We encourage student participation in our classes. 我们鼓励学生在课堂上积极参与。
Mum always encouraged us to discuss our problems. 妈妈总是鼓励我们讨论我们的问题。
He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to persuade him. 他最终的确和我们一块来了,但说服他也让我们费了半天唇舌。
Nobody could persuade her to change her mind. 没有人能说服她改变主意。
What persuaded you to accept the job? 是什么打动你,使你接受了那份工作?
They tried to convince him to buy a cheaper car. 他们试图说服他买一辆更便宜的车。
She knows how to motivate people. 她知道如何激发人们的热情。
He was primarily motivated by the desire for profit. 他主要受到营利欲望的驱使。
We must motivate students to take charge of their own learning. 我们必须激励学生管好自己的学习。
James' father urged him on from the side of the court. 詹姆斯的父亲在法庭的一侧鼓励他。
I enticed him with more money. 我用更多的钱引诱他。
How can a promise of £9,000 a year entice older men back to work? 每年9,000英镑的承诺怎能吸引老年人回到工作岗位上呢?
I had to prod Tony into taking care of the problem. 我只好鼓动托尼处理这个问题。
Campbell tried in vain to dissuade Paton from quitting. 坎贝尔没能阻止佩顿放弃。
They might be prevailed upon to come with us. 他们可能会被说服和我们一起来。
She didn't want Ron thinking that she was angling for sympathy. 她不想让罗恩认为她是在博取同情。
As the crisis grew worse, local community leaders appealed for unity. 当危机越来越严重时,当地社团领袖呼吁大家团结一致。
She appealed to her former husband to return their baby son. 她恳请前夫把他们的婴儿还回来。
Max appealed to her good sense to make her change her mind. 马克斯为了让她改变主意试图唤起她的理智。
I've managed to argue him out of going to the match. 我成功说服他不要去看比赛。
She was beguiled by his charm. 她被他的魅力所欺骗。
The company directors brought pressure to bear on him to resign. 公司经理们对他施加压力,要他辞职。
I had hoped to cajole them into helping us. 我原来还指望哄他们帮我们一把。
She has been campaigning for stronger anti-pollution laws. 她为制定更强硬的反污染法而到处游说。
They actively campaigned to save their local cinema. 他们为挽救当地的电影院而积极奔走游说。
We need someone dynamic to chivvy the team along. 我们需要一个有活力的人把球队带动起来。
The agreement commits them to a minimum number of performances per year. 协议指定了他们每年应当演出的最少场数。
We were corralled into helping him. 我们被召集来帮助他。
Other teams were dangling huge pay offers in front of him. 其他球队在用巨额工资来引诱他。
Go on, phone the police. I dare you. 去呀,打电话报警呀。我谅你也不敢。
The older boys dared Jennings to go up on the roof. 年纪大一些的男孩子激詹宁斯爬上屋顶。
We do not want to get drawn into a long and expensive conflict. 我们不想卷入一场漫长而代价高昂的冲突。
He'd never have stolen it if she hadn't egged him on.
adverts that frighten people into buying expensive security equipment 吓唬人们去购买昂贵的安全设备的广告
I'll get Andrew to give you a call. 我会让安德鲁给你打电话。
She couldn't get them to understand what she was saying. 她没办法让大家理解她的话。
If we could only get him to try harder. 如果我们能让他更努力些该有多好啊。
He's strict, but you can usually get around him with humour.
It was alleged that Cox had incited other prisoners to riot. 据称,考克斯煽动其他犯人暴动。
I can't think what induced her to marry him. 我想不出是什么诱使她嫁给他的。
Nothing would induce me to go back. 没有什么事情能让我回去。
Local groups asked the politician to intercede with the government on their behalf. 地方团体请该政治家代他们向政府求情。
The goal is to involve workers in the decision-making process. 目标是使工人们参与到决策的过程中来。
I'm trying to jolly him into coming to work for us. 我正试图哄劝他来为我们工作。
He said differences over foreign policy had led him to resign. 他说外交政策上的分歧致使他辞职。
I had been led to believe that the job was mine if I wanted it. 我被误导了,以为如果我想要,这份工作就是我的了。
I hope he's not just leading her on, because I'd hate to see her look foolish. 我希望他不是在哄骗她,因为我不爱看到她一副傻乎乎的样子。
Our organization is lobbying for tougher laws to control toxic waste. 我们的组织正在对掌权者进行游说,争取制定更强硬的法律来控制有害垃圾。
Motorists lobbied the government to take action on petrol prices. 汽车驾驶员们劝说政府采取行动控制油价。
It was his anger that moved him to speak up. 他的愤怒促使他大声直言。
After her success, she felt moved to help other people. 取得成功后,她很想帮助其他人。
I'll try to nail Jim down about the date. 我会试着说服吉姆同意这个日期。
Our company is pitching for the support contract. 我们公司正在争取那份援助合同。
He pleaded the case for continued cooperation with the Russians. 他极力为继续与俄国人合作的事辩护。
Her book pleaded the cause of women's education. 她的书大力宣扬妇女教育事业。
‘But, what?' he prompted. “但是,那是什么呢?”他鼓励道。
Without being prompted, she began to apologize. 不用别人催促,她就开始道起歉来。
The team is trying to get psyched up for the game. 该队正在努力做好参赛的心理准备。
I was psyching myself up to ask her out to dinner. 我正在做心理准备,打算邀请她出去吃饭。
The United States pushed NATO to authorize military intervention. 美国敦促北约批准军事干预。
The police pushed her into giving evidence. 警方敦促她提供证据。
He's pushing us for a decision by tomorrow. 他在敦促我们明天之前作出决定。
Don't talk to Ralph about joining the army: I don't want you putting ideas into his head. 别跟拉尔夫谈参军的事,我不想你让他产生此类想法。
It's no use trying to reason with people like that. 与那样的人讲理没有用处。
I get roped in to help whenever I visit them. 每次我去看他们,都会被拉去帮忙。
He roused the crowd to stand up and fight back. 他激励众人站起来进行还击。
After a few more minutes in the sun, she roused herself and went in. 她在阳光下又呆了几分钟后振作起来,走进屋去。
I don't think we could sell the idea to our partners. 我想我们无法让合作方接受这个想法。
His strategy was to soften them up with compliments. 他的策略是用恭维话来打动他们。
Going “gift-free” has been spruiked in the pages of the Oprah magazine and advocated by Mennonite Christians as a way to rediscover the reason for the season.
What she said started me thinking. 她说的话引起了我的思考。
Officials were stirred into action by public complaints. 公众的怨言使官员们不得不采取行动。
I talked her into going to London with me. 我说服她和我一起去伦敦。
His father talked him out of moving out. 他父亲说服他不搬出去。
He had already tried to talk sense into Lisa. 他已劝过莉萨要理智些。
She eventually talked her way into a part in a film. 她力陈理由终于在一部影片中担任一个角色。
Jesus was tempted by the Devil. 耶稣曾受到魔鬼诱惑。
The report has triggered a fierce response from the governor. 这篇报道引起总督的强烈反应。
I wasn't going to come, but George twisted my arm. 我本来没打算来,但经不起乔治再三劝说。
She's a woman who can wrap men around her little finger.
We're trying to wean ourselves off watching too much television. 我们正在试着戒除看电视过多的毛病。
Try and wheedle a few extra pounds out of him. 争取哄骗他多给几英镑。
We'll have to work on Joey to find out what's going on. 我们必须努力从乔伊那里弄清楚发生了什么事。
I put a bug in his ear about giving Helen a call.
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net