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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
skl skeɪl
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense scales, present participle scaling, past tense , past participle scaled
1 N-SING 大小;(尤指庞大的)规模,范围,程度 If you refer to the scale of something, you are referring to its size or extent, especially when it is very big. 大小;(尤指庞大的)规模,范围,程度
  • However, he underestimates the scale of the problem. [+ of]


  • You may feel dwarfed by the sheer scale of the place.


  • The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.


  • The British aid programme is small in scale.


3 N-COUNT 等级;级别;等级体系 A scale is a set of levels or numbers which are used in a particular system of measuring things or are used when comparing things. 等级;级别;等级体系
  • ...an earthquake measuring five-point-five on the Richter scale.

    里氏 5.5 级地震

  • The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.


  • The higher up the social scale they are, the more the men have to lose.


SYN system of measurement, register, measuring system, graduated system
4See also:sliding scale  timescale 
5 N-COUNT (根据年龄、工种等核定的工资或费用)级别,标准 A pay scale or scale of fees is a list that shows how much someone should be paid, depending, for example, on their age or what work they do. (根据年龄、工种等核定的工资或费用)级别,标准 [British]
  • ...those on the high end of the pay scale.


  • A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation.


6 N-COUNT (地图、图纸、模型的)比例,比例尺 The scale of a map, plan, or model is the relationship between the size of something in the map, plan, or model and its size in the real world. (地图、图纸、模型的)比例,比例尺
  • The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths. [+ of]

    该地图以 1:10,000 的比例尺显示了 5,000 多条不同道路。

SYN ratio, proportion, relative size
7See also:full-scale  large-scale 
8 ADJ [ADJ n] (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的 A scale model or scale replica of a building or object is a model of it which is smaller than the real thing but has all the same parts and features. (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的
  • Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house.


9 N-COUNT 音阶 In music, a scale is a fixed sequence of musical notes, each one higher than the next, which begins at a particular note. 音阶
  • ...the scale of C major. [+ of]

    C 大调音阶

10 N-COUNT [usually plural] 鱼鳞;(爬行动物的)鳞片 The scales of a fish or reptile are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover its body. 鱼鳞;(爬行动物的)鳞片
11 N-PLURAL [oft a pair of NOUN] 天平;;磅秤 Scales are a piece of equipment used for weighing things, for example for weighing amounts of food that you need in order to make a particular meal. 天平;;磅秤
  • ...a pair of kitchen scales.


  • ...bathroom scales.


  • I step on the scales practically every morning.


SYN weighing machine, balance, scale, weigh beam
12 VERB 爬越;攀登;翻过 If you scale something such as a mountain or a wall, you climb up it or over it. 爬越;攀登;翻过 [written]
  • In 1981, five members of a climbing party died while scaling Mount Hood.

    1981 年,一支登山队的5名队员在攀登胡德峰时遇难。

  • The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side. [VERB noun]


SYN climb up, mount, go up, ascend
13 PHRASE 不成比例;不相称 If something is out of scale with the things near it, it is too big or too small in relation to them. 不成比例;不相称
  • The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building. [+ with]


14 PHRASE 按比例 If the different parts of a map, drawing, or model are to scale, they are the right size in relation to each other. 按比例
  • ...a miniature garden, with little pagodas and bridges all to scale.


