1ADJ [verb-link ADJ]着魔的;鬼怪附体的 If someone is described as being possessed by an evil spirit, it is believed that their mind and body are controlled by an evil spirit. 着魔的;鬼怪附体的
She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil. [+ by]
2ADJ [v-link ADJof n]拥有的;占有的;具有的 If someone or something is possessed of a particular quality, ability, or feature, they have that quality, ability, or feature. If someone is possessed of a particular feeling or belief, they have that feeling or belief. 拥有的;占有的;具有的 [formal]
He is possessed of the most brilliant talents.
She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.