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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
Calmness - thesaurus
noun [U] /kɑːm/
a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear 镇静;镇定

He accepted her decision with his usual calm. 他以他惯有的镇定同意了她的决定。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [U] /iːz/
behaviour that is relaxed and natural 舒适;悠闲;自在

He was a compassionate doctor blessed with natural ease. 他是一位富有同情心的、天生从容不迫的医生。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [C/U] /ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm/
a calm mental state in which you are in control of your feelings (内心的)平静,安宁

He tried hard to maintain his equilibrium. 他竭力保持内心的平静。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [U] /kəmˈpəʊʒə(r)/
the feeling of being calm, confident, and relaxed 镇静;沉着

The interruption gave him time to regain his composure. 这次中断使他有时间恢复镇静。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
 Synonyms and related words
Feelings of confidence and pride: confidence, pride, assurance...
noun [U] /səˈrenəti/
a feeling of being calm or peaceful 安详;宁静;平静
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
cool head
[singular] the ability to stay calm and behave in a reasonable way in difficult situations 保持冷静的能力;冷静的头脑

It's important in this job to keep a cool head. 做这种工作重要的是要保持冷静的头脑。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
[C] someone who has this ability 头脑冷静的人

Fortunately, cool heads prevailed, and the attack was called off. 幸好头脑冷静的人占了上风,袭击行动被取消了。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun /piːs/
[U] a state when you are calm and have no worries (内心的)平静,安宁

Buddhism teaches you how to achieve inner peace. 佛教教你怎样获得内心的平静。

peace of mind :

With this type of insurance, you're buying peace of mind. 买这种保险就是为了心安。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [U] formal /ˌekwəˈnɪməti/
a calm mental state when you deal with a difficult situation (情绪的)平静,镇定

He seemed to be facing the future with equanimity. 他似乎很平静地面对未来。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun /kənˈtrəʊl/
[U] the ability to remain calm even when you are feeling upset or angry 自制;克制(力)
lose control :

The defendant had lost control after telling the victim several times to leave him alone. 被告几次叫受害人别来惹他以后,就失去了控制。

keep control :

They sat in silence, struggling to keep control of their emotions. 他们默默地坐着,竭力克制自己的感情。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun /ˈkʌmfə(r)t/
[U] a feeling of being less sad or worried about something than you were previously 安慰;慰藉

My mother was always there to offer comfort. 我母亲总能及时出现给予安慰。

take comfort from something :

I take comfort from the fact that his friends are there to help him. 他的朋友都去帮助他,这使我感到安慰。

a source of comfort (to someone) :

She is a source of great comfort. 她总能给人带来很大的安慰。

be no/some/small etc comfort (to someone) :

I know it's no comfort, but these things take time. 我知道这算不上安慰,但这些事情需要时间。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
More Synonyms
a clear head
the ability to think quickly and calmly in a difficult situation 清醒/冷静的头脑

If you want to get out of here, you've got to keep a clear head. 如果你想从这儿出去,你得保持清醒的头脑。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun /ˈbæləns/
[U] mental or emotional calm (精神或感情上的)平静,镇静,沉着

She quickly recovered her balance after the outburst. 冲动过后她很快恢复了平静。

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
in the cold light of day
used for saying how people feel about emotional matters when they think about them later in a calmer way 清醒过来后;不再冲动时

In the cold light of day I felt that I'd over-reacted.

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [singular/uncountable] /ˈlæŋɡə(r)/
the calm or pleasant feeling that you have when you are tired and relaxed 倦怠;慵困
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
nerves of steel
the ability to control your fear and remain calm even in extremely dangerous or difficult situations 钢铁般的意志;坚强的意志
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
 Synonyms and related words
Bravery and brave behaviour: bravery, courage, daring...
noun [U] /flem/
formal the ability to be calm in a dangerous or frightening situation 临危不惧;冷静;沉着
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [U] formal /ˈkwaɪəˌtɪz(ə)m/
the behaviour or attitude of someone who calmly accepts things that happen 消极接受;清静无为
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
noun [U] mainly literary /rɪˈpəʊz/
a calm or relaxed state 安详;休息
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...


/dəʊˈsɪləti/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...


/plæˈsɪdɪti/ noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
 Synonyms and related words
Peaceful and peacefulness: peaceful, tranquil, serene...


noun [U]
 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...


/træŋˈkwɪləti/ noun [U]

a scene of peace and tranquillity 和平安宁的景象

 Synonyms and related words
Calmness: calm, ease, equilibrium...
 Synonyms and related words
Peaceful and peacefulness: peaceful, tranquil, serene...

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