Phrasal verbs:
scale back scale down scale up
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Trends of scale
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1size/extent大小;程度ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCALE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfull全景It was several days before the full scale of the accident became clear.事故的全部情況直到幾天以後才搞清楚。big, considerable, epic, grand, greater, huge, large, mass, massive, monumental, vast, wide大規模;相當大的規模;宏大的規模;更大的範圍;巨大的規模;範圍廣modest, small不太大的規模;小規模sheer巨大的規模It is difficult to comprehend the sheer scale of the suffering caused by the war.人們很難理解戰爭造成的苦難有多嚴重。unprecedented空前的規模a misuse of presidential power on an unprecedented scale總統權力程度空前的濫用ambitious, lavish雄心勃勃的規模;無節制的程度Do they always entertain on such a lavish scale?他們經常這樣大擺宴席嗎?global, international, local, national, regional, world全球/國際/地方/全國/地區/世界範圍commercial商業化規模The dolls are now produced on a commercial scale.這種玩具娃娃現已投入規模化生產。human人性化尺度The final building is realized on a human scale.最終建成的大樓實現了建築設計的人性化。The city would operate on a more human scale if cars were banned from the old town.如果禁止車輛進入市中心,這座城市的運行將更加人性化。VERB + SCALEexpand, increase擴大/增加規模They plan to expand the scale and scope of their operations.他們打算擴大經營規模和範圍。reduce減小規模match與⋯規模匹配assess, determine評估/確定規模We need to determine the scale of the problem.我們需要確定問題的嚴重程度。reveal, show顯示/展示規模appreciate, comprehend, realize意識到/理解/認識規模underestimate低估規模PREPOSITIONscale of⋯的規模the scale of the disaster / destruction / problem災情/破壞/問題的規模the scale of the project / task項目/任務的規模in scale尺寸上The paintings are small in scale.這些畫尺幅較小。on a scale以⋯的規模pollution on a massive scale大範圍的污染PHRASESan economy of scale規模經濟Economies of scale enable the larger companies to lower their prices.規模經濟使得大公司可以降低產品價格。given the scale of鑒於⋯的規模Given the scale of the changes, it is essential that all managers familiarize themselves with the details.考慮到變動幅度之大,每一位主管都有必要熟悉這些細節。


2range of values數值範圍ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCALE | SCALE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEfixed固定的等級sliding浮動計算Benefits are paid on a sliding scale according to family income.補助金的發放根據家庭收入而定,數額不等。five-point, six-point, etc. * 5 分、6 分等的等級rating等級尺度Patients were asked to state their level of anxiety on a 10-point rating scale.患者被要求用十分制打分標準給出各自焦慮程度的分值。time時間尺度Can you give me any sort of time scale for the completion of the building work?你能不能告訴我這個建築工程的完工進度?evolutionary, social進化/社會等級pay, salary, wage (especially BrE) 工資等級;薪金級別The company has a five-point pay scale.這家公司劃分了 5 個工資等級。Beaufort, Richter, etc.蒲福風級、里氏震級等The earthquake measured 6.4 on the Richter scale.地震強度為里氏 6.4 級。VERB + SCALEuse用等級construct, develop創建/開發級別go up, move up, rise up級別上升;升級He has risen up the social scale from rather humble beginnings.他從地位卑微的無名小卒開始打拚,獲得了現今的社會地位。go down, move down級別下降;降級SCALE + VERBgo from... to..., range from... to...等級從⋯到⋯a scale ranging from 'utterly miserable' to 'deliriously happy'從“悲慘之至”到“快樂如痴”的不同程度be based on級別基於⋯a sliding scale based on income按收入浮動的級別PREPOSITIONon a/the scale在等級中Where do birds come on the evolutionary scale?在演化等級中,鳥類處於什麼位置?scale of... to...從⋯到⋯的等級On a scale of 1 to 10, he scores 7.按從 1 到 10 的計分標準評定,他得到 7 分。PHRASESthe bottom of the scale, the end of the scale, the top of the scale最低級別;最高級別After ten years, she had worked her way to the top of the pay scale.10 年後,她已拿到了最高級別的薪水。


3relation between actual size and size of a map, etc.地圖比例VERB + SCALE | SCALE + NOUN | PREPOSITION VERB + SCALEdraw sth to按比例把⋯畫出have有比例SCALE + NOUNdrawing, model按比例畫的圖/製作的模型He's made a scale model of the Eiffel Tower.他按比例做了一個埃菲爾鐵塔模型。PREPOSITIONto scale按比例The plan of the building is not drawn to scale.大樓的平面圖畫得不合比例。scale of... to...⋯比⋯的比例The map has a scale of one inch to the mile.這幅地圖的比例是 1 英寸代表 1 英里。a scale of 1 : 25 0001:25,000 的比例


