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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
hs hz hzɪz haʊs haʊz
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense houses, present participle housing, past tense , past participle housed
Pronounced /haʊs/ for the noun and adjective, and /haʊz/ for the verb. The form houses is pronounced 'haʊzɪz/. 名词和形容词读作 /haʊs/,动词读作 /haʊz/houses 读作/'haʊzɪz/
1 N-COUNT 房屋;房子;住宅 A house is a building in which people live, usually the people belonging to one family. 房屋;房子;住宅
  • She has moved to a smaller house.


  • ...her parents' house in Warwickshire.


SYN home, residence, dwelling [formal , literary] , building
2 N-SING [the/this N] 住在一幢房子里的人;一家人 You can refer to all the people who live together in a house as the house . 住在一幢房子里的人;一家人 [British, formal]
  • If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house.


  • So I grew up with that feeling that the man is the head of the house.


SYN household, family, ménage
3 N-COUNT [n NOUN] (用于餐饮场所的名称)餐厅,馆,屋 House is used in the names of types of places where people go to eat and drink. (用于餐饮场所的名称)餐厅,馆,屋
  • ...a steak house.


  • ...an old Salzburg coffee house.


4 N-COUNT [n NOUN] (尤用于出版、借贷或服装设计等公司的名称)公司,商行 House is used in the names of types of companies, especially ones which publish books, lend money, or design clothes. (尤用于出版、借贷或服装设计等公司的名称)公司,商行
  • Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.


  • Eventually she was fired from her job at a publishing house.


5 N-IN-NAMES [n NOUN] (用于办公楼、私宅或豪宅名称)大楼,大厦,大宅 House is sometimes used in the names of office buildings and large private homes or expensive houses. (用于办公楼、私宅或豪宅名称)大楼,大厦,大宅 [mainly British]
  • I was to go to the very top floor of Bush House in Aldwych.


  • ...Harewood House near Leeds.


6 N-COUNT (英国)上(或下)议院;(美国)众议院 You can refer to the two main bodies of Britain's parliament and the United States of America's legislature as the House or a House. (英国)上(或下)议院;(美国)众议院
  • Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday.


  • The Republicans have majorities in both Houses.


7 N-SING [the/this N] 全体辩论者;所有辩手 You can refer to all the people at a debate as the house . 全体辩论者;所有辩手 [British, formal]
  • The club is planning a public debate on 'This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology'.


8 N-COUNT (英国学校中为进行体育竞赛等所划分的)组,社 In a British school, a house is a group of children of different ages who compete against other groups in sports and other activities. Each house usually has a name. (英国学校中为进行体育竞赛等所划分的)组,社
  • He was a prefect and house captain.


9 N-COUNT 贵族;名门望族;(尤指)王室,王族 A house is a family which has been or will be important for many generations, especially the family of a king or queen. 贵族;名门望族;(尤指)王室,王族
  • ...the Saudi Royal House.


  • ...the House of Windsor. [+ of]


10 N-COUNT (剧场、影院或其他娱乐场所的)观众席;全体观众 The house is the part of a theatre, cinema, or other place of entertainment where the audience sits. You can also refer to the audience at a particular performance as the house. (剧场、影院或其他娱乐场所的)观众席;全体观众
  • They played in front of a packed house.


11 ADJ [ADJ n] (餐馆里的葡萄酒)廉价佐餐的,未列入酒水单的 A restaurant's house wine is the cheapest wine it sells, which is not listed by name on the wine list. (餐馆里的葡萄酒)廉价佐餐的,未列入酒水单的
  • Tweed ordered a carafe of the house wine.


  • ...a bottle of house red or white.


12 VERB 提供房屋(或住所) To house someone means to provide a house or flat for them to live in. 提供房屋(或住所)
  • Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people. [VERB noun]


  • Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats. [VERB noun adv./prep.]


SYN accommodate, board, quarter, take in
13 VERB [no cont] 安置;容纳;作为之用 A building or container that houses something is the place where it is located or from where it operates. 安置;容纳;作为之用
  • The château itself is open to the public and houses a museum of motorcycles and cars. [VERB noun]


  • Many years later, the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint. [VERB noun]


14 VERB [no cont] (建筑物)供居住,供下榻 If you say that a building houses a number of people, you mean that is the place where they live or where they are staying. (建筑物)供居住,供下榻
  • The building will house twelve boys and eight girls. [VERB noun]


  • Their villas housed army officers now. [VERB noun]


SYN take, accommodate, sleep, provide shelter for
16 PHRASE (人、表演或演讲)博得全场喝彩,引得哄堂大笑 If a person or their performance or speech brings the house down, the audience claps, laughs, or shouts loudly because the performance or speech is very impressive or amusing. (人、表演或演讲)博得全场喝彩,引得哄堂大笑 [informal]
  • It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down.


