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IELTS BNC: 139 COCA: 186
ks keɪs
Word forms: plural cases




IELTS BNC: 139 COCA: 186


1example例子ADJECTIVE | VERB + CASE | CASE + VERB | CASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEclassic, textbook, typical經典事例;範例;典型例子clear, obvious, simple清楚的例子;明顯的例子;簡單案例It was a simple case of mistaken identity.那是一個弄錯身分的簡單例子。borderline處於兩可的情況The teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test.老師對那些在及格線上下的學生進行了一次口試。extreme極端例子isolated, rare孤立的/稀罕的事例Except in a few rare cases, bee stings are not dangerous.除極少數情況外蜂蜇一般是沒有危險的。exceptional, special, unusual例外/特殊/不尋常情況striking引起關注的情況documented, reported記錄在案的/報道的事例There have been documented cases of officials accepting bribes.有很多記錄在案的官員受賄的事例。VERB + CASEillustrate, show說明/表明例子cite, highlight援引/突出事例He highlighted the case of Harry Farr, who was executed in 1916.他特別舉出了 1916 年被處決的哈里・法爾的案例。consider考慮情況Let's consider the case of a dealer trying to make a sale.我們來考慮一下一個商人想要做成一筆生意的情況。CASE + VERBarise, occur情況出現;事情發生The committee has full powers to deal with any cases of malpractice that arise.該委員會全權處理出現的任何瀆職事件。CASE + NOUNstudy個案研究a case study of an Amazonian tribe亞馬孫河部落個案研究example案例PREPOSITIONin sb's/this case就某人的情況來說/在這種情況下In her case, she failed the exam because she wasn't well.就她的情況來說,她是因為身體不好而沒有通過考試。case of⋯的例子a case of animal cruelty虐待動物的例子PHRASEScase by case按個別情況Complaints are dealt with on a case by case basis.投訴要按個案情況具體處理。a case in point恰當的例子Many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in point.許多專業人員認為他們應該得到更高的工資,護士就是一個例子。


2the case true situation事實VERB + THE CASEbe, remain是實情;仍然是事實It remains the case that not enough graduates are going into teaching.實際情況依然是畢業後從教的人數不夠。overstate, understate誇大事實;對事實輕描淡寫I agree with him, but don't you think he slightly overstates the case?我同意他的說法,但你不覺得他有點兒誇大事實嗎?


3of a disease疾病ADJECTIVE | VERB + CASE | CASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEacute, chronic急性病;慢性病advanced, bad, serious, severe晚期的病;重症He had a bad case of appendicitis.他得了嚴重的闌尾炎。mild輕症AIDS, flu, SARS, etc.艾滋病、流感、非典等病例About 25% of AIDS cases are linked with the sharing of needles.大約 25% 的艾滋病病例與共用針頭有關係。confirmed, reported確診/報告病例There have been no confirmed cases of BSE in the US.美國還沒有瘋牛病的確診病例。VERB + CASEdiagnose診斷病例Two million new cases of hypertension are diagnosed each year.每年診斷出 200 萬新增高血壓病例。report報告病例The Department of Health reported five human cases of bird flu.衞生部報告了 5 起人感染禽流感的病例。CASE + NOUNhistory病歷Medical students study the case histories of many patients.醫學院學生研究許多病人的病歷。notes, records病歷記錄PREPOSITIONcase of⋯的病例a severe case of food poisoning嚴重食物中毒病例


4police investigation警方調查ADJECTIVE | VERB + CASE | CASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEnotorious臭名昭著的案件the notorious case of the Botley strangler臭名昭著的博特利殺人案tragic慘案assault, homicide, molestation, murder, rape, robbery襲擊案;殺人案;性騷擾案;謀殺案;強姦案;搶劫案VERB + CASEhandle, investigate, work on處理/調查/偵破案件Four officers are investigating the case.4 名警察在調查該案件。crack, solve破案They never solved the Jones murder case.他們一直未能偵破瓊斯謀殺案。close結案reopen重新開始調查案件CASE + NOUNfile, report案件卷宗/報告He was looking through some homicide case files.他在查閱一些殺人案的卷宗。officer案件調查警員Carter was the senior case officer on the investigation.卡特是調查該案的高級警官。PREPOSITIONon the case處理案件A detective is on the case at the moment.目前一名探員正在處理該案。case of⋯的案件a case of theft盜竊案


