1N-UNCOUNT (漂在海上或冲到岸边的)漂流物,废料Flotsam is rubbish, for example bits of wood and plastic, that is floating on the sea or has been left by the sea on the shore. (漂在海上或冲到岸边的)漂流物,废料
2N-UNCOUNT 流离失所的人;背井离乡的流浪者;无业游民 You can use flotsam to refer to people who do not have homes or jobs and perhaps have had to leave their own country. 流离失所的人;背井离乡的流浪者;无业游民 [journalism]
He was another of the city's flotsam.
3PHRASE 零碎什物;杂乱废物 You can use flotsam and jetsam to refer to small or unimportant items that are found together, especially ones that have no connection with each other. 零碎什物;杂乱废物
...cornflake packets, bottles, and all the flotsam and jetsam of the kitchen. [+ of]