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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


 See also the entries for cruel and stern 另见cruel条和stern条ruthless ♦︎ hard ♦︎ callous ♦︎ unmoved ♦︎ heartless ♦︎ merciless ♦︎ cold-blooded ♦︎ brutalThese words all describe sb who shows no kindness, pity or sympathy for other people. 这些词均表示无情的、冷酷的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达冷漠的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a ruthless / hard / callous / heartless man / womana ruthless / merciless / cold-blooded attacka ruthless / hard / brutal sideruthless / brutal honestya callous / cold-blooded murdertotally ruthless / callous / unmoved ruthless ˈruːθləs (usually disapproving) cruel and showing no sympathy; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people 残酷无情的;不择手段的;冷酷的He's a violent, ruthless man who will stop at nothing.他是个冷酷无情的残暴之徒,行事不择手段。He has a ruthless determination to succeed.他一心追求成功,不达目的誓不休。Like all great survivors, she has a ruthless streak.像所有经历坎坷而坚强挺过来的人一样,她性格中有几分冷酷无情。Although being ruthless is generally considered very bad, the word is sometimes used with apparent approval of the determination that sb needs to get what they want. 尽管ruthless一般被视为非常不好,但有时该词用于明显的褒义,谈论人们要达成目标必须要有的坚定决心We'll have to be ruthless if we want to make this company more efficient.如果想提高这家公司的工作效率,我们就必须不留情面。 ruthlessly


The regime ruthlessly crushed all opposition.这个政权残酷镇压所有反对者。
hard (usually disapproving) showing no sympathy or affection 冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的My father was a hard man.我父亲是个不讲情面的人。She gave me a hard stare.她狠狠地看了我一眼。He said some very hard things to me.他对我说了些很不近人情的话。OPP soft sensitive 1 callous ˈkæləs (disapproving) acting as you like without caring about other people's feelings or suffering 冷酷无情的;无同情心的;冷漠的The troops showed a callous disregard for life and property.那支部队对生命和财产表现得麻木不仁。 unmoved [not before noun] not feeling pity or sympathy in reaction to sth, especially in a situation where it would be normal to do so (尤指在应表示同情时)冷漠的,无同情心的,无动于衷的Alice seemed totally unmoved by the whole experience.艾丽斯似乎对整个经历都很冷漠。 see also move impress heartless (disapproving) showing no pity or sympathy for other people in what you say or do (言辞或行为)无情的,狠心的How can you be so heartless!你怎么能这么狠心!The decision does seem a little heartless.这个决定的确有点不近人情。 merciless ˈmɜːsɪləs; NAmE ˈmɜːrsɪləs (rather formal, especially written) showing no kindness or pity 毫不怜悯的;无情的;残忍的He was left reeling after a merciless attack by the opposition.反对者无情的攻击让他晕头转向。It brought relief from the merciless summer heat.它可以让人们摆脱夏日的酷热。 OPP merciful lenient ˌcold-ˈblooded (disapproving) showing no feelings or pity for other people while doing terrible things 冷酷的;无情的;残酷的a cold-blooded killer冷酷无情的杀手There was something very cold-blooded about the way he used his father's death.他拿自己父亲去世做文章,实在太冷酷无情了。NOTE 辨析 Which word? Unmoved is the weakest of these words because it describes sb not reacting to sb else's distress or anger, not sb who actively causes sb else's distress. Hard, callous and heartless can describe sb reacting without sympathy to sb's distress, or sb actively doing things that hurt people without caring about the effects on those people. Ruthless and cold-blooded are stronger still: a ruthless person will do anything to get what they want; a cold-blooded person not only feels no sympathy, but feels no emotions at all (such as anger) that might explain their cruel behaviour. * unmoved在这些词中表达的冷漠程度最弱,因为它指的是某人对他人的痛苦或愤怒未作出反应,而非某人做了某事使得别人痛苦。hard、callous和heartless可形容某人对别人痛苦没有同情心,或实际上做伤害他人、不顾及他人感受的事。ruthless和cold-blooded表达的冷漠程度更高:ruthless意味着为达目的会不择手段,cold-blooded意味着不但没有同情心,而且根本就没有感情(比如愤怒),其冷酷行为在情感上无法解释。 brutal ˈbruːtl (usually disapproving) direct and clear about sth unpleasant; not thinking of people's feelings 直截了当的;冷酷的With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him.她冷酷地直接告诉他,她不爱他。 see also brutal cruel brutally


Let me be brutally frank about this.让我把这件事无情地挑明吧。

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