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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 352 COCA: 335
spk spik
Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense speaks, present participle speaking, past tense spoke, past participle spoken
1 VERB 说话;讲话 When you speak, you use your voice in order to say something. 说话;讲话
  • He tried to speak, but for once, his voice had left him. [VERB]


  • He speaks with a lisp. [VERB]


  • I rang the hotel and spoke to Louie. [VERB + to]


  • She says she must speak with you at once. [VERB + with]


  • She cried when she spoke of Oliver. [V + of/about]


  • ...as I spoke these idiotic words. [VERB noun]


  • ...a marked decline in the standards of written and spoken English in Britain.


2 VERB 发言;演说 When someone speaks to a group of people, they make a speech. 发言;演说
  • When speaking to the seminar Mr Franklin spoke of his experience, gained on a recent visit to Trinidad. [VERB + to]


  • He's determined to speak at the Democratic Convention. [VERB]


  • The President spoke of the need for territorial compromise. [VERB + of]


SYN talk, say something
Usage Note :
  • There are some differences in the way the verbs speak and talk are used. When you speak, you could, for example, be addressing someone or making a speech. Talk is more likely to be used when you are referring to a conversation or discussion. I talked about it with my family at dinner... Sometimes we'd talk all night. Talk can also be used to emphasize the activity of saying things, rather than the words that are spoken. She thought I talked too much.

    speak talk 的用法有所不同。speak 可以指向某人发表讲话或演讲,talk 多用于指谈话或讨论。例如:I talked about it with my family at dinner (进餐的时候,我和家里人谈论了这个问题)Sometimes we'd talk all night (有时候我们会谈上一整夜)talk 也用来强调说话的动作而不是说话的内容,例如:She thought I talked too much (她认为我话太多了)

3 VERB 代表讲话;充当的代言人 If you speak for a group of people, you make their views and demands known, or represent them. 代表讲话;充当的代言人
  • He said it was the job of the Church to speak for the underprivileged. [VERB + for]


  • I speak for all 7,000 members of our organization. [VERB + for]

    我代表本组织的 7,000 名成员发言。

  • Obviously I can't speak for other people, but certainly no one I know would entertain the idea. [VERB for noun]


4 VERB ()讲,说(外语) If you speak a foreign language, you know the language and are able to have a conversation in it. ()讲,说(外语)
  • He doesn't speak English. [VERB noun]


  • Many of them can speak two or three or more languages. [VERB noun]


5 VERB (在文中)谈起,提到 People sometimes mention something that has been written by saying what the author speaks of . (在文中)谈起,提到
  • In the book she speaks of his “social ineptitude” and says he verbally abused her.


  • St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'. [VERB + as]


6 V-RECIP [with neg] (吵架之后)不说话,不搭理 If two people are not speaking, they no longer talk to each other because they have quarrelled. (吵架之后)不说话,不搭理
  • He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife. [VERB + to]


  • The co-stars are still not speaking. [VERB]


7 VERB [no cont] 表明;显示 If you say that something speaks to you of a quality, experience, or feeling, you mean that it is evidence of it or expresses it. 表明;显示
  • His behaviour spoke of an early maturity. [VERB of noun]


  • The length of the car and the high polish of its fittings both spoke of money. [VERB of noun]


  • Their music speaks to us with an innate grandeur we can all understand. [VERB to noun]


8 VERB [no cont] 不言而喻 If you say that something speaks for itself, you mean that its meaning or quality is so obvious that it does not need explaining or pointing out. 不言而喻
  • ...the figures speak for themselves — low order books, bleak prospects at home and a worsening outlook for exports. [VERB + for]


  • The results speak for themselves. [V for pron-refl]


9 See also: speaking 
10 CONVENTION 你说的只是你的看法;这只是你的高见 If you say 'Speak for yourself' when someone has said something, you mean that what they have said is only their opinion or applies only to them. 你说的只是你的看法;这只是你的高见 [informal]
  • 'We're not blaming you,' Kate said. 'Speak for yourself,' Boris muttered.


11 PHRASE 已被预订;早已订购;已经许给别人 If a person or thing is spoken for or has been spoken for, someone has claimed them or asked for them, so no-one else can have them. 已被预订;早已订购;已经许给别人
  • She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.


  • By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for.

    去年 12 月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。

12 PHRASE 行动胜于言语 If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive. 行动胜于言语
13 PHRASE (没什么)值得一提 Nothing to speak of means 'hardly anything' or 'only unimportant things'. (没什么)值得一提
  • They have no weaponry to speak of.


  • 'Any fresh developments?' — 'Nothing to speak of.'


14 PHRASE [cl PHR n] 更不用说 You can use not to speak of when adding something which your previous statement also applies to, or applies to even more than other things. 更不用说
  • This move caused consternation among universities and the government, not to speak of the students affected.


15 PHRASE 的好话/坏话;称赞/批评 If you speak well of someone or speak highly of someone, you say good things about them. If you speak ill of someone, you criticize them. 的好话/坏话;称赞/批评
  • Both spoke highly of the Russian president.


  • It seemed she found it difficult to speak ill of anyone.


16 PHRASE 可以说;可谓 You use so to speak to draw attention to the fact that you are describing or referring to something in a way that may be amusing or unusual rather than completely accurate. 可以说;可谓
  • I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family, so to speak.


  • The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test.


17 PHRASE 见面交谈的;相识的 If you are on speaking terms with someone, you are quite friendly with them and often talk to them. 见面交谈的;相识的 [Also + with]
  • For a long time her mother and her grandmother had hardly been on speaking terms.


