笼统,既可以表示撞得很重、很疼,也可以表示轻轻一碰。crack尤用于表示撞到头。bump一般不与介词连用,bang也可以不与介词连用,但其他词须与介词连用Toddlers are always falling over and knocking/hitting/cracking their heads.

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