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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Complete and thorough
adjective /ˈθʌrə/
including everything that is possible or necessary 彻底的;充分的;全面的

The key to a good interview is thorough preparation. 面试成功的关键是要做好充分的准备。

a thorough understanding/knowledge :

She has a thorough understanding of the business. 她对这行了如指掌。

a thorough investigation/examination/search :

a thorough and painstaking investigation by the police 警方进行的艰苦彻底的调查

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
[only before noun] complete: used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is (用于强调坏的程度)十足的,彻头彻尾的

It's all a thorough nuisance. 真是个讨厌透顶的东西。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈtəʊt(ə)l/
with all the numbers or things added together 总的;全部的

The total cost of the project came to about £700,000. 工程的全部费用达到大约70万英镑。

The total number of votes was over one million. 选票总数超过100万。

Recent immigrants make up less than 3% of the total population. 新近的移民占不到总人口的3%。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
complete: used for emphasizing something 完全的,绝对的(用于强调)

Why would you let a total stranger into the house? 你怎么会让一个完全陌生的人进屋?

They sat in almost total silence the whole evening. 他们整晚坐着,几乎没人吭声。

The event was a total success. 活动非常成功。

The oil companies had shown a total disregard for public opinion. 石油公司根本不理会舆论。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /pjʊə(r)/
[only before noun] used for emphasizing the amount or degree of something 纯粹的;全然的;绝对的

a scream of pure terror 完全出于恐惧的尖叫

a smile of pure happiness 十足开心的微笑

pure chance/coincidence/luck :

Perhaps it was pure chance that the other woman happened to be there. 也许纯属巧合,另外一名女子也恰好在那里。

 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
thorough and detailed 深入的;彻底的;详细的

an in-depth study of immigration law 对移民法的深入研究

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective [only before noun] /ˈaʊtˌraɪt/
complete and total 完全的;全部的;彻底的

an outright winner/victory/majority 毫无疑问的获胜者/彻底的胜利/绝对的多数

She could not tell him an outright lie. 她无法对他彻头彻尾地撒谎。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ɡʊd/
thorough and complete 彻底的;完全的

The witness said she got a good look at his face. 目击者说她把他的脸看得清清楚楚。

What I need is a good night's sleep. 我需要的是睡一夜好觉。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /saʊnd/
thorough 完全的;彻底的

a sound understanding of basic teaching skills 对基本的教学技巧的彻底了解

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈʌtə(r)/
complete: often used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is 完全的,彻底的,十足的(常用于强调某人或某事有多坏)

It's all been an utter waste of time. 这完全是浪费时间。

She gazed at me in utter confusion. 她全然不知所措地注视着我。

I felt a complete and utter fool. 我觉得自己是一个十足的傻瓜。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective [only before noun] /rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ/
complete: used for emphasizing how successful or unsuccessful someone or something is 完全的,彻底的(用于强调人、事情的成与败)

a resounding success/victory/defeat 巨大成功/大胜/大败

 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˌʌnəˈdʌltəˌreɪtɪd/
complete: used for emphasizing how good or how bad a quality or feeling is 完全的,十足的(用于强调某种品质或感情的好坏程度)

pure unadulterated pleasure 纯粹的快乐

What a load of unadulterated nonsense! 完全是一派胡言!

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how good or bad something is: ultimate, unbelievable, unadulterated...
More Synonyms
adjective formal /ˈæbdʒekt/
complete: used for emphasizing how bad, unpleasant, or severe a situation or condition is 完全的(用于强调非常糟糕、不愉快或严峻的形势或条件)

abject poverty 赤贫

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective American
all-round 多面的;(尤指在体育方面)全能的
 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective [only before noun] formal /ˈærənt/
complete: used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is (用于强调坏的程度)十足的,彻头彻尾的

arrant nonsense/sexism 彻头彻尾的谬论/性别歧视

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective /ˈɔːf(ə)l/
complete: used for emphasizing a particular quality 完全的(用于强调某种特性)

I made an awful fool of myself last night, didn't I? 我昨晚上出了大洋相,不是吗?

It's an awful shame to waste all this good food. 浪费所有这些好吃的真是非常可耻。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /klɪə(r)/
[only before noun] British complete 完整的
a clear fifteen minutes/two hours etc :

There was still a clear fifteen minutes before the others arrived. 还有整整15分钟其他人才会到。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv/
British complete and easily achieved 全面的;轻易取得的

a comprehensive defeat/win/victory 全面失败/获胜/胜利

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈkrʌʃɪŋ/
complete and achieved very easily 压倒性的;彻底的

a crushing defeat/victory 惨败/完胜

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ded/
[only before noun] complete 完全的;彻底的
dead silence :

She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room. 她讲完话后房间里一片死寂。

dead centre 正中心 :

The bullet hit the target dead centre (=exactly in the centre). 子弹正中靶心。

a dead stop :

