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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 425 COCA: 305
rl reɪˈɑːl ˈrɪəl reˈal reˈal rɛˈɑl ˈriəl ril ʀɛˈɑl
1 ADJ 真的;真实的;非虚构的 Something that is real actually exists and is not imagined, invented, or theoretical. 真的;真实的;非虚构的
  • No, it wasn't a dream. It was real.


  • Legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.


2 ADJ-GRADED [usually verb-link ADJ] 身临其境的;亲身经历的 If something is real to someone, they experience it as though it really exists or happens, even though it does not. 身临其境的;亲身经历的
  • Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader. [+ to]


3 ADJ [usually ADJ n] 天然的;真材实料的;非仿制的;非人工合成的 A material or object that is real is natural or functioning, and not artificial or an imitation. 天然的;真材实料的;非仿制的;非人工合成的
  • ...the smell of real leather.


  • Who's to know if they're real guns or not?.


  • Desmond did not believe the diamond was real.


SYN genuine, authentic, bona fide, dinkum [Australian , New Zealand , informal]
4 ADJ [ADJ n] 真正的;完全的;不掺假的;货真价实的 You can use real to describe someone or something that has all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has. 真正的;完全的;不掺假的;货真价实的
  • ...his first real girlfriend.


  • He's not a real alcoholic.


  • The only real job I'd ever had was as manager of the local cafe.


Usage Note :
  • Do not confuse real and actual. You use real to describe things that exist rather than being imagined or theoretical. Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain. You use actual to emphasize that what you are referring to is real or genuine, for example, the actual cost of something is what it costs rather than what you expect it to cost. You can also use actual to contrast different aspects of something, for example the time taken to prepare for something with the time taken to do something. The actual boat trip takes about forty-five minutes.

    不要混淆realactualreal表示事物的确存在,非想象的或理论上的。例如,Robert squealed in mock terror, then in real pain(罗伯特起初假装害怕而尖叫,接着却真的疼得叫起来)。actual强调所指的事物是真实的或实际的,例如,actual cost指实际的花费,而不是预期的花费。actual还可以用来对比事物的不同方面,例如用来准备做某事的时间和真正做某事花费的时间之间的对比。如:The actual boat trip takes about forty-five minutes(实际坐船的时间大概有45分钟)。

5 ADJ [ADJ n] 真正的;最初的 You can use real to describe something that is the true or original thing of its kind, in contrast to one that someone wants you to believe is true. 真正的;最初的
  • This was the real reason for her call.


  • Her real name had been Miriam Pinckus.


SYN actual, true
6 ADJ [ADJ n] 最重要的;最典型的 You can use real to describe something that is the most important or typical part of a thing. 最重要的;最典型的
  • When he talks, he only gives glimpses of his real self.


  • The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work.


  • ...a solo journey to discover the real America.


7 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] 真实存在的;严肃的 You can use real when you are talking about a situation or feeling to emphasize that it exists and is important or serious. 真实存在的;严肃的 [emphasis]
  • Global warming is a real problem.


  • The prospect of civil war is very real.


  • There was never any real danger of the children being affected.


  • Political defeat seemed a real possibility at the end of 1981.


  • At least they have a real chance to find work.


8 ADJ-GRADED [ADJ n] 真实的;真诚的 You can use real to emphasize a quality that is genuine and sincere. 真实的;真诚的 [emphasis]
  • You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.


  • Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.


9 ADJ [ADJ n] (放在名词前)十足的,绝对的 You can use real before nouns to emphasize your description of something or someone. (放在名词前)十足的,绝对的 [mainly spoken, emphasis]
  • 'It's a fabulous deal, a real bargain.'


  • 'You must think I'm a real idiot.'


10 ADJ [ADJ n] (成本或价值)实际的,净的,实的 The real cost or value of something is its cost or value after other amounts have been added or subtracted and when factors such as the level of inflation have been considered. (成本或价值)实际的,净的,实的
  • ...the real cost of borrowing.


You can also talk about the cost or value of something in real terms .按实价;算净值
  • In real terms the cost of driving is cheaper than a decade ago.


  • Pensions have increased in real terms over the last twenty years.


11 ADV [ADVERB adjective/adverb] (用于形容词或副词前表示强调)非常,真正 You can use real to emphasize an adjective or adverb. (用于形容词或副词前表示强调)非常,真正 [US, informal, emphasis]
  • He is finding prison life 'real tough'.


  • I don't think you are trying real hard.


12 PHRASE 真实地;真正地;不是假装 If you say that someone does something for real, you mean that they actually do it and do not just pretend to do it. 真实地;真正地;不是假装
  • The sex scenes were just good acting. We didn't do it for real.


13 PHRASE 来真的,真是这样(表示令人吃惊) If you think that someone or something is very surprising, you can ask if they are for real . 来真的,真是这样(表示令人吃惊)
  • Is this guy for real?


14 PHRASE 真品;非仿冒品;真实事件 If you say that a thing or event is the real thing, you mean that it is the thing or event itself, rather than an imitation or copy. 真品;非仿冒品;真实事件
  • The counterfeits sell for about $20 less than the real thing.


  • The Blairgowrie Highland Games, on the other hand, are the real thing rather than a media event.


Trends of real
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years
BNC: 425 COCA: 305


VERBS | ADVERB | PHRASES VERBSbe, look, seem嚴重;看起來嚴重;似乎嚴重become變得嚴重ADVERBall too, very非常嚴重; 實際存在Her suffering was all too real.她非常痛苦。the very real danger of war確實存在的戰爭危機frighteningly嚴重得令人恐懼The possibility of being arrested was frighteningly real.被逮捕的可能性很大,想起來就令人恐懼。enough足夠真實The pearls looked real enough.這些珍珠看起來是真的。PHRASESreal and/or imaginary, real and/or imagined真實的和/或想像的real or imagined threats to national security對國家安全真實或虛幻的威脅
BNC: 425 COCA: 305
real adj.
real (the real reason/real leather) complete (He looks a real idiot.) deep1 (real regret) real life, the real world fact noun


real ♦︎ actual ♦︎ true ♦︎ genuine ♦︎ authentic ♦︎ properThese words all describe sth that is real and not imagined, false or artificial. 这些词均表示真实的、实际存在的、非凭空想象的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a real / the actual / the true / a genuine / a proper reasonthe real / actual / true cost of stha real / a true / a genuine / an authentic work of artreal / genuine leather / silk / goldreal / genuine / authentic enough real [usually before noun] existing in fact and not imagined, false or artificial; having all the important qualities that sth should have to deserve to be called what it is called 真实的;实际存在的;真正的;名副其实的It wasn't a ghost; it was a real person.那不是鬼魂,是实实在在的人。pictures of animals, both real and mythological真实世界和神话中的动物的图片Marilyn Monroe's real name was Norma Jean Baker.玛丽莲•梦露的真名是诺尔玛•琼•贝克。See the real Africa on one of our walking safaris.来一趟我们安排的观赏野生动物的徒步远行之旅,看看真实的非洲吧。I do my best to hide my real feelings from others.我尽力在其他人面前隐藏真实感受。Are those real flowers?那些是真花吗?She never had any real friends at school.她从来没有在学校交过真正的朋友。 OPP imaginary , pretend fictional really


Tell me what really happened.告诉我究竟发生了什么事。
actual [only before noun] used to emphasize what sth is really like, rather than how it appears to be or how you might expect it to be 真实的,实际的(而非表面看来或预想的)What were his actual words?他原话是怎么说的?The actual cost was much higher than we had expected.实际成本比我们预计的要高得多。James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact (= really) he is several years older.詹姆斯看起来比他妻子年轻,但实际上他要大好几岁。 OPP hypothetical , notional supposed , potential likely actually


Well, what did she actually say?那么,她到底是怎么说的?
true real or exact, especially when this is different from how sth seems; having all the important qualities that sth should have to deserve to be called what it is called 真实的,真正的(而非表面上的);名副其实的the true face of socialism (= what it is really like rather than what people think it is like) 社会主义的真实情况He reveals his true character to very few people.他没有向什么人显露过他的真实性格。It was true love between them.他们是真心相爱。He's a true gentleman.他是个正人君子。The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.这幅画是名副其实的杰作。 truly


He started the first truly international ballet company.他创办了第一个真正的国际芭蕾舞团。
NOTE 辨析 Real or true?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用You're a real / true friend.你是个真正的朋友。He's a real / true gentleman.他是个正人君子。However, real looks at the necessary qualities of sth in a more practical way; true looks at those qualities in a more romantic way. Real is used more often than true in negative sentences; true is used more often to emphasize how rare or unique sth is. 不过,real是从较为实际的角度看事物的必备特征,true是从较为浪漫的角度看那些特征。real比true更常用于否定句,true更常用于强调事物如何稀有或独特She never had any true friends at school. It was real love between them.
genuine exactly what it appears to be; not artificial 真正的;真品的;真迹的Is the painting a genuine Picasso?这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗?Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.伪造的名牌手表以真品的若干分之一的价格出售。Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum.只有真正的难民才能申请政治避难。 OPP fake , imitation artificial 1 authentic ɔːˈθentɪk known to be real and genuine and not a copy 真正的;真品的;真迹的I don't know if the painting is authentic.我不知道这幅画是不是真迹。NOTE 辨析 Genuine or authentic?These words are very close in meaning and range. Genuine describes sth that really belongs to a group of things of the same type. Authentic describes sth that has really been produced or created by sb/sth. This means that sometimes either word can be used. 这两个词的含义和使用范围非常接近。genuine描述某物确实属于某类事物,authentic描述某物确为某人或某物所生产或创造。这意味着有时这两个词可通用a genuine / an authentic Picasso一幅毕加索的真迹 proper ˈprɒpə(r); NAmE ˈprɑːpər [only before noun] (BrE, spoken) that you consider to be real and satisfactory 真正的;像样的;名副其实的Eat some proper food, not just toast and jam!吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包片加果酱!When are you going to get a proper job?你想什么时候去找一份像样的工作啊?In American English, use real. 在美式英语中用real。
BNC: 425 COCA: 305
Real and seeming real: real, true, genuine...
Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
Important: important, major, key...
Most important: main, basic, primary...
Extremely: extremely, incredibly, extraordinarily...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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