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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 3660 COCA: 4030
fl ful
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense fools, present participle fooling, past tense , past participle fooled
1 N-COUNT 傻子;蠢人;白痴 If you call someone a fool, you are indicating that you think they are not at all sensible and show a lack of good judgment. 傻子;蠢人;白痴 [disapproval]
  • 'You fool!' she shouted.


  • He'd been a fool to get involved with her!


SYN simpleton, idiot, mug [British , slang] , berk [British , slang]
2 ADJ [ADJ n] 傻的;愚蠢的 Fool is used to describe an action or person that is not at all sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. 傻的;愚蠢的 [mainly US, informal, disapproval]
  • What a damn fool thing to do!.


  • What can that fool guard be thinking of?


3 VERB 愚弄;欺骗 If someone fools you, they deceive or trick you. 愚弄;欺骗
  • Art dealers fool a lot of people. [VERB noun]


  • Don't be fooled by his appearance. [be VERB-ed]


  • They tried to fool you into coming after us. [VERB noun + into]


4 VERB 瞎弄;瞎折腾;糊弄 If you say that a person is fooling with something or someone, you mean that the way they are behaving is likely to cause problems. 瞎弄;瞎折腾;糊弄
  • What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?. [VERB + with]


  • He kept telling her that here you did not fool with officials. [VERB with noun]


5 N-COUNT [usually the NOUN] (旧时国王或王后豢养的)弄臣,小丑 In the courts of kings and queens in medieval Europe, the fool was the person whose job was to do silly things in order to make people laugh. (旧时国王或王后豢养的)弄臣,小丑
6 N-VAR 奶油果泥;蛋奶果泥 Fool is a dessert made by mixing soft cooked fruit with whipped cream or with custard. 奶油果泥;蛋奶果泥 [British]
  • ...gooseberry fool.


7 PHRASE 出丑;戏弄 If you make a fool of someone, you make them seem silly by telling people about something stupid that they have done, or by tricking them. 出丑;戏弄
  • Your brother is making a fool of you.


  • He'd been made a fool of.


8 PHRASE 出丑;让人看笑话 If you make a fool of yourself, you behave in a way that makes other people think that you are silly or lacking in good judgment. 出丑;让人看笑话
  • He was drinking and making a fool of himself.


9 PHRASE 那样做真傻 If you say to someone 'More fool you' when they tell you what they have done or what they plan to do, you are indicating that you think that it is silly and shows a lack of judgment. 那样做真傻 [British, disapproval]
  • Most managers couldn't care less about information technology. More fool them.


10 PHRASE 扮傻逗乐 If you play the fool or act the fool, you behave in a playful, childish, and foolish way, usually in order to make other people laugh. 扮傻逗乐
  • They used to play the fool together, calling each other silly names and giggling.


11 to suffer fools gladly→see: suffer 
12 PHRASAL VERB 吊儿郎当;游荡;鬼混 If you fool around, you behave in a silly, dangerous, or irresponsible way. 吊儿郎当;游荡;鬼混
  • They were fooling around on an Army firing range.


  • Have you been fooling around with something you shouldn't?


13 PHRASAL VERB 有私情;乱搞 If someone fools around with another person, especially when one of them is married, they have a casual sexual relationship. 有私情;乱搞
  • Never fool around with the clients' wives.


  • Her husband was fooling around.


14 PHRASAL VERB 犯傻;扮傻逗乐 If you fool around, you behave in a playful, childish, and silly way, often in order to make people laugh. In British English, you can also say you fool about . 犯傻;扮傻逗乐
  • Stop fooling about, man.


  • They fooled around for the camera.


Phrasal verbs:
fool about fool around
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread Alexander Pope An Essay on Criticism
A fool and his words are soon parted William Shenstone Works
A fool uttereth all his mind Bible: Proverbs
I am two fools, I know,
For loving, and for saying so
In whining poetry
John Donne Songs and Sonnets
Who loves not woman, wine and song
Remains a fool his whole life long
attributed to Martin Luther
Be wise with speed;
A fool at forty is a fool indeed
Edward Young The Love of Fame
There's a sucker born every minute Phineas T. Barnum
You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time attributed to both Phineas T. Barnum and Abraham Lincoln
Natur never makes enny blunders. When she makes a phool she means it Josh Billings Josh Billings' Wit and Humour
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees William Blake The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise William Blake The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
A knowledgeable fool is a greater fool than an ignorant fool Molière Les Femmes Savantes
Trends of fool
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years
BNC: 3660 COCA: 4030


