3ADJ-GRADED (葡萄酒、威士忌或咖啡等)醇和的,不烈的,不苦的 If you describe a drink such as wine, whisky, or coffee as smooth, you mean that it is not bitter and is pleasant to drink. (葡萄酒、威士忌或咖啡等)醇和的,不烈的,不苦的
...airlines believed regulations requiring identification of all unaccompanied hold baggage would damage the smoothness of their operations.
7ADJ-GRADED 故作殷勤有礼的;精明圆滑的;圆通的 If you describe a man as smooth, you mean that he is extremely smart, confident, and polite, often in a way that you find rather unpleasant. 故作殷勤有礼的;精明圆滑的;圆通的
Twelve extremely good-looking, smooth young men have been picked as finalists.
12 名特别漂亮精明的青年男子被选为参加决赛的选手。
He was the smoothest and probably the most powerful chief of staff in political memory.
10PHRASE [VERB inflects]铺平道路;促进 If you smooth the path or smooth the way towards something, you make it easier or more likely to happen. 铺平道路;促进
Their talks were aimed at smoothing the path towards a treaty to limit long-range weapons.
11PHRASE [VERB inflects]既能享乐也能吃苦;是好是歹一起承受 If you say that someone has to take the rough with the smooth, you mean that they have to accept the unpleasant or difficult things that happen as well as the pleasant things. 既能享乐也能吃苦;是好是歹一起承受