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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
slɪp slɪp
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense slips, present participle slipping, past tense , past participle slipped
1 VERB ;滑倒 If you slip, you accidentally slide and lose your balance. ;滑倒
  • He had slipped on an icy pavement. [VERB]


  • Be careful not to slip. [VERB]


SYN fall, trip (over), slide, skid
2 VERB 滑落;脱落 If something slips, it slides out of place or out of your hand. 滑落;脱落
  • His glasses had slipped. [VERB]


  • The hammer slipped out of her grasp. [VERB prep./adv.]


3 VERB 迅速而悄无声息地走(到某处);(到某处) If you slip somewhere, you go there quickly and quietly. 迅速而悄无声息地走(到某处);(到某处)
  • Amy slipped downstairs and out of the house. [VERB adv./prep.]


  • She slipped into the driving seat and closed the door. [VERB adv./prep.]


4 VERB 迅速而不被注意地放置;偷偷塞进 If you slip something somewhere, you put it there quickly in a way that does not attract attention. 迅速而不被注意地放置;偷偷塞进
  • I slipped a note under Louise's door. [VERB noun prep.]


  • He found a coin in his pocket and slipped it into her collecting tin. [VERB noun prep.]


  • Just slip in a piece of paper. [VERB noun with adv.]


5 VERB 偷偷地给;塞给 If you slip something to someone, you give it to them secretly. 偷偷地给;塞给
  • Robert had slipped her a note in school. [VERB noun noun]


  • She looked round before pulling out a package and slipping it to the man. [VERB noun + to]


6 VERB 不知不觉地转入(某种状态);逐渐陷入(某种情况) To slip into a particular state or situation means to pass gradually into it, in a way that is hardly noticed. 不知不觉地转入(某种状态);逐渐陷入(某种情况)
  • It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine. [VERB + into]


  • There was a 50-50 chance that the economy could slip back into recession. [VERB into noun]

    经济再次陷入衰退的可能性是 50%

7 VERB 下降;下跌 If something slips to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard. 下降;下跌
  • Shares slipped to 117p. [V + to/from/by]

    股价跌至 117 便士。

  • The club had slipped to the bottom of Division Four. [V to/from/by amount/n]


  • In June, producer prices slipped 0.1% from May. [VERB amount]

    6 月的生产价格比 5 月下降了 0.1%

  • Overall business activity is slipping. [VERB]


Slip is also a noun.
  • ...a slip in consumer confidence.


8 VERB 迅速轻松地穿上/脱下 If you slip into or out of clothes or shoes, you put them on or take them off quickly and easily. 迅速轻松地穿上/脱下
  • She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch. [V + into/out of]


  • I slipped off my woollen gloves. [V n with on/off]


9 N-COUNT (轻微的)过错,过失,疏漏 A slip is a small or unimportant mistake. (轻微的)过错,过失,疏漏
  • We must be well prepared, there must be no slips.


10 N-COUNT ; A slip of paper is a small piece of paper. ;
  • ...little slips of paper he had torn from a notebook. [+ of]


  • I put her name on the slip.


  • ...credit card slips.


11 N-COUNT (女裙的)衬裙,薄裙 A slip is a thin piece of clothing that a woman wears under her dress or skirt. (女裙的)衬裙,薄裙
12 N-COUNT [usually singular, N of a n] 瘦小的年轻人 If you refer to someone as a slip of a girl or a slip of a boy, you mean they are small, thin, and young. 瘦小的年轻人 [informal]
  • He's a mere slip of a lad compared to his brother.


  • She was just a slip of a thing.


13 See also: Freudian slip 
14 PHRASE 逃脱;摆脱;避开 If you give someone the slip, you escape from them when they are following you or watching you. 逃脱;摆脱;避开 [informal]
  • He gave reporters the slip by leaving at midnight.


15 PHRASE 无意中泄露(秘密) If you let slip information, you accidentally tell it to someone, when you wanted to keep it secret. 无意中泄露(秘密)
  • I bet he let slip that I'd gone to America.


