1N-MASS 奎宁水(略有苦味的无色汽水,常与杜松子酒等调配饮用)Tonic or tonic water is a colourless fizzy drink that has a slightly bitter flavour and is often mixed with alcoholic drinks, especially gin. 奎宁水(略有苦味的无色汽水,常与杜松子酒等调配饮用)
Keeler sipped at his gin and tonic.
...low-calorie tonics.
A glass of tonic can be referred to as a tonic or a tonic water .(一杯)奎宁水
I'll just have a tonic water.
2N-MASS 补药;补剂;滋补药 A tonic is a medicine that makes you feel stronger, healthier, and less tired. 补药;补剂;滋补药
Britons are spending twice as much on health tonics as they were five years ago.
英国人如今在健康补药上花的钱是 5 年前的两倍。
Ginseng is generally known for its tonic properties.
3N-COUNT [oft adjective NOUN]有兴奋(或激励)作用的事物 A tonic is anything that makes you feel stronger, more cheerful, or more enthusiastic. 有兴奋(或激励)作用的事物 [Also + for]
Seeing Marcus at that moment was a great tonic.
His generous offer was a tremendous tonic for our morale.
4N-MASS 护肤液;护发液;生发水 Skin tonic or hair tonic is a liquid that you put on your skin or hair in order to improve it. 护肤液;护发液;生发水
5N-COUNT 主音 The tonic of a musical scale is its first note. 主音 [technical]