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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
To compare or connect things
verb /kəmˈpeə(r)/
[T] to consider how things or people are similar and how they are different 比较
compare something with/to something :

Just compare the one that has been cleaned with the others. 只要把清洗过的这个和其他的比较一下。

The results are then compared to the results of previous studies. 然后把结果和以前的研究结果加以比较。

compare and contrast (=show how things are similar and how they are different) 比较异同 :

The research aims to compare and contrast policies in British, American, and Japanese firms. 这项研究旨在对比英国、美国和日本公司的政策有何异同。

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To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
[I] used for saying how good or bad one thing is in relation to another (与…)相比
compare with :

How does the UK's performance compare with that of other European countries? 英国的表现和其他欧洲国家相比情况如何?

compare favourably/unfavourably/well :

About 2.5% of Scottish land is registered organic: that compares very favourably with the European average. 苏格兰约有2.5%的土地登记为有机的:这比欧洲的平均水平好得多。

something doesn't compare (with something) (=it is not as good) 某物比不上(某物) :

It's a good university, but its architecture doesn't compare with that of the older institutions. 这是一所不错的大学,但其建筑无法与那些老牌的大学相比。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
[T] to say that one thing or person is similar to another 把…比作
compare something to something :

The band has been compared to the Beatles. 这个乐队被拿来与披头士乐队相提并论。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /kəˈnekt/
[T] to show a relationship between one person or thing and another 表明…和…有联系

There was no evidence then to connect smoking and lung cancer. 那时没有证据把抽烟和肺癌联系起来。

connect someone with something :

The public connects him with sport not politics. 公众把他和体育而不是政治联系起来。

connect someone to something :

There is no evidence to connect him to the murder. 没有证据表明他和这起谋杀案有牵连。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] /lɪŋk/
to say or show that two things are related, or that one of the things causes the other 和…有联系;由…引起
 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
set against
phrasal verb [T]
[set something against something] to compare one thing with another 把…和…作比较

This season's results have been disappointing set against last year's. 和去年相比,本赛季的成绩令人失望。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /kənˈtrɑːst/
[T] to compare two things in order to show how they are different 将…对比;将…对照

When you contrast their work records, Julie is clearly more qualified. 你把他们的工作记录作一下对比,朱莉显然更合格。

contrast someone/something with someone/something :

He contrasted his party's record on unemployment with that of the last government. 他把他所在党派解决失业问题的成绩和上届政府的进行了对比。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/
[I/T] to see or show a difference between things 区分;区别

Present your main arguments in clearly differentiated paragraphs. 在区分得很清楚的段落里提出你的主要论点。

differentiate between :

Neil is colour-blind and cannot differentiate between red and green. 尼尔是色盲,无法区分红色和绿色。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] /dɪˈsəʊsieɪt/
formal to consider two people or things to be separate, different, or not connected to each other 把…分开;使分离

I was making films while I was still a pop singer and it was difficult to dissociate the two. 我在拍电影,同时还是个流行歌手,很难把两者分开。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
to show clearly that someone is not connected with someone or something 表明与…无关系
dissociate yourself/someone from someone/something :

MPs have been urging the government to dissociate itself entirely from the war. 下院议员已强烈要求政府声明与这场战争完全无关。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
tell/see the difference
to notice what is different between similar people or things 区分
tell/see the difference between :

How do you tell the difference between the kittens? 你怎样区分这些小猫?

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
to notice what has changed about someone or something 看得出变化

She said she'd had her hair cut, but I couldn't tell the difference. 她说她剪了头发,但我看不出有什么变化。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] formal /ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊz/
to place things together or describe things together so that people can see how they are different 把…并列;把…并置
 Synonyms and related words
 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
check against
phrasal verb [T]
[check something against something] to find out whether information is accurate or useful by comparing it with other information 核对

The police are checking his fingerprints against their database. 警察正把他的指纹和数据库里的进行核对。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
More Synonyms
compare like with like
to compare two things that are similar in some way 比较某方面相似的两个事物

The problem with international price comparisons is that it is very difficult indeed to compare like with like.