The truck suddenly came to a dead stop. 卡车蓦地刹死了。

in a dead faint (=completely unconscious) 完全失去知觉 :

She fell forward and hit the floor in a dead faint. 她向前倒下,栽在地板上,全然不省人事。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈdedli/
[only before noun] complete 彻底的;十足的
deadly silence :

A deadly silence followed her announcement. 她宣布之后一片死寂。

a deadly secret :

Don't say anything to anyone – this is meant to be a deadly secret. 别对任何人说任何相关的事,这可是个绝对的秘密。

in deadly earnest (=completely seriously) 极其严肃地;极其认真地 :

It started as a joke, but soon they were fighting in deadly earnest. 这开始时是个玩笑,但很快他们就真的打起架来。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective informal /ˈdaʊnˌraɪt/
complete: used for emphasizing how bad something is 彻头彻尾的;十足的

It was a downright lie. 这是个彻头彻尾的谎言。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪv/
thorough or complete 彻底的;完全的

The list is by no means exhaustive. 这份名单绝不是说毫无遗漏。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/
spoken complete: used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is (用于强调坏的程度)十足的,彻头彻尾的

What flaming idiot left the door open? 是哪个十足的笨蛋把门敞开着的?

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective /fʊl/
[only before noun] complete 完全的;全部的;整个的

She is expected to make a full recovery. 她有望完全康复。

a soldier dressed in full uniform 穿着全套制服的士兵

full details/instructions 全部细节/指示

I spent three full days in Paris. 我在巴黎呆了整整3天。

to your full potential (=as well as you can) 发挥全部潜力 :

He is not yet playing to his full potential. 他还没有发挥出全部潜力。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
complete, or not limited in any way 彻底的;全面的

a full-scale investigation into the murder 对谋杀案的彻底调查

a full-scale emergency 全面的紧急状态

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective [usually before noun] /ˈɡləʊb(ə)l/
complete, including all parts of something 全面的;整体的

We must take a global view of children's needs. 我们应该全面地了解孩子们的需求。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈpliːnəri/
formal complete, or without any limit 完全的;不受限制的;绝对的

plenary power 全权

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈprɒpə(r)/
informal complete in every detail 完完全全的;彻底的

He's only six, but he's already a proper little gentleman. 他才不过6岁,却已经是一位彻头彻尾的小绅士了。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ræŋk/
complete: used for emphasizing how bad or obvious something is (用于强调)十足的,十分的

He is a rank amateur. 他完全是个业余选手。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective /rɪəl/
informal complete: used for emphasizing that a description of someone or something is very accurate 完全的,十足的(用于强调对某人或物的描述十分准确)

You could tell the guy was a real nerd. 你可以说那个家伙是个十足的笨蛋。

This walk is a real treat for anyone interested in birds. 这次散步对任何爱鸟的人来说都是十分难得的乐事。

 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing completeness or extremeness: complete, completely, entire...
 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /raɪt/
British spoken complete: often used for emphasizing how bad someone or something is 十足的,真正的(用于强调某人或某物多么糟糕)

He made me look a right idiot. 他使我看起来像个十足的白痴。

You've made a right mess of things. 你把事情搞得一团糟。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Ways of emphasizing how bad something is: utterly, sadly, hopelessly...
adjective /raʊnd/
complete and not less than a particular amount 完整的;不少于(某个数量)的
a round dozen :

This goal brings his total for the season to a round dozen. 这个进球使他在本赛季的总进球数达到了整整12个。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˌself kənˈteɪnd/
complete and able to work without the help of anything else 独立自足的

The device is self-contained, with an internal battery. 这个装置是自足式的,配有一个内部电池。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˈstɪŋɪŋ/
very strong, or thorough 强烈的;彻底的

a stinging defeat 彻底的失败

a stinging rebuke 强烈的谴责

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˌθʌrəˈɡəʊɪŋ/
complete 完全的;十足的

a thoroughgoing change in the methods of dealing with the problem 解决问题方法的完全改变

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective literary /ˌʌnəˈlɔɪd/
complete, or perfect 纯粹的;不掺杂的;完美的

unalloyed joy 纯粹的快乐

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
 Synonyms and related words
Perfect and perfectly: perfect, perfectly, ideal...
adjective /ʌnˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/
complete and total, without any doubts 完全的;十足的;无怀疑的

You have my unqualified support in this matter. 在这件事上我全力支持你。

The event was an unqualified success. 这项活动取得了绝对的成功。

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...
adjective /ˌʌnrɪˈzɜː(r)vd/
complete and sincere 无保留的;坦率的;完全的;真诚的

unreserved support/praise/admiration 全力的支持/真诚的赞扬/真诚的赞赏

an unreserved apology 坦诚的道歉

 Synonyms and related words
Complete and thorough: thorough, total, pure...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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