The White House says an official misspoke when he made the claim.
Unless my eyes deceive me, that's your brother over there. 除非我看花了眼,那不是你兄弟吗!
He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework. 他编造说狗吃了他的作业。
The gossip columnists simply invented the stories about him. 这些漫谈专栏作家完全是捏造了他的那些故事。
She would invent any excuse to avoid seeing people. 她会编出任何借口来避免与人见面。
It was obvious that she was lying. 很明显她在撒谎。
He had to lie about his age to get into the army. 为了参军,他不得不谎报年龄。
She admitted lying to the police. 她承认对警方撒了谎。
They say they're not married but they're lying through their teeth. 他们说他们没结婚,但那是在睁着眼说瞎话。
The defence accused police of fabricating evidence. 被告方指控警方伪造证据。
He manufactured an alibi about his car breaking down. 他编了一个汽车抛锚的借口。
‘There was no intention to mislead the public,' Katz told the newspaper. “并没有误导公众的意图,”卡茨告诉那家报纸。
People are being misled into parting with their money. 人们正被骗向外掏钱。
He doesn't lie exactly – he just bends the truth. 他没有完全撒谎,只是歪曲了事实。
They said they'd had another offer, but we knew they were just bluffing. 他们说他们还有一个建议,但我们知道他们只是在骗人。
She managed to bluff her way past the guards, by saying she was a journalist. 她谎称自己是新闻记者而蒙混过守卫。
Between them they cooked up some story to tell their parents. 他们私下里编了个故事来哄父母。
Workers in the industry have cried wolf once too often. 该行业的工人常常谎报险情。
The government should not be deluded into thinking that it is popular. 政府不应该受蒙骗误认为它很受人欢迎。
I'm tired of being fobbed off.
The politicians on the panel just fob off questioners with banal responses.
Customers complain they're being fobbed off with an inferior model.
I was completely fooled by her. 我完全被她愚弄了。
Don't let anyone fool you into handing over large sums of money. 不要让人骗得你把大笔大笔的钱交出来。
She realized she'd been fooling herself – he didn't really love her at all. 她意识到自己一直在自欺欺人,他根本就没有真正爱过她。
I hope he's not just leading her on, because I'd hate to see her look foolish. 我希望他不是在哄骗她,因为我不爱看到她一副傻乎乎的样子。
You have deliberately led us astray.
The senator has simply been misinformed. 参议员只是得到了错误的信息。
He has been accused of misrepresenting the results of the study. 他被指控歪曲研究结果。
The artificial stones were being misrepresented as the real thing. 这些人造宝石被伪称为天然宝石。
He put on an old blue suit, intending to pass himself off as a businessman. 他穿上一件旧式的蓝色西装,打算冒充生意人。
They tried to pawn him off as some sort of expert. 他们努力把他包装成一副专家的模样。
Clare's been putting it about that I'm pregnant. 克莱尔一直在散布谣言说我怀孕了。
Don't believe that. He's putting you on!
You can't put one over on me that easily!
This is a cynical attempt to smear a political rival. 这是企图诋毁政治对手的冷嘲热讽。
I found out I'd been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted. 我发现一个自己很信任的人欺骗了我。
He tricked me into believing that he was somebody famous. 他骗我相信他是个名人。
You're not the first person to be tricked out of your savings. 你不是第一个被骗走存款的人。
a trick question 有意捉弄人的问题
Try and wheedle a few extra pounds out of him. 争取哄骗他多给几英镑。
The whole affair has been whitewashed. 整个事件都被粉饰过了。
At first I thought they were winding me up. 起先我以为他们在骗我。
👨🏻🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net