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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 159 COCA: 127
tr traɪ
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense tries, present participle trying, past tense , past participle tried
1 VERB 设法;尝试;努力 If you try to do something, you want to do it, and you take action which you hope will help you to do it. 设法;尝试;努力
  • He secretly tried to block her advancement in the Party. [VERB to-infinitive]


  • Try to make the effort to work your way through all of your tasks one at a time… [VERB to-infinitive]


  • Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don't seem to try hard enough?. [VERB adv.]


  • I tried calling him when I got here but he wasn't at home. [VERB verb-ing]


  • No matter how bad you feel, keep trying. [VERB]


Try is also a noun.
  • It wasn't that she'd really expected to get any money out of him; it had just seemed worth a try.


  • After a few tries Patrick had given up any attempt to reform his brother.


2 VERB 设法做;尝试 To try and do something means to try to do it. 设法做;尝试 [informal]
  • He has started a privatisation programme to try and win support from the business community… [V and inf]


  • I must try and see him. [V and inf]


3 VERB 谋求;争取 If you try for something, you make an effort to get it or achieve it. 谋求;争取
  • My partner and I have been trying for a baby for two years. [VERB + for]


  • He said he was going to try for first place next year. [VERB + for]


4 VERB 试用;试做;尝试 If you try something new or different, you use it, do it, or experience it in order to discover its qualities or effects. 试用;试做;尝试
  • It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion. [VERB noun]


  • I've tried everything from herbal cigarettes to chewing gum… [VERB noun]


  • I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner, but this does not kill them off. [VERB verb-ing]


SYN experiment with, try out, put to the test, test
Try is also a noun.
  • If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.


5 VERB (某处)试试;(某人)试试 If you try a particular place or person, you go to that place or person because you think that they may be able to provide you with what you want. (某处)试试;(某人)试试
  • Have you tried the local music shops? [VERB noun]


6 VERB 试着推开(门或窗) If you try a door or window, you try to open it. 试着推开(门或窗)
  • Bob tried the door. To his surprise it opened. [VERB noun]


7 VERB 审判;审讯;审理 When a person is tried, he or she has to appear in a law court and is found innocent or guilty after the judge and jury have heard the evidence. When a legal case is tried, it is considered in a court of law. 审判;审讯;审理
  • He suggested that those responsible should be tried for crimes against humanity. [be VERB-ed + for]


  • Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court. [be VERB-ed]


  • The military court which tried him excluded two of his lawyers. [VERB noun]


  • Why does it take 253 days to try a case of fraud? [VERB noun]

    为什么审讯一宗欺诈案要花 253 天时间?

8 N-COUNT (橄榄球的)达阵得分(在对方球门线内带球触地得分) In the game of rugby, a try is the action of scoring by putting the ball down behind the goal line of the opposing team. (橄榄球的)达阵得分(在对方球门线内带球触地得分)
  • The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.

    上半场以 21:3 领先的法国队有 8 个达阵得分。

9 See also: tried  trying 
Usage Note :
  • Try and is often used instead of try to in spoken English, but you should avoid it in writing. Just try and stop me! Notice also the difference between try to and try with the '-ing' form of the verb, which often suggests doing something. I'm going to try to open a jammed door… Try opening the windows to freshen the air.

    英语口语中常用try and代替try to,但在书面语中应避免这种用法。如,Just try and stop me (你拦我试试看)。注意try totry加动词ing形式的区别,后者经常表示建议做某事。如,I'm going to try to open a jammed door (我要设法打开一扇卡住的门)Try opening the windows to freshen the air (试着把窗子打开,透透气)。

10 PHRASE [with neg] 没努力尝试;没竭尽全力 If you say that something fails but not for want of trying or not for lack of trying, you mean that everything possible was done to make it succeed. 没努力尝试;没竭尽全力
  • Not all is perfect, but it isn't for want of trying.


11 to try your best→see: best  to try your hand→see: hand  to try your luck→see: luck  to try someone's patience→see: patience 
Phrasal verbs:
try on try out try out for
Thesaurustry Also look up:

attempt, endeavor, risk, venture 1 2 3


attempt, effort, shot 1 4

Trends of try
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years
BNC: 159 COCA: 127


1attempt嘗試ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRY | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood, nice好的/不錯的嘗試Never mind-it was a good try. Better luck next time.沒關係 - 這是一次很好的嘗試。祝下次好運。another又一次嘗試first, second, etc.第一次、第二次等嘗試She passed the test on the first try.她第一次嘗試就通過了測試。her second try at a Broadway musical她對百老匯音樂劇的第二次嘗試VERB + TRYhave試一試Can I have a try?我能試試嗎?give sth試做⋯It looks difficult, but let's give it a try.看起來挺難,不過我們試試吧。be worth值得一試It may not work, but it's certainly worth a try.可能起不了作用,但肯定值得一試。PREPOSITIONtry at嘗試⋯She's having another try at the marathon.她又要試跑馬拉松了。


