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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
wear out
1 PHRASAL VERB-ERG (使)磨损;(使)用坏 When something wears out or when you wear it out, it is used so much that it becomes thin or weak and unable to be used any more. (使)磨损;(使)用坏
  • Every time she consulted her watch, she wondered if the batteries were wearing out. [VERB PREP.]


  • Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly. [VERB noun PREP.]


  • He wore out his shoes wandering around Mexico City. [VERB PREP. noun]


SYN erode, go through, consume, use up
2 PHRASAL VERB 使精疲力竭;使疲乏 If something wears you out, it makes you feel extremely tired. 使精疲力竭;使疲乏 [informal]
  • The past few days had really worn him out. [VERB noun PREP.]


  • The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.


  • The effect of the continuous attacks has been to wear out his troops. [VERB PREP. noun]


3 PHRASAL VERB-ERG (使)(感觉等)逐渐消失 If someone wears out their welcome with you, or if it wears out, they spend a lot of time with you and you are no longer happy about it. You can also say that a feeling wears out or is worn out. (使)(感觉等)逐渐消失 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • 'Could you not stay with us while you are solving your mystery?' — 'Oh, we don't want to wear out our welcome.'. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]


  • His stubborn resistance to anything new eventually wore out the patience of his superiors. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]


  • No matter how often they turn up, their welcome never wears out. [VERB PREP.]


4 See also: worn out 

See also: wear

See also: wear out

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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