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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Preferring and preference
verb [T] /prɪˈfɜː(r)/
[never progressive] to like or want someone or something more than someone or something else 更喜爱;钟爱

Which do you prefer, the red or the blue one? 你更喜欢哪一个,红的还是蓝的?

much prefer someone/something :

I much prefer your hair like that. 我更喜欢你那样的发型。

prefer someone/something to someone/something :

Even today, most Americans prefer coffee to tea. 甚至在今天,大部分美国人喜爱咖啡尤胜于茶。

prefer to do something :

Do you prefer to exercise indoors or out of doors? 在室内锻炼或是到室外锻炼你更喜欢哪一种?

prefer doing something :

I prefer working on my own. 我更喜欢自己干。

prefer someone to do something :

I'd prefer you to drive, if you don't mind. 我更想让你来开车,如果你不介意的话。

prefer something (to be) something :

I prefer my curry a little spicier. 我希望我点的咖喱饭再辣一点。

would prefer (that) :

I'd prefer that the job were a little closer to my home. 我宁愿工作(地点)离家更近一些。

someone would prefer it if :

The doctor would prefer it if you could come a little earlier. 医生希望你能早一些来。

something is to be preferred to something :

The original is definitely to be preferred to this inferior new version. 原著肯定比这本较为逊色的新版更受人喜爱。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
verb [T] [not usually progressive] /laɪk/
to prefer to do something in a particular way, or to prefer to have something done in a particular way 喜欢,想,希望(以某种方式做事)

How do you like your eggs? 你想吃怎么烹调的鸡蛋?

like someone to do something :

She likes us to hand our work in on time. 她希望我们按时交作业。

like to do something :

I don't like to interrupt her when she's in a meeting. 她开会时我不想打搅她。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
noun /ˈpref(ə)rəns/
[C] someone or something that you like or want more than other people or things 更喜欢的人(或物);更想要的人(或物)

The government's preference is for a diplomatic solution. 政府更希望通过外交途径解决问题。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
noun [C] [usually plural] /ˈliːnɪŋ/
a tendency to prefer, support, or be interested in a particular idea or activity 倾向;爱好;偏爱
political/religious/feminist etc leanings :

a tough young lawyer with feminist leanings 一位有着女权主义倾向、态度强硬的年轻律师

leaning towards :

a leaning towards traditional values 对传统价值观的倾向

 Synonyms and related words
Feelings of liking someone or something: liking, affection, taste...
 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
someone's likes and dislikes
what someone likes and does not like 某人的好恶

We try to take account of the individual's likes and dislikes.

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
in favour of
preferring to choose someone or something that you believe is better 优先选择

Manchester was rejected in favour of Liverpool as the site for the new stadium. 曼彻斯特被否决,利物浦被选为新体育场的场地。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
as you please
whatever you like, or in whatever way you prefer 随你的便;随意

We're very informal here, so you can dress as you please. 我们这儿很随便,你爱怎么穿就怎么穿。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
in preference to
instead of someone or something else that you like or want less 更喜欢;优先于

Harry was unable to understand the boy's passion for mechanical objects in preference to living creatures. 哈里无法理解的是,那男孩对机械物体的热爱竟胜过了活生生的动物。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
rather than
used for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another 而不是

Doug chose to quit rather than admit that he'd made a mistake. 道格选择放弃而不是承认他犯了错。

Rather than criticizing your husband, why not find out if there's something wrong? 不要指责你的丈夫,为什么不查看一下是不是什么地方出了问题呢?

We want the matter settled sooner rather than later. 我们想尽快解决问题,不想拖到以后再办。

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
I'd sooner do something
phrase spoken
used for saying what you would prefer to do 我宁愿做某事

I'd sooner marry no one than marry a fool like him. 我宁愿不嫁人,也不愿嫁给他那样的傻瓜。

‘Do you want to go out to eat?' ‘I'd sooner stay in.' “你想出去吃饭吗?”“我宁愿呆在家里。”

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
More Synonyms
a matter of opinion/taste
something that different people have different opinions about 看法/爱好不同的问题

Art is very much a matter of taste. 艺术在很大程度上是一个个人爱好的问题。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
give me something
phrase spoken
used for saying what you like or prefer 给我某物(用于表示只要拥有某物就满足了)

Just give me a glass of Scotch and a good book and I'm a happy man. 给我一杯苏格兰威士忌和一本好书,我就会感到十分幸福了。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
verb [I] formal /ˈɡrævɪteɪt/
to be interested in something and want to do it or to have it
gravitate to/towards :

Customers gravitate to the products that best reflect their social status. 顾客们总是被吸引到那些最能反映其社会地位的商品。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
I would (just) as soon do something
phrase spoken
used for saying what you would prefer to do 我宁可(或宁愿)做某事

I'd just as soon stay at home. 我宁愿呆在家里。

I'd as soon go to another restaurant as wait for a table here. 我宁可去另一家饭店,也不想在这里等空桌子。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
adverb /ˈpref(ə)rəbli/
used for saying what someone would like or prefer 更可取地;更好地

She wants to retire, preferably before she's fifty. 她想退休,而且最好是在50岁之前。

When we move I'd like to get a pet, preferably a dog. 我们搬家的时候我想养只宠物,最好是一条狗。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
put someone/something first
to decide that someone or something is more important than anything else 把某人/某事物放在第一位

I always put my marriage first. 我总是把婚姻放在第一位。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
someone's first choice
the thing or person that you like more than all the others 首选;第一选择

Acting wasn't Maureen's first choice of vocation.

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
conjunction, preposition strong /ðæn/ weak /ðən/
used for saying that one description or possibility is preferred to another 与其…不如;宁愿

It was more a friendly warning than a threat. 与其说是威胁,不如说是友好的警告。

Most criminals would rather go to prison than meet their victims. 大多数罪犯宁愿进监狱也不愿见受害者。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
whatever floats your boat
phrase spoken
used for saying that although an idea or plan does not seem good to you, you can accept that someone else likes it 虽然你不喜欢,但你能够接受别人喜欢
 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
whatever/wherever/whenever etc someone pleases
whatever/wherever/whenever etc someone wants 无论某人想要什么东西/到什么地方/什么时候愿意

You can go whenever you please. 你想什么时候走都行。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
would rather
used for saying that you would prefer to do something or that you would prefer that something happened 宁愿

I'd rather you didn't mention this matter to anyone else. 我情愿你没有对任何人提及此事。

He doesn't want to learn – he'd rather stay at home and play video games. 他不想学习,宁愿呆在家里玩电子游戏。

would rather...than :

They said they would rather die than abandon their homes. 他们说他们宁愿死也不愿弃别家园。

would rather not (=would prefer not to do something) 宁愿不 :

You don't need to come if you'd rather not. 如果你不情愿的话,你就不必来了。

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...
in favor of
preferring to choose someone or something that you believe is better 优先选择

Downtown was rejected in favor of the harbor area as the site for the new stadium.

 Synonyms and related words
Preferring and preference: prefer, like, preference...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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