5in a court of law法庭ADJECTIVE | VERB + CASE | CASE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcourt訴訟案criminal刑事案civil民事案landmark, test意義重大的案件;判例案件This is a test case which will influence what other judges decide.這是一個會影響其他法官判決的判例案件。high-profile引人注目的案件As a lawyer he was involved in high-profile divorce cases.作為律師,他經辦過若干引人注目的離婚案。antitrust, divorce, libel, malpractice (especially NAmE) 反托拉斯案件;離婚案;誹謗案;瀆職案death-penalty (especially NAmE) 死刑案The jury are required to be unanimous in death-penalty cases.死刑案須要陪審團一致通過。VERB + CASEbring將案件提交審理He brought the case to the Supreme Court.他將案件提交到了最高法院。prosecute, pursue檢控/追查案件handle, litigate, take處理案件;提出訴訟;受理案件This was the hardest case she had handled since becoming a lawyer.這是她做律師以來碰到的最棘手的案子。No lawyer would take his case.沒有律師會接手他的案子。consider, hear, try審理案件The court will consider the case soon.法庭即將審理這個案件。The case will be heard in a higher court.更高一級法院將審理此案。rehear, retry, review複審案件adjourn延期審案dismiss, throw out駁回/不受理案件The case was thrown out for lack of evidence.該案因缺乏證據而不獲受理。drop撤回訴訟The prosecution decided to drop the case.控方決定撤訴。decide, settle裁決訴訟The case was settled out of court.該案庭外和解了。win勝訴lose敗訴CASE + VERBcome before sb, come to court, go to court, go to trial案件交付某人審理;案件提交法庭;案件受理The case came before Judge Hales.案件已交給黑爾斯法官審理。He was so clearly innocent, the case should never have gone to court.很明顯他是無辜的,法院本來就不應該受理此案。collapse訴訟不成立The case against her collapsed when a key witness was proved to have lied.一名關鍵證人被證實撒謊,對她的指控就不成立了。involve sth案件涉及⋯a compensation case involving thousands of workers涉及數千名工人的賠償案centre/center on sth, hinge on sth, rest on sth, turn on sth訴訟集中在⋯;案子的關鍵在於⋯;案件依賴於⋯The case hinged on the evidence of the only witness.這個案子取決於唯一目擊證人所提供的證據。raise sth案件引起⋯The case raises a number of issues.該案件引發了許多問題。allege sth案件指控⋯cases alleging violations of international law指控違反國際法的案件challenge sth案件質疑⋯He brought a case challenging the legality of the war.他提起訴訟,質詢這場戰爭的合法性。PREPOSITIONin a/the case案件中the evidence in the case案件的證據case against對⋯的指控The case against her was very weak.對她的指控證據非常不足。case of⋯案件PHRASESa case to answer, no case to answer (both BrE) 需要/無須答辯The judge ruled that the defendant had no case to answer.法官裁決,被告無須答辯。the circumstances of a case, the facts of a case案情


6arguments論據ADJECTIVE | VERB + CASE | CASE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcompelling, convincing, good, persuasive, powerful, strong令人信服的論據;充分的論據;有力的論據open-and-shut, unanswerable (BrE) 一目了然的/無可辯駁的論據With his current superb form, he presents an unanswerable case for selection in the team.他目前狀態極好,是隊裏理所當然的上場人選。prima facie (law法律) 表面證據There is a good prima facie case for believing what she says.她的話有初步的證據讓人信服。circumstantial, weak間接的/無力的論據defence/defense, prosecution被告方/控方理由VERB + CASEhave有立論的依據Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= a good enough case).律師認為我們沒有充足的論據可以勝訴。prepare準備論據The defendant requested more time to prepare his case.被告要求多給一些時間以準備論據。outline, set out略述/陳述論據make, make out, present, put, state闡明理由;述說理由You can make out a case for changing our teaching methods.你可以就改變教學方法說明理由。argue, plead辯論;辯護I thought she argued her case very well.我覺得她為自己辯護得很好。take up受理(個案)The union has taken up the case of the suspended worker.工會已受理那位被停職的工人的個案。judge判斷理由The teacher must judge each case according to its merits.教師必須根據每一件事情的實際情況來作判定。bolster, help, strengthen, support加強論據;支持論據What evidence do you have to support your case?你有什麼證據來支持你的論點?weaken削弱論據CASE + VERBexist論據存在A strong case exists for adopting a similar system in this country.有充分的證據表明這個國家也應該採取相似的體制。PREPOSITIONcase against反對⋯的論據a case against wearing business attire反對穿正裝的理由case for支持⋯的論據PHRASESthe case for the defence/defense, the case for the prosecution有利於被告方/控方的理由陳述the merits of a case本身的情況The disciplinary committee considered the merits of his case before fining him.紀律委員會在對他罰款前考慮了他的實際情況。


7container容器ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcarrying便攜盒He put the binoculars back in their carrying case.他把雙筒望遠鏡放回到便攜盒裏。packing包裝箱glass玻璃櫥櫃The room was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.那個房間裏滿是放在玻璃櫃裏的動物標本。CD, DVD光盤盒;數字影碟盒cartridge, cigarette, glasses, jewel, jewellery/jewelry, pencil彈殼;香煙盒;眼鏡盒;首飾盒;鉛筆盒guitar, violin, etc.吉他箱、小提琴盒等display, trophy (especially NAmE) 陳列櫃;獎品陳列櫃She kept all her trophies in a display case.她把自己所有的獎品放在陳列櫃裏。presentation展示櫃a gold watch in a presentation case展示櫃裏的金錶PREPOSITIONin a/the case, inside a/the case, out of a/the case在盒子/箱子裏;在盒子/箱子外