17 PHRASE 很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合 If two people get on like a house on fire, they quickly become close friends, for example because they have many interests in common. 很快就打得火热;一见如故;一拍即合 [informal]
18 PHRASE [VERB inflects, oft PHR for n] (不出去工作而)操持家务,当家 If you keep house, you do the cleaning and cooking for your household, and do not go out to work. (不出去工作而)操持家务,当家
  • He lives with an aunt who keeps house for him.


19 PHRASE (餐馆或酒吧)免费招待的 If you are given something in a restaurant or bar on the house, you do not have to pay for it. (餐馆或酒吧)免费招待的
  • The owner knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house.


SYN free, for free [informal] , for nothing, free of charge
20 PHRASE 管好自己的事;处理好自身问题 If someone gets their house in order ,puts their house in order, or sets their house in order, they arrange their affairs and solve their problems. 管好自己的事;处理好自身问题
  • Some think Stempel's departure will help the company get its financial house in order.


  • The challenge for American leadership is this: Can we put our economic house in order?.


  • Before you lecture me, Mr Abbey, I suggest you set your house in order.


A house is a machine for living in Le Corbusier Vers une architecture
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurushouse Also look up:

dwelling, home, place, residence 1

Word PartnershipUse house with:

break into a house, build a house, buy a house, find a house, live in a house, own a house, rent a house, sell a house 1