4in music音樂ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCALE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEmajor, minor大調/小調音階VERB + SCALEplay, sing練習彈琴指法;練聲practise/practice練習音階We could hear her practising / practicing her scales.我們可以聽到她在做音階試唱。PREPOSITIONscale of⋯調音階the scale of C majorC 大調音階


5on a fish, etc.ADJECTIVE | VERB + SCALE ADJECTIVEoverlapping交叠的鱗片fine, thin細密的/細薄的鱗片armoured/armored甲鱗fish魚鱗VERB + SCALEbe covered in, be covered with覆蓋着鱗片


6 (NAmE) machine for weighing天平 see scales
scale noun
scale (on a scale of one to ten) level (the full scale of the disaster) ratio (draw sth to scale)
scale verb


scale ♦︎ hierarchy ♦︎ ladder ♦︎ line ♦︎ the rankings ♦︎ pecking orderThese are all words for a range of levels that increase in size, importance, price, etc. 这些词均表示等级、级别、排名。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in the hierarchy / rankings / pecking orderon a / the scale / ladderup / down the ladder / line / pecking orderthe social scale / hierachy / ladderto move up the scale / hierarchy / ladder / rankings / pecking orderto be at the top / bottom of the scale / hierarchy / ladder / rankings / pecking orderhigh / higher / low / lower in the hierarchy / rankings / pecking ordersb's / sth's position / place in the hierarchy / rankings / pecking order scale [countable] a range of levels or numbers used for measuring sth; the set of all the different levels of sth, from the lowest to the highest 等级;级别;等级体系a salary / pay scale薪水/工资等级Please see the attached sheet for our scale of fees.我们的分级收费标准请参见附页。Benefits are paid on a sliding scale (= the amount you get might change), according to your income.福利费是根据收入的高低按浮动费率制发放的。How would you judge our service on a scale of one to ten (= one being the lowest mark and ten being the highest)?按一到十级,您如何评价我们的服务?Farm workers were always considered to be low down on the social scale.农场工人总被认为处于社会等级的底层。 hierarchy ˈhaɪərɑːki; NAmE ˈhaɪərɑːrki [countable, uncountable] a system, especially in a society or organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from the highest to the lowest (尤指社会或组织的)等级制度She's fairly high up in the management hierarchy.她位居管理层要职。At the bottom of the corporate hierarchy are part-time low-paid workers.低薪兼职员工处于公司的最底层。 ladder [countable, usually singular] a series of stages by which you can make progress, especially in a career or organization (尤指事业或机构中晋升的)阶梯,途径How quickly you move up the career ladder depends largely on your level of commitment.你在事业阶梯上晋升的快慢主要取决于你对工作的投入程度。She was not interested in climbing the corporate ladder.她无意在公司里往上爬。 line [countable, usually singular] a series of people in order of importance 一系列按重要性排列的人Who do you think is next in line for promotion?你认为谁会是下一个获得晋升的人?He is second in line to the throne.他是王位的第二继承人。Orders are usually passed down through the line of command.指令通常按职级逐层下达。 the rankings [plural] an official list showing the best players in a particular sport in order of how successful they are (某项体育运动的)最佳运动员排名表He is currently 16th in the world rankings.目前他的世界排名是第16位。The team has worked its way slowly up the rankings.这个队的排名一直在缓慢上升。 ˈpecking order [countable, usually singular] (informal)


the order of importance of sb/sth in relation to the others in a group 等级排序Dogs high up in the pecking order are often the most aggressive.在等级排序中靠前的狗通常都最具攻击性。They insist there is no pecking order within the team.他们坚称队内没有等级排序。
Large size: size, scale, bulk...
General words for size: size, measurement, magnitude...
General words for numbers, amounts and quantities: accumulation, allocation, allowance...
Wages and salaries: wage, salary, pay...
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Mountaineering, rock climbing and caving: abseil, abseiling, ascend...

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