8a case手提箱 see also suitcase (for other collocates with case) ADJECTIVEattaché公文包overnight(適於短途旅行的)小提箱
IELTS BNC: 139 COCA: 186
case noun
case (a court case) argument2 (the case for/against sth) box (a pencil/packing case) example1 (in this/sb's case) investigation (a murder case) patient (a case of pneumonia) situation (It is not the case that…) suitcase (pack your case)


case ♦︎ trial ♦︎ hearing ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ action ♦︎ suit ♦︎ lawsuit ♦︎ proceeding ♦︎ prosecution ♦︎ litigation ♦︎ court martialThese are all words for a formal legal dispute between people that is decided in court. 这些词均表示官司、诉讼、审判。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) legal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings(a) criminal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings / prosecution / litigation(a) civil case / hearing / appeal / action / suit / lawsuit / proceedings / litigationa murder / rape / fraud case / trial(a) libel case / trial / hearing / action / suit / proceedingsto bring a case / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / a prosecution (against sb / sth)to take action / proceedings (against sb / sth)to file an appeal / a suit / a lawsuitto face trial / a hearing / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / prosecution / litigation / court martialto hear a case / an appealto win / lose a case / an appeal / an action / a suit / a lawsuit case [countable] a question to be decided in court; the facts and evidence that are used to accuse or defend sb/sth in court 诉讼;待裁决的案件;(在法庭上用来控告或辩护的)论据,理由The case will be heard next week.此案下周审理。The new evidence weakened the case for the defence.新的证据削弱了被告的论据。Our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had good enough arguments to win in court).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,赢不了官司。 trial [uncountable, countable] a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not (法院的)审讯,审理,审判He's on trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀罪受审。She will stand trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗将受审。The men were arrested but not brought to trial.这些人已被捕,但未移交法院审判。The case never came to trial.此案从未开庭审理。He did not receive a fair trial.他没有受到公正的审判。 hearing [countable] an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take 审讯;听审;听证会a court / disciplinary hearing庭审;纪律聆讯At a preliminary hearing the judge announced that the trial would begin on March 21.在预审时,法官宣布将在3月21日进行审理。She was granted a divorce in a five-minute hearing.经过五分钟的审理,法庭准许她离婚。 appeal [countable, uncountable] a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or decision to be changed 上诉;申诉 (BrE) to lodge an appeal提出上诉 (NAmE) to file an appeal提出上诉 (BrE) an appeal court / judge上诉法庭/法官 (NAmE) an appeals court / judge上诉法庭/法官He lost his appeal against the 3-match ban.他对禁赛3场的处罚提出申诉,但遭驳回。 action [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a legal process to settle a dispute or deal with a complaint 诉讼;起诉A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.刊发该文章的杂志将受到诽谤诉讼。He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.他正考虑起诉这家医院。 suit [countable] (rather formal) a claim or complaint against sb that a person or organization can make in court 起诉;控告His former business associate filed a suit against him claiming £5 million damages.他以前的生意伙伴对他提起诉讼,索要500万英镑的损害赔偿金。Their arguments grew worse and worse and ended with a divorce suit.他们吵得越来越凶,最终提出了离婚诉讼。 lawsuit ˈlɔːsuːt, ˈlɔːsjuːt [countable] (rather formal) a suit 诉讼;起诉The opening of the factory was delayed because of a lawsuit brought by an environmental group.因为一个环保团体提起诉讼,工厂推迟开业了。 proceeding prəˈsiːdɪŋ [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) the process of using a court to settle a dispute or to deal with a complaint 诉讼;诉讼程序The company has started legal proceedings against its competitor.那家公司对竞争对手提起了法律诉讼。 prosecution ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃn; NAmE ˌprɑːsɪˈkjuːʃn [uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime; the process of being officially charged with a crime in court (被)起诉,检举;诉讼Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.对轻罪初犯者的起诉很少判处监禁。He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.他威胁要对医生提起民事诉讼。 see also prosecute accuse litigation ˌlɪtɪˈgeɪʃn [uncountable] (rather formal) the process of making or defending a claim in court 诉讼;打官司The company has been in litigation with its auditors for a full year.那家公司和它的审计员已经打官司整整一年。 ˌcourt ˈmartial ˈmɑːʃl; NAmE ˈmɑːrʃl(plural courts martial) [countable, uncountable] a military court that deals with members of the armed forces who break military law; a trial at such a court 军事法庭;军事法庭的审判;军法审判He was convicted at a court martial.他在军事法庭上被判有罪。All the soldiers now face court martial.现在,所有这些士兵都面临军事法庭的审判。
IELTS BNC: 139 COCA: 186

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