1VERB (挤压、压碎时)发出喀嚓声,发出嘎吱声 If something scrunches, it makes a loud sound as it is pressed or crushed or as it presses or crushes something else. (挤压、压碎时)发出喀嚓声,发出嘎吱声 [Also VERB]
The sand on the floor scrunched under our feet. [VERB prep.]
Her feet scrunch on the gravel. [VERB prep.]
2VERB 挤扁;掰弯;使变形;使压碎 If you scrunch something, you squeeze it or bend it so that it is no longer in its natural shape and is often crushed. 挤扁;掰弯;使变形;使压碎
Her father scrunched his nose. [VERB noun]
Her mother was sitting bolt upright, scrunching her white cotton gloves into a ball. [VERB noun + into]