ADJECTIVE | VERB + FOOL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, great, silly, stupid大傻瓜;愚笨的傻瓜;愚蠢的傻瓜You're an even bigger fool than I thought.你甚至比我想像的還傻。absolute, complete, total, utter十足的/徹頭徹腦的/整個一個/純粹的傻瓜poor (= unfortunate) 可憐的傻瓜old (used to show sympathy, affection or a lack of respect表示同情、關愛或缺乏尊敬) 老傻瓜The poor old fool was imprisoned on my account.這個不幸的老傻瓜因為我的原因入獄了。young年輕的傻瓜little小傻瓜You silly little fool!你這個小笨蛋!VERB + FOOLfeel, feel like感覺像傻子I felt such a fool when I realized what I'd done. (BrE) 當我明白自己幹了什麼時,感覺自己就像個傻瓜。I felt like a fool when I realized what I'd done.當我明白自己幹了什麼時,感覺自己就像個傻瓜。look, look like看上去像傻瓜They had left me looking like a fool.他們讓我看起來像個傻子一樣。act like, behave like行為像/舉止像傻瓜Stop behaving like a fool!不要再像個傻瓜一樣了!suffer遷就笨人She doesn't suffer fools gladly.她對蠢人沒有耐心。call sb稱某人是傻瓜take sb for把某人當傻瓜He had taken me for a complete fool.他把我當成十足的傻瓜了。PREPOSITIONlike a fool像傻瓜一樣Like a fool, I told her everything.我像傻瓜一樣把一切都告訴她了。fool of a sth笨⋯That fool of a doctor has prescribed me the wrong medicine!那個笨醫生給我開錯藥了!PHRASESact the fool, play the fool行為像傻瓜;裝傻Stop acting the fool and be serious!別再像傻瓜一樣,嚴肅點兒!Being an actor doesn't just mean playing the fool.當演員不是裝傻逗樂就行了。be no fool, be nobody's fool (= be too clever to be deceived by sb/sth) 絕不是傻瓜She's nobody's fool. She had the car checked by a mechanic before buying it.她才不會受騙呢,買車之前就找機修工檢查過了。make a fool of sb/yourself, make a fool out of sb丟醜;使某人出醜She was angry at having been made a fool of.她因為被愚弄而感到生氣。more fool (sb) (BrE) (某人)那樣太傻了I thought it was safe to leave my suitcase there. More fool me (= I was stupid to think so).我還以為把我的手提箱放在那兒是很安全的,我真是太傻了。


ADVERB | VERB + FOOL | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBcompletely完全愚弄easily輕易愚弄She's not easily fooled.她不會輕易被人愚弄。VERB + FOOLcannot無法愚弄try to試圖愚弄PREPOSITIONinto騙⋯做⋯He fooled them into thinking he was a detective.他騙了他們,讓他們以為他是個偵探。with用⋯來欺騙You can't fool me with all that nonsense!你那些無稽之談騙不了我!PHRASEShave sb fooled使某人受騙She had me completely fooled for a moment.她一時間完全騙倒了我。
BNC: 3660 COCA: 4030
fool verb


fool ♦︎ idiot ♦︎ jerk ♦︎ moron ♦︎ bimbo ♦︎ prat ♦︎ dorkThese are all words for a person who you think is stupid. 这些词均表示蠢人、笨蛋。NOTE 辨析 All these words can be offensive, especially if you tell sb directly that they are a fool, an idiot, a jerk, etc. Jerk, moron and bimbo are the most offensive; the other words can sometimes be used in an affectionate way between friends. 所有这些词都有可能冒犯别人,尤其是当面称某人为fool、idiot、jerk等时。jerk、moron和bimbo的冒犯义最强。其他词有时可以用在朋友之间,以示亲昵。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配like a / an fool / idiot / jerk / bimbo / pratWhat a / an fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dork!You fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dork!a complete fool / idiot / jerk / moron / prat / dorkan absolute fool / idiot / moron / prat / dorka / an stupid / utter fool / idiot / jerk / pratto feel / look like a fool / an idiot / a jerk / a moron / a prat / a dorkto act like a fool / an idiot / a jerk / a moron / a pratto call sb a fool / an idiot / a jerkto make a fool / an idiot / a prat / a dork of yourself fool [countable] (disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a way that shows a lack of intelligence or good judgement 蠢人;傻瓜Don't be such a fool!别这么傻了!I felt like such a fool when I realized my mistake.我意识到了自己的错误,觉得自己就像个傻瓜。He told me he was an actor and I was fool enough to believe him.他告诉我他是演员,而我真傻,竟相信了他的话。 see also foolish crazy , foolish ridiculous idiot ˈɪdiət [countable] (rather informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a very stupid or annoying way 蠢人;笨蛋I just stood there like an idiot with my mouth open.我就像个白痴一样张着嘴站在那儿。Not that switch, you idiot!不是那个开关,你这个蠢货!What stupid idiot left their shoes on the stairs?哪个蠢蛋把鞋子丢在楼梯上了? see also idiotic crazy jerk (especially NAmE, informal, disapproving, offensive) a person, especially a man or boy, who is stupid, rude or annoying 蠢人,傻瓜,笨蛋(尤指男子)He was acting like a complete jerk.他的行为像个十足的笨蛋。He silently swore at himself for being such a jerk.他暗骂自己竟然这么蠢。 moron ˈmɔːrɒn; NAmE ˈmɔːrɑːn [countable] (rather informal, disapproving, offensive) a stupid person who deserves no respect 笨蛋;蠢货Shut up, you moron!闭嘴,你这个蠢货!The people responsible for this are mindless morons.对此负责的人全是没有脑子的笨蛋。 bimbo (plural bimbos) [countable] (informal, disapproving, offensive) a young person, usually a woman, who is sexually attractive but not very intelligent 傻乎乎的性感青年(通常为女子)He's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age.他正在同一个年龄比他小一半的胸大无脑的女孩交往。 prat [countable] (BrE, informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who behaves or speaks in a very stupid or embarrassing way 笨蛋;蠢驴;傻瓜You look a right prat in that outfit.你穿那套衣服看起来真傻。He got drunk and made a complete prat of himself.他喝醉了,出尽了洋相。 dork [countable] (especially NAmE, informal, disapproving, sometimes offensive) a person who you think is boring and stupid, sometimes because they behave in a strange way and wear unfashionable clothes 呆子,无聊乏味之人(有时是因为他们举止怪异、穿着过时)He's such a dork!他可真是个呆瓜!Oh no, what a dork I am!哎呦,我可真蠢!
BNC: 3660 COCA: 4030
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