2scoring move in rugby橄欖球達陣得分ADJECTIVE | VERB + TRY | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdazzling, excellent, good, great, splendid, superb, well-taken精彩的達陣得分;絕妙的達陣得分opening比賽中首次達陣得分last-minute, late最後一分鐘的/臨近比賽結束的達陣得分decisive, winning決定性的/致勝的達陣得分penalty懲罰達陣得分pushover(一方在扭奪爭球的人群中)把球推過對方球門線達陣得分VERB + TRYget, go over for, score帶球達陣得分convert在達陣後追加射門PREPOSITIONtry against對⋯比賽中的觸地得分He scored three tries against New Zealand.在對新西蘭隊的比賽中,他 3 次帶球觸地得分。try by, try from⋯做出的觸地得分an excellent try by winger Neil Lang邊鋒尼爾・蘭漂亮的帶球觸地得分 topic at sports


ADVERB | VERB + TRY | PHRASES ADVERBdesperately, frantically, furiously, hard, mightily (especially NAmE) 不顧一切地試圖;瘋狂地試圖;竭力想要She was trying desperately to stay afloat.她拚命使自己浮在水面。Sam was trying hard not to laugh.薩姆竭力忍着不笑。gamely, valiantly勇敢地想要She tried valiantly to smile through her tears.她透過淚水勇敢地想要露出笑容。actively積極嘗試Do you actively try to get involved in other people's projects?你積極設法要加入別人的項目嗎?consciously, deliberately, intentionally, purposely自覺地/故意地/有意地/有目的地嘗試I wondered if he was purposely trying to avoid me.我納悶他是否在故意躲避我。constantly, continually, repeatedly不斷/繼續/反複嘗試I'm constantly trying to make things better.我一直試圖把事情做得更好。clumsily笨拙地試圖I clumsily tried to make amends.我笨拙地想要賠罪。hurriedly趕緊嘗試I hurriedly tried to unlock the door.我趕緊試着打開門鎖。feebly無力地嘗試at least至少嘗試一下Can you guys at least try and be nice to her?你們這些傢伙就不能至少試着對她好一點兒嗎?fruitlessly, futilely, in vain, unsuccessfully, vainly徒勞無益;不成功地嘗試allegedly據稱在嘗試a treason charge for allegedly trying to overthrow the government by force據稱試圖以武力推翻政府的一項叛國罪指控VERB + TRYdecide to決定嘗試I decided to try again.我決定再試一次。dare (sb) to激勵(某人)嘗試I dare you to try and stop her.我倒要看看你敢不敢設法阻止她。bother to特意嘗試She didn't even bother to try to check on her son.她甚至沒有費心查一下她兒子的情況。continue to繼續嘗試We have to continue to try to learn more about this.我們必須繼續努力以瞭解更多有關這件事的情況。hesitate to猶豫地嘗試He wouldn't hesitate to try and kill them.他會毫不猶豫地試圖殺死他們。be going to打算嘗試I hope you're not going to try and deny it.我希望你不打算試着否定此事。be tempted to受到誘惑去嘗試be tempting to誘惑人進行嘗試let sb讓某人嘗試Can't you do it? Let me try.你不會嗎?讓我來試一試。PHRASESbe just trying to do sth, be only trying to do sth只是想試着做⋯I was just trying to help!我只不過想幫忙而已!give up trying放棄嘗試I've given up trying to persuade her.我已經放棄試圖說服她了。try your best, try your hardest, try your utmost盡你最大努力I tried my best not to laugh.我盡力忍住不笑出來。
BNC: 159 COCA: 127
try noun
try verb
try1 (try to do sth) try2 (try doing sth)


try to do sth/try your hardest 想要做某事;尽力而为try doing sth/try this new dish 试着做某事;尝尝这道新菜try ♦︎ attempt ♦︎ seek ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ strive ♦︎ endeavour ♦︎ have a go ♦︎ go for sthThese words all mean to make an effort to do or achieve sth. 这些词均表示试图、设法、努力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to try / attempt / seek / struggle / strive / endeavour to do sthto struggle / strive for / against sthto try / attempt / seek / struggle / strive desperately / in vainto be constantly trying / seeking / struggling / striving to do sthto consciously try / attempt / seek / strive to do sthto deliberately try / attempt / seek / endeavour to do sthto try / struggle / strive hard try [intransitive, transitive] to make an effort to do, achieve or get sth 试图;想要;设法;努力I don't know if I can come but I'll try.我不知道是否能来,但我尽量。What are you trying to do?你想要做什么?I tried hard not to laugh.我强忍住不笑出来。She tried her best to solve the problem.她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。Just try your hardest.请尽力而为吧。In spoken English try can be used with and plus another verb, instead of with to and the infinitive. 在口语中,try可与and加另一动词连用,来代替带to的不定式这种用法I'll try and get you a new one tomorrow.我明天尽量给你带个新的来。Try and finish quickly.尽量快点完成。In this structure try can only be used in the infinitive, or to tell sb what to do. 这种结构中,try只能使用动词原形,表示告诉某人做什么。 see also try attempt noun attempt [transitive] (rather formal) to try to do sth, especially sth difficult or dangerous 尝试,试图做(尤指困难或危险的事)The prisoner was shot while attempting to escape.囚犯在企图逃跑时被枪杀。The coastguard had advised them not to attempt a rescue.海岸警备队已通知他们不要试图救人。More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.抑郁让他不止一次试图自杀。 see also attempt attempt noun attempted