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [I/T] formal /ˈkɒrəleɪt/
[T] to show that two things are connected 显示…的相关性
correlate something with something :

Attempts will be made to correlate our findings with various environmental factors. 将会设法检验我们的调查结果和各种环境因素是否有联系。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] /ˌdɪsəˈsəʊʃiˌeɪt/
 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things:compare, connect, link...
verb /drɔː/
[T] to consider the ways in which two things are different or similar 作(比较);进行(区分)
draw a line/distinction/boundary :

The law draws a distinction between children and adults. 法律区分儿童和成人。

draw a parallel/analogy/comparison :

The writer drew parallels between the two societies. 作者把两种社会作了一个比较。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /ɪˈkweɪt/
[T] to consider something to be the same as something else 等同
equate something with/to something :

These people seem to equate honesty with weakness. 这些人似乎认为老实就是软弱。

equate something and something :

Don't make the mistake of equating high test scores and intelligence. 不要误以为考试得高分就是头脑聪明。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
identify with
phrasal verb [T]
[identify something with something] formal to think that something is the same as something else or is closely related to it 认为…和…一致;将…等同于…

Most of these writers identify mind with consciousness. 这些作家中大多数人都认为思维和意识是一致的。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...

liken to

[T] formal
[liken someone/something to something] to say that someone or something is similar to someone or something else

His works have been likened to those of Beckett.

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things:compare, connect, link...
map onto
phrasal verb [T]
[map something onto something] to connect one thing to another thing, for example as a way of understanding its meaning or structure 把…同…联系起来

Can babies map these experiences onto their memories? 婴儿可以把这些经历同他们的记忆联系起来吗?

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
mark out
phrasal verb [T]

mark out


mark off

to show that someone or something is different from others 使突出;使与众不同
mark someone/something out as something :

His talent has marked him out as one of the greatest runners ever. 他的天赋使他成为迄今最伟大的赛跑运动员之一。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /mætʃ/
[T] to show that two things are related or are the same 显示(与…)相配

Tests matched the blood on his clothes to that of the victim. 检测表明他衣服上的血与受害者的一模一样。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
measure/judge etc someone/something against someone/something
to compare someone or something with someone or something else 将…与…相比

We measure our achievements against the highest standards. 我们与最高标准相比较来衡量我们的成绩。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [I/T] informal /ˈpɪɡiˌbæk/
if one thing piggybacks on another, it uses it, is based on it, or takes advantage of it
piggyback (sth) on sth :

A nonsecured network could lead to a lot more than a neighbour piggybacking on your Wi-Fi for free.

piggyback (sth) off sth :

This test is being piggybacked off another national survey. 这项测试与另一项全国性调查相关联。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] /pleɪs/
to decide how good or important something is in comparison with other things (通过比较)确定…的重要性
place something above something :

The company was accused of placing profits above safety. 该公司被指责只顾赚钱不重视安全。

place emphasis/importance/value on something :

The school places great emphasis on the welfare of its students. 这所学校非常重视学生的福利。

Customers were placing more importance on quality than simply on cost. 顾客越来越重视质量,而不仅仅是看重价格了。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [I/T] /ˈpəʊləraɪz/
to form two very different groups, opinions, or situations that are completely opposite to each other, or to cause this to happen 使两极化;使完全相反

The issue has polarized the entire community. 这个问题使整个社区两极分化。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb /rɪˈleɪt/
[I/T] to show or make a connection between two different things (把…)联系起来;有关联

I can't really see how the two issues relate. 我看不出两件事有什么联系。

relate something to something :

We offer courses that relate English literature to other subjects. 我们开设了一些将英国文学和其他科目联系起来的课程。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
set off against
phrasal verb [T]
[set something off against something] to compare one thing with another 把…与…相比较

The quality of the facilities must be set off against the cost of using them. 设施的质量必须和使用成本进行比较。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
verb [T] formal /ˈsɪtʃueɪt/
to describe or discuss something in relation to the things that it is connected to 给…定位
 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...
stack up
phrasal verb
[I] informal to appear good, bad etc when compared with someone or something else 比较

Teachers will know how they stack up against national standards. 老师们将知道他们与国家标准相比怎么样。

 Synonyms and related words
To compare or connect things: compare, connect, link...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 柯林斯詞典 📚 – collins.mister5️⃣.net
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