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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Wet to the touch or looking wet
adjective /wet/
covered with water or another liquid (沾有水或其他液体)湿的,潮的

wet hair/grass/clothes 湿的头发/草/衣物

You'd better come in or you'll get wet. 你最好进来,否则你会淋湿的。

wet with :

Her forehead was wet with sweat. 她额头出汗了。

soaking/sopping/dripping wet (=very wet) 湿透的 :

My socks and shoes were soaking wet. 我的袜子和鞋子都湿透了。

all wet :

The baby needs a dry nappy-this one's all wet. 孩子需要换尿布了,这片全湿了。

wet through (=completely wet) 湿透的 :

Where have you been? You're wet through! 你上哪儿去了?怎么浑身都湿透了!

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
not yet dry or solid 尚未干的;尚未凝固的

wet paint/ink/cement 未干的油漆/墨水/水泥

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /dæmp/
something that is damp is slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way or when it should be dry 潮湿的

a cold damp basement room 寒冷潮湿的地下室

The wood won't burn if it's damp. 木头潮湿时不会燃烧。

Cover the bowl with a warm damp cloth. 用块湿热的布盖在碗上。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /səʊkt/
extremely wet 湿透的

She was shivering and soaked with sweat. 她在颤抖,浑身被汗水浸湿了。

soaked through (=wet all the way through) 湿透 :

Our tent is soaked through. 我们的帐篷湿透了。

soaked to the skin/bone :

Most of the walkers were soaked to the skin. 大多数步行者都浑身湿透了。

blood-soaked :

a pile of blood-soaked bandages 一堆被血浸透的绷带

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /drentʃt/
thoroughly wet 湿透的

We got completely drenched by the rain. 我们全身都湿透了。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
something that is drenched in a liquid has too much of the liquid on it 浸湿的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /mɔɪst/
slightly wet 湿润的;潮湿的

These plants do best in fertile, moist soil. 这些植物最适合在肥沃潮湿的土壤里生长。

moist apple cake 松软的苹果蛋糕

Her skin felt moist. 她的皮肤摸上去很湿润。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈsætʃəˌreɪtɪd/
very wet 湿透的;浸透的

After a night in the rain the clothes were saturated. 在雨里呆了一晚,衣服都湿透了。

saturated with :

His shirt was saturated with sweat. 他的衬衫被汗湿透了。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈsɒɡi/
wet and soft, especially in an unpleasant way 湿软的;潮湿的

soggy cornflakes 湿软的玉米片

a soggy afternoon (=an afternoon of rain) 潮湿的下午

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈklæmi/
cold and wet in an unpleasant way 又冷又潮的;湿冷的

Her hands felt cold and clammy. 她的手摸上去又冷又湿。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈsəʊkɪŋ/
extremely wet 湿透的

My socks are soaking! 我的袜子湿透了!

soaking wet :

You're soaking wet! 你浑身湿淋淋的!

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /bɪˈdræɡ(ə)ld/
wet, dirty, and untidy 潮湿脏乱的
 Synonyms and related words
Dirty: dirty, filthy, messy...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
More Synonyms
adjective /əˈwɒʃ/
thoroughly covered with a liquid 被液体覆盖的;被液体浸没的
awash with :

The roads were awash with mud and rainwater. 道路上满是泥巴和雨水。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈbiːdɪd/
covered in small drops of a liquid (液体的)小滴覆盖的
beaded with sweat/perspiration/moisture etc :

Her forehead was beaded with perspiration. 她的额头上挂着成串的汗珠。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /dæŋk/
a dank room or building is unpleasant because it is cold and has walls and floors that are slightly wet (房间、建筑物)冰冷潮湿的
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈdjuːi/
wet with drops of dew 露湿的;带露水的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈdrɪpɪŋ/
very wet 湿淋淋的

She stumbled in from the storm, dripping and cold. 她跌跌撞撞地跑进来躲避暴风雨,全身又湿又冷。

dripping wet :

The towel is dripping wet. 毛巾湿透了。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /dʒəˈlætɪnəs/
in a wet sticky state between solid and liquid 胶状的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈɡluːi/
thick, wet, and sticky 黏稠的;黏性的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
 Synonyms and related words
Sticky: sticky, adhesive, gummy...
look like a drowned rat
phrase very informal
to look very wet in a way that is not attractive 全身湿透
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈmɪsti/
covered in small drops of water 水汽覆盖的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈɔɪli/
covered with oil, or containing oil 涂油的;含油的

oily fish such as mackerel or herring 诸如鲭鱼或鲱鱼之类的含油多的鱼

an oily rag 沾满油污的抹布

oily skin 油性皮肤

 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Cheating, dishonest and insincere behaviour: dishonesty, deceit, corruption...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /slɪk/
smooth and shiny or wet 光滑的;滑溜的;油光发亮的

slick black hair 油光发亮的黑发

His face was slick with sweat. 他脸上的汗水闪闪发光。

 Synonyms and related words
Bright and shiny: bright, shiny, brilliant...
 Synonyms and related words
Soft and smooth: soft, sleek, silky...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈslaɪmi/
covered with a thick wet unpleasant substance 覆有黏液的;黏糊糊的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Cheating, dishonest and insincere behaviour: dishonesty, deceit, corruption...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈslɪpəri/
a slippery surface, object etc is difficult to move on or to hold because it is smooth, wet, or covered in something such as ice or oil 湿滑的;滑的

Take care, the steps are slippery.

 Synonyms and related words
Hard and smooth: smooth, flat, level...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Cheating, dishonest and insincere behaviour: dishonesty, deceit, corruption...
 Synonyms and related words
Hard and smooth: smooth, flat, level...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective British informal /ˈslɪpi/
 Synonyms and related words
Hard and smooth:smooth, flat, level...
 Synonyms and related words
adjective informal /ˈslɪðəri/
looking or feeling slippery, especially in an unpleasant way (尤指令人不悦地)滑溜溜的
 Synonyms and related words
Hard and smooth: smooth, flat, level...
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective informal /ˈslɒbəri/
slobbery mouths, lips, or kisses are wet in an unpleasant way 多口水的;口水多得让人不快的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈsɒd(ə)n/
completely wet 湿透的

The path was covered in a sodden layer of leaves. 小路上覆盖着一层湿漉漉的树叶。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective informal /ˈsɒpɪŋ/
completely wet 湿透的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
swimming in/with something
covered in a lot of a liquid 浸于某液体中

The food was swimming in grease. 这食物油乎乎的。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈwɔːtə(r)ˌlɒɡd/
used about clothes and other things that are extremely wet (衣服等)湿透了的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
wet look
noun [singular]
the appearance of being wet 湿;潮湿

This season's wet look is great for short hair. 这种季节的潮湿气候非常适合留短发。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
wet/soaked through
extremely wet in every part 湿透的

You're wet through, child. Take off those clothes at once. 你全湿透了,孩子。马上把衣服脱了。

 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...


 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...
adjective /ˈstɪki/
if you feel sticky, your skin feels hot and slightly wet (皮肤因热而)黏湿的
 Synonyms and related words
Wet to the touch or looking wet: wet, damp, soaked...

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