18 to speak your mind→see: mind  to speak volumes→see: volume 
Phrasal verbs:
speak out speak up
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusspeak Also look up:

articulate, communicate, declare, talk 1

Word PartnershipUse speak with:

speak clearly, speak directly, speak louder, speak slowly 1

speak freely, speak publicly 1 2


chance to speak, opportunity to speak, speak the truth 1 2

speak English/French/Spanish, speak a (foreign) language 4

Trends of speak
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years

See also: -speak

BNC: 352 COCA: 335


1have a conversation談話ADVERB | VERB + SPEAK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbriefly簡短地交談We spoke briefly on the phone.我們簡短地通了電話。at length長時間地交談hardly幾乎沒交談Ben hardly spoke to me all evening.整個晚上本幾乎沒跟我說話。VERB + SPEAKwant to想交談refuse to拒絕交談The president refused to speak to the waiting journalists.總統拒絕和等候着的記者交談。dare (to)敢說No one had ever dared to speak to him like that before.以前還沒有人敢這麼跟他說過話。PREPOSITIONabout, to談論⋯;和⋯交談I need to speak to Joseph about this matter.我需要和約瑟夫談談此事。with (especially NAmE) 與⋯交談Can I speak with you for a minute?我能和你談幾句嗎?PHRASESbe on speaking terms (with sb)爭吵後(和某人)和好We are still on speaking terms after the argument.爭吵之後我們又和好了。a/the chance to speak, a/the opportunity to speak有機會交談I didn't get a chance to speak to him.我沒有機會跟他說話。not be speaking (to sb)不(與某人)說話;(與某人)鬧別扭Ed and Dave aren't speaking at the moment.埃德和戴夫現在互不說話了。speaking of...提起⋯Speaking of Brett, why isn't he here?說到布雷特,他怎麼沒來?


2use your voice to say sth說話ADVERB | VERB + SPEAK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBloudly大聲講話quietly, softly悄聲/輕聲說話clearly清晰地講話You must speak loudly and clearly on the stage.在台上講話時聲音要響亮、清楚。slowly慢慢地講話calmly平靜地說話briefly簡短地說了幾句at length長篇大論suddenly突然說話hardly幾乎不說話eloquently, movingly雄辯地說;打動人心地說She spoke eloquently about the need for action.她雄辯地闡述了採取行動的必要性。lovingly, soothingly, warmly深情地/撫慰地/熱情地說話disparagingly, harshly, sharply, sternly蔑視地/難聽地/嚴厲地/嚴肅地講話authoritatively, forcefully以命令的口氣說;以不容辯解的口吻說earnestly誠懇地說coherently, intelligibly, meaningfully連貫地說;明白地說;意味深長地說freely, openly, publicly暢所欲言;公開地說directly直接地說The main character speaks directly into the camera.主人公對着鏡頭直接講話。boldly大膽地說hesitantly猶豫地說VERB + SPEAKbe able to, be unable to, can (hardly)能夠說出話;無法開口說話;(幾乎不)能說話She was so moved she could hardly speak.她感動得幾乎說不出話來。be allowed to允許說話begin to, open your mouth to開始說話;開口說She opened her mouth to speak and found she couldn't.她開口想說話,卻說不出來。try to試圖說not trust yourself to沒有信心說He nodded, not trusting himself to speak.他點了點頭,不敢說什麼。hear sb聽到某人說I heard him speak at the debating society.我聽過他在辯論協會的發言。invite sb to邀請某人發言She was invited to speak at a Harvard conference.她受邀在哈佛學術會議上發言。PREPOSITIONabout, on就⋯發言She speaks on women's issues.她就婦女問題發言。against發言反對⋯He spoke out against mismanagement.他公開站出來反對管理不善。for, on behalf of代表⋯講話I speak for all my colleagues.我代表所有同行講話。I speak on behalf of many thousands of women.我代表數千名婦女講話。in favour/favor of發言支持⋯She spoke in favour / favor of the new tax.她發言支持新稅法。of談起⋯He speaks very warmly of you.他很熱情地提起你。to對⋯發言He will be speaking to history students about the causes of war.他要給歷史專業的學生講述這場戰爭的起因。PHRASESthe ability to speak說話的能力He lost his ability to speak.他說不了話了。have the courage to speak有勇氣說話They had the courage to speak the truth.他們勇敢地說出了事實真相。the right to speak說話的權利Everyone should have the right to speak their mind.每個人都有權說出自己的想法。speak from experience經驗之談I'm speaking from experience, having been there often.因為經常去那兒,我就說說自己的經驗。


3know a language會某種語言ADVERB | VERB + SPEAK | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBfluently, well講得流利;講得好He speaks German fluently.他德語說得很流利。VERB + SPEAKbe able to, can會說(某種語言)be unable to, cannot不會說(某種語言)learn to學說(某種語言)the benefits of learning to speak a foreign language學會說一門外語的益處teach sb to教某人說(某種語言)PREPOSITIONin用⋯語言講話Would you prefer it if we spoke in French?你是否願意我們用法語交談?PHRASESthe ability to speak sth說⋯語言的能力The ability to speak another language is a valued skill.能說一門外語是一種寶貴的技能。
BNC: 352 COCA: 335
speak verb
mention (speak highly of sb) say1 (Please speak slowly.) talk (speak to sb about sth)
BNC: 352 COCA: 335

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