SYN give away, reveal, disclose, divulge
16 PHRASE 被忘掉;被遗忘 If something slips your mind, you forget about it. 被忘掉;被遗忘
  • The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind.


17 to slip through your fingers→see: finger  slip of the tongue→see: tongue 
Phrasal verbs:
slip in slip through slip up
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusslip Also look up:

fall, slide, trip 1


blunder, failure, foul-up, mistake 9

leaf, page, paper, sheet 10

Word PartnershipUse slip with:

slip resistant 1


slip of paper, sales slip 10


let (something) slip 15

Trends of slip
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years


1mistake差錯ADJECTIVE | VERB + SLIP | PHRASES ADJECTIVElittle, slight小疏漏;微不足道的差錯unfortunate令人遺憾的疏漏accidental意外疏漏occasional偶爾的疏漏Freudian, verbal無意中的失言;口誤VERB + SLIPmake犯差錯She made a couple of unfortunate slips during the talk.在演講中她犯了幾處令人遺憾的小錯誤。afford犯得起小差錯His team cannot afford any slips.他的團隊不能有任何差錯。PHRASESa slip of the tongue口誤I didn't mean to say that-it was just a slip of the tongue.我並非那個意思,只是口誤罷了。


2piece of paper紙片ADJECTIVE | VERB + SLIP | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVErejection (especially BrE) 退稿單He got fifty rejection slips before his novel was published.他收到了 50 多封退稿信,之後他的小說才得以發表。betting, voting (both BrE) 投注單;選票單permission (especially NAmE) 許可單credit, credit-card, deposit信用卡結算單;存款單據a bank deposit slip銀行存單pay, wage (both BrE) 工資單blue (NAmE, politics政治) (參議員對本州聯邦法官提名人的)意見單The Senator returns the blue slip with an indication whether he or she supports or opposes the nominee.參議員交回意見單,上面註明他或她支持還是反對被提名人。pink (= to say that sb must leave their job) (NAmE) 解雇通知單compliments (BrE) 禮帖He sent his cheque with a compliments slip.他寄出了支票及禮帖。VERB + SLIPsign在紙條上簽名His father signed a permission slip for a school field trip.他父親在學校校外實地考察的許可回執上簽了名。give sb, hand sb交給/遞給某人紙條Thousands of workers were handed pink slips.數千名工人被解雇。get, receive拿到/收到紙條return交回紙條Please detach and return the slip below.請撕下下面的憑條並交回。PREPOSITIONon a/the slip在紙條上He wrote the address on a slip of paper.他把地址寫在一張紙條上。PHRASESa slip of paper一張紙條
slip noun
mistake2 (make a slip) page (a slip of paper)
slip verb
slip1 (slip away quietly) slip2 (slip on the ice) insert (slip the letter into its envelope) worsen (sb's popularity slips)