empty house, expensive house, little house, new/old house 1


house prices, a room in a house 1

Trends of house
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years


1building that is made for one family to live in家庭住所ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOUSE | HOUSE + VERB | HOUSE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbeautiful, comfortable, elegant, fancy, fine, grand, handsome, lovely, luxurious, magnificent, posh, pretty漂亮的房子;舒適的房屋;奢華的宅第;氣派的住宅dream夢想中的房屋They built their own dream house overlooking the river.他們在能俯瞰這條河的地方建了自己夢想中的房子。dingy, gloomy, ugly昏暗骯髒的/幽暗的/難看的房子derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, shabby, untidy (BrE) 棄置的房屋;破敗的房子;搖搖欲墜的房子;破舊的宅子;凌亂的房子abandoned廢棄的房子detached, semi-detached獨立式/半獨立式房屋row, terrace, terraced (BrE) 排屋;聯排住房big, enormous, gigantic, huge, large, palatial, spacious大房子;宏偉的屋宇;寬敞的房屋rambling格局凌亂的房屋It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.在佈局凌亂的大宅子裏容易迷路。little, modest, small, tiny小巧的/不大的/很小的/極小的房子They lived in a modest semi-detached house in the suburbs.他們住在城郊一所不大的半獨立式房子裏。single-storey/single-story, single-storeyed/single-storied, two-storey/two-story, etc.平房、兩層樓房等four-bedroom, four-bedroomed, eight-room, eight-roomed, etc. * 4 卧室、8 室等的住宅brick, gabled, half-timbered, red-brick, thatched磚房;有山牆的房子;半木結構房屋;紅磚房;茅草屋expensive高檔住宅private私家住宅council (BrE) 政府公屋rented租住的房子empty, unoccupied, vacant空房;閒置的房屋country, suburban, town (usually townhouse in NAmE) 鄉間宅第;郊區住房;城區住宅great, manor, mansion (especially BrE) 大宅子;莊園宅第;府邸The great house stood on the edge of the town.那座大宅子矗立在鎮子邊上。farm (usually farmhouse) 農舍ranch (NAmE) 牧場住宅tract (NAmE) 地區性住宅ancestral祖居communal, group, shared (BrE) 集體住房I live in a group / shared house (= with people who are not my family).我住在一棟集體住房裏。summer避暑別墅beach海濱別墅tree(玩耍用)樹上小屋halfway, safe中途之家;安全屋a halfway house for prisoners returning to society為囚犯重返社會所設的過渡場所The police provided a safe house for the informer.警方給線人提供了一個安全屋。haunted鬼屋VERB + HOUSElive in, occupy住在房子裏;住房子a house occupied by students學生們住宿的房子share合住房子She shares a house with three other nurses.她和另外 3 名護士合住一座房子。buy, rent買房;租房sell賣房have, own擁有房子let, let out, rent out出租房屋We let out our house when we moved to America.我們搬去美國之前把房子租了出去。We're only planning on renting the house out for a few years.我們計劃把房子只出租三五年。repossess (especially BrE) 收回房屋Their house was repossessed when they couldn't keep up their mortgage payments.由於他們無力繼續償還按揭貸款,房子被收了回去。move, move into, move out of搬家;搬進房子;搬出房子It's stressful moving house.搬家十分勞神。We had to move out of our house.我們不得不搬出我們的房子。set up設立住所They want to set up house together.他們想共同建設住房。keep操持家務She kept house (= cooked, cleaned, etc.) for her elderly parents.她為年邁的雙親料理家務。play過家家The children were playing house, giving dinner to their dolls.孩子們在玩過家家,餵玩具娃娃吃飯。build建住宅demolish, knock down, tear down拆毀房屋;推倒房屋;拆掉房子maintain維護房屋decorate, do up, redecorate, refurbish, renovate裝修房子;修繕房屋;重新裝修房屋;翻新房屋They bought an old house and are gradually renovating it.他們買下一座舊房子,如今正在逐漸重新裝修。furnish在房屋內佈置傢具clean打掃房屋insulate, rewire為房屋作隔熱處理;給房子重裝電線add onto, extend擴建房屋We're hoping to extend the house.我們希望擴建房子。Our challenge was to add onto the house in a respectful way.我們面臨的挑戰在於體面地擴建房子。search搜查房屋Police officers have been searching the house for clues.警察搜查那間房屋尋找線索。wake up叫醒全家人You'll wake up the whole house (= all the people in the house) with that noise.你那麼大的聲響,會吵醒全家人的。HOUSE + VERBbe situated, lie, stand房子位於⋯The house stood a short distance from the woods.房子離樹林不遠。face sth, overlook sth房子朝向⋯;房屋俯瞰⋯The house faces south, making the most of the sun.房子朝南,採光很好。houses overlooking the park俯視公園的房子loom房子隱現The house loomed over him as he waited at the front door.他在前門等候時,看到那所房子隱隱呈現。be worth sth房子價值⋯collapse, fall down房屋坍塌burn down, catch fire, catch on fire (NAmE) 房子被燒燬;房子着火come into view房子進入視野HOUSE + NOUNagent (BrE) 房地產經紀人buyer, owner購房者;房主The bank offers attractive rates to first-time house buyers.銀行給首次購房者提供的利率很有吸引力。tenant (BrE) 房客building, construction房屋建造decoration, improvement, renovation, repairs房屋裝潢;房屋翻新;房屋修理builder, painter建築商;房屋油漆匠contents (especially BrE) 屋內的物品design, plan, planning房屋設計;房屋規劃hunting找房子move (especially BrE) 搬家They helped us with our house move.他們幫我們搬家。prices, rents, values (especially BrE) 房屋價格;房屋租金;房屋價值purchase房屋購買sales房屋銷售insurance (especially BrE) (usually home insurance in NAmE) 房屋保險front, interior房子正面;房屋內部number門牌號keys房子鑰匙guest在家小住的客人call上門看病In the morning, the doctor makes house calls.上午醫生出診。arrest軟禁The former dictator is under house arrest in his country mansion.下台的獨裁者被軟禁在他的鄉間府邸裏。dust室內塵埃blaze, fire房屋失火party鄉村府邸聚會husband操持家務的丈夫He's happy being a house husband while his wife goes out to work.妻子出去工作,他也樂意當“家庭主夫”。plant室內盆栽植物fly, mouse, sparrow, etc.家蠅、家鼠、家麻雀等PREPOSITIONat sb's/the house在(⋯的)家中I finally tracked him down at his house in Denver.我最後總算在丹佛他的家中追踪到了他。from house to house挨家挨戶She went from house to house collecting signatures for her campaign.她挨家挨戶為自己投身的運動徵集簽名。in a/the house在房子裏It was so hot outside we stayed in the house.外面太熱,我們都待在房子裏。


