2ADJ-GRADED [usually verb-link ADJ, oft ADJ to-infinitive]难使用的;难携带的;(工作)难处理的 Something that is awkward to use or carry is difficult to use or carry because of its design. A job that is awkward is difficult to do. 难使用的;难携带的;(工作)难处理的
It was small but heavy enough to make it awkward to carry.
Full-size tripods can be awkward, especially if you're shooting a low-level subject.
'This is Malcolm,' the girl said awkwardly, to fill the silence.
He displayed all the awkwardness of adolescence.
5ADJ-GRADED 不可理喻的;难打交道的;难相处的 If you say that someone is awkward, you are critical of them because you find them unreasonable and difficult to live with or deal with. 不可理喻的;难打交道的;难相处的 [disapproval]