[only before noun] attempted rape / murder / robbery (= that was attempted but was not successful) 强奸/谋杀/抢劫未遂
NOTE 辨析 Try or attempt? Try has a more general meaning and is used more often in informal conversation. Attempt is more formal and places the emphasis more on the act of starting to do sth rather than on the effort put into achieving it. When followed by a noun, attempt usually refers to an effort to do sth which was not successful or is unlikely to be successful. * try的含义更宽泛,更常用于非正式的谈话。attempt更正式,更强调开始做某事的举动,而非为实现某事付诸的努力。后接名词时,attempt通常指做某事的努力没有成功或不太可能成功The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.那些囚犯试图逃跑,但失败了。
seek (sought, sought) [transitive] (always used in the phrase seek to do sth 总是用于短语seek to do sth) (formal) to try to do sth, often sth that might take a long time 试图,设法(常指做费时的事)The research project will seek to find an answer to this question.这个研究项目将力求找到这个问题的答案。 see also seek ask verb 2 , seek look verb 2 struggle [intransitive, transitive] to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems 奋斗;努力;争取Shona struggled for breath.肖纳喘不上气来。The family struggled through the next few years.全家人在此后几年生活艰难。I'm really struggling with this essay.这篇文章让我很费劲。They struggled just to pay their bills.他们辛苦所得勉强够支付开销。 see also struggle effort noun strive (strove, striven) [intransitive] (formal) to try very hard, usually over a long period of time, to achieve sth or defeat sth 努力;(长期)奋斗;力争;力求We constantly strive for excellence in design.我们不断力求卓越的设计。They were always striving towards perfection.他们总是力臻完美。 endeavour (BrE) (NAmE endeavor) ɪnˈdevə(r) [transitive] (always followed by to + infinitive 总是后接带to的不定式) (formal) to try very hard to do sth, especially sth that needs a lot of effort 努力,尽力,竭力(尤指做需要付出很多努力的事)I will endeavour to do my best for my country.我将尽忠报国。 see also endeavour effort noun have a ˈgo


(has, had, had) (informal, especially spoken) to make an attempt to do sth 尝试,试图(做某事)'I can't start the engine.' 'Let me have a go.'“这发动机我发动不起来了。”“让我来试试。”I've always wanted to have a go at windsurfing.我一直想试着玩帆板运动。
ˈgo for sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (informal, spoken) to put a lot of effort into sth in order to get or achieve sth 努力争取某事物Go for it, John! You know you can beat him.加油,约翰!你知道你是可以打败他的。She'll be going for gold in the Olympics.她会努力争取在奥运会上夺金。


try to do sth/try your hardest 想要做某事;尽力而为try doing sth/try this new dish 试着做某事;尝尝这道新菜 See also the entry for test verb 1 另见test动词词条第1义try ♦︎ taste ♦︎ sampleThese words all mean to use, do or experience sth in order to see what it is like. 这些词均表示尝试、体验。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to try / sample a new productto try / taste / sample food / wine try [transitive] to use sth, do sth or eat or drink a small amount of sth in order to see what it is like, or if it is good or successful 试用;试做;品尝Have you tried this new coffee? It's very good.你尝过这种新咖啡吗?好极啦。Try these shoes for size-they should fit you.试试这双鞋的大小,你穿应该合脚。She tried the door, but it was locked.她推了推那扇门,但门锁着。John isn't here. Try phoning his home number.约翰不在这儿,给他家里打电话试试看。 see also try sb/sth out test verb 1 taste [transitive] to eat or drink a small amount of sth to see what it is like, especially to see if it tastes right 尝(食物的味道,看是否浓淡适中)Taste it and see if you think there's enough salt in it.你尝尝看这够不够咸。 sample ˈsɑːmpl; NAmE ˈsæmpl [transitive] (written) to eat a small amount of sth, or experience sth for a short time, to see what it is like 尝;品尝;尝试;体验I sampled the delights of Greek cooking for the first time.我第一次体验到希腊烹饪的乐趣。He put his head out of the window and sampled the morning air.他把头探出窗外,吸了吸清晨的空气。

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