2in a theatre/theater劇院;電影院ADJECTIVE | VERB + HOUSE | HOUSE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEempty沒有觀眾full, packed座無虛席;滿座VERB + HOUSEplay to為觀眾表演They played to a packed house.他們的演出座無虛席。HOUSE + NOUNlights觀眾席照明燈manager劇院經理PHRASESbring the house down (= please the audience very much) 博得滿堂喝彩front of house (= the area used by the audience) (劇院的)觀眾席I work front of house.我負責觀眾席的事務。the front-of-house staff劇院觀眾席工作人員


ADVERBpermanently, temporarily長久/暫時安置The fish can be temporarily housed in a smaller aquarium.魚可以暫時養在小一點兒的魚缸裏。individually, separately單獨/分開安置The rabbits were housed individually.兔子被分開飼養。adequately (especially BrE) 提供足夠的住房At no time in the 19th century were the working classes adequately housed.19 世紀時,工人階級一直住房不足。badly (especially BrE) 居住條件差The losers in this society are the homeless and badly housed.這個社會的失敗者是無家可歸者和居住條件很差的人。
house verb
house noun
house (a three-bedroom house) assembly (the lower house of parliament) company (a publishing house) family1 (wake the whole house) on the house free adj.2


 See also the entries for flat noun and home 1 另见flat名词词条和home条第1义。house ♦︎ home ♦︎ cottage ♦︎ bungalow ♦︎ townhouse ♦︎ ranch houseThese are all words for a building where sb lives. 这些词均表示房子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a detached / semi-detached house / home / cottage / bungalowa terraced house / home / cottagea one- / two- / three-bedroom house / home / cottage / bungalow / townhouse / ranch houseto live in a house / cottage / bungalow / townhouse / ranch houseto stay in a house / cottage / bungalowto rent a house / home / cottage / bungalow house [countable] a building for people to live in, usually for one family 房屋;房子;住宅Let's have the party at my house.咱们在我家里办聚会吧。What time do you leave the house (= to go to work) in the morning?你早上几点出门去上班?House prices in London are still falling.伦敦的房价还在跌。 home [countable] a house or flat where sb lives, especially when you think of it as property that can be bought and sold (可买卖的)房子,住宅,寓所A lot of new homes are being built on the edge of town.城镇的外围正在兴建很多新房屋。Private home ownership is increasing faster than ever.私有房产正以前所未有的速度增长。 cottage ˈkɒtɪdʒ; NAmE ˈkɑːtɪdʒ [countable] a small house, especially in the country 小屋;(尤指)村舍;小别墅James lived in a charming country cottage with honeysuckle around the door.詹姆斯住在漂亮的乡村小屋里,门口周围种着忍冬花。 (BrE) They rented a holiday cottage in the middle of nowhere.他们租住了一套僻静的度假小别墅。 bungalow ˈbʌŋgələʊ; NAmE ˈbʌŋgəloʊ [countable] (BrE) a house built all on one level, without stairs 平房;独座房屋He retired at 70 and moved to a bungalow in Rosecroft Gardens.他70岁退休,之后搬到了罗斯克罗夫特花园街的一处平房居住。 townhouse ˈtaʊnhaʊs [countable] (especially NAmE) a house that is one of a row of houses that are joined together on each side 排房Their home was a modern brick townhouse on the edge of the park.他们家在公园边上,是一座砖造的时髦排房。The usual British English term for houses that are joined together in a row is terraced houses. Townhouse (or town house) is used in British English to describe houses of this type that are particularly large and fine or historic. 英式英语中通常表示排房的词是terraced house。townhouse(或town house)在英式英语中指典雅或有历史价值的高大排房a row of elegant Georgian town houses一排有乔治王朝时期风格的典雅排房 ˈranch house rɑːntʃ; NAmE ræntʃ [countable] (NAmE) a house built all on one level, that is very wide but not very deep from front to back and has a roof that is not very steep 长形平房Their home was a spacious ranch house.他们的家是一栋宽敞的平房。
General types of business or company: account, acquisition, affiliate...
The fashion industry: bespoke, catwalk, collection...
Within or outside of an organization or institution: inner, institutional, internal...
Restaurants and cafes: bar, bistro, brasserie...
General words for performances: act, appearance, booking...
Words used in the names of buildings: centre, Court, great...
Members of royal families and the nobility: archduke, aristocracy, aristocrat...
To provide food or accommodation: accommodate, serve, cater...
To contain something: include, contents, contain...

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