slip away quietly 悄悄溜走slip on the ice/slip out of your hand 在冰上滑倒;从手里滑落slip ♦︎ creep ♦︎ sneak ♦︎ slink ♦︎ tiptoe ♦︎ prowl ♦︎ slide ♦︎ padThese words all mean to move somewhere quietly, especially in order not to be noticed. 这些词均表示悄悄地或偷偷摸摸地移动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to slip / creep / sneak / slink / tiptoe / slide / pad away / in / outto creep / sneak / prowl / pad around / aboutto slip / creep / sneak / tiptoe up to sb / sthto creep / sneak up on sbto creep / tiptoe (somewhere) quietlyto slip / creep / pad (somewhere) silently slip (-pp-) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed 悄悄疾行;溜The ship slipped into the harbour at night.船在夜间悄然进港。I slipped away before the end of the performance.演出还没结束我就悄悄溜走了。 creep (crept, crept) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move slowly, quietly and carefully because you do not want to be seen or heard 悄悄地缓慢行进;蹑手蹑脚地移动The cat was creeping stealthily through the long grass.那只猫正悄无声息地慢慢爬过高高的草丛。Don't creep up on me like that!别那样蹑手蹑脚地靠近我! sneak [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (usually disapproving) to go somewhere secretly, trying to avoid being seen 偷偷地走;溜I caught him trying to sneak in without paying.他企图不付钱就溜进来,被我抓个正着。NOTE 辨析 Slip or sneak?You sneak into/out of a place because you do not want to be seen, often because you are doing sth wrong. You slip into/out of a place either because you do not want to be seen or because you do not want to disturb people, but it does not usually suggest that you are doing anything wrong. * sneak into/out of常表示因为正在做坏事,不想被人发现而溜进或溜出某处;slip into/out of既可表示因怕被人发现,也可表示因不想打扰别人而溜进或溜出某处,但通常并不意味着做坏事。 slink (slunk, slunk) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move somewhere very quietly and slowly, especially because you are ashamed, afraid or do not want to be seen (尤指因羞愧、害怕或不愿让人看见)偷偷摸摸地走,躲躲闪闪地走,溜She slunk out of the room, feeling like a criminal.她溜出了房间,感觉自己像个罪犯似的。 tiptoe ˈtɪptəʊ; NAmE ˈtɪptoʊ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to walk on your toes, so that you don't make any noise 踮着脚走;蹑手蹑脚地走I tiptoed over to the window.我踮着脚走到窗前。 prowl praʊl [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of an animal) to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially when hunting; (of a person) to move quietly and carefully around an area, especially with the intention of committing a crime (动物为捕猎或人图谋不轨)潜行,徘徊Wolves were prowling around outside.狼正在外面四处潜行。He prowled the streets, looking for likely victims.他鬼鬼祟祟地在大街上徘徊,寻找下手的目标。 slide (slid, slid) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move somewhere quickly, quietly and smoothly 快捷而悄声地移动He slid into bed.他不声不响地钻进被子。She slid out while no one was looking.她趁着没人注意溜了出去。 pad (-dd-) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to walk with quiet regular steps, often without shoes or on a soft surface (常指不穿鞋或在柔软表面上)蹑手蹑脚地走The girl padded barefoot over to the window.那女孩光着脚蹑手蹑脚地走到窗前。slip2


slip away quietly 悄悄溜走slip on the ice/slip out of your hand 在冰上滑倒;从手里滑落slip ♦︎ skidThese words both mean to slide a short distance, usually accidentally. 这两个词均表示滑倒、打滑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to slip / skid on the ice / the wet grass, etc. slip (-pp-) [intransitive] to slide a short distance accidentally so that you fall or nearly fall; to slide out of position or out of your hand 滑倒;滑跤;滑落;滑脱She slipped on the ice and broke her leg.她在冰上滑倒,摔断了腿。As I ran up the stairs my foot slipped.我跑上楼梯时失足摔倒了。His hat had slipped over one eye.他的帽子滑下来遮住了一只眼睛。The child slipped from his grasp and ran off.他一把没抓牢,让那孩子跑掉了。 skid (-dd-) [intransitive](usually of a vehicle) to slide sideways or forwards in an uncontrolled way (通常指车辆)侧滑,打滑,滑行The car skidded and crashed into a wall.车打滑撞到了墙上。The taxi skidded to a halt just in time.出租车滑行了一段路后,及时停了下来。 skid


[countable] The motorbike went into a skid.摩托车滑向一侧。
To slide, or to move in a graceful way: slide, glide, slither...
To loosen or tighten: loosen, unwind, slacken...
To move quietly: pad, sneak, slink...
To move somewhere quickly: fly, hasten, speed...
To become worse: worsen, decline, deteriorate...
Types of written note: caption, chit, chitty...
Mistakes: fail, miscommunication, error...
Movements downwards: fall, descent, plunge...
Rates of decrease and the process of decreasing: decrease, reduction, decline...
Underwear: basque, bloomers, body...
Pottery: ceramics, china clay, fire...
China, clay and ceramics: bisque